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Posts posted by FTF

  1. Talk about a massive comeback for DH2. It was 3-8, and now it's 10-8. And that's including guys like Sphongle who hasn't seen DH2 (obvious as hell with his anti-HP raid) and Jessie (Pointman alert).

    Wait, Jessie is Pointman??? Son of a bitch, that explains alot! lol thanks
  2. FTF, come on, for God's sake. He doesn't have to say "I think." Do you say "I think There Will Be Blood is one of the greatest films of all time!"? No, you don't need to say "I think," because we all know you're expressing your opinion.

    Maybe I'm a stickler for words, but I think there is a very big difference in starting a sentence with "I think".
  3. ^ dude, all you had to say was "I think ROTS is terrible, and I think it's one of the worst movies I've seen". That's fine (though still hard to understand unless you haven't seem many bad movies), but you said "it's one of the worst movies of all-time" like it's some sort of factual statement and not opinion.Also, I do find your opinion hard to take seriously as ROTS is (no pun intended) light years away from the worst movie ever.

  4. Completely agree. Phantom Menace is the best prequel.Revenge of the Sith shouldn't be up against Deathly Hallows 2, it's not even better than At World's End, Dark of the Moon, Rush Hour 3, Tomb of the Dragon Emperor etc It is one of the worst movies of all time and I say this having seen it BEFORE the original trilogy.

    Saying TPM is better is bad enough, but to say ROTS is one of the worst movies of all-time shows you have no idea what you're talking about and your opinion about movies will be hard to take seriously.
  5. Nikki is a moron as usual. Arrietty a flop??! More like a huge breakout for Ghibli. if the estimate holds it will blow away the openings of all Ghibli films to date, even without Miyazaki on board. Heck, it will beat the openings of all Ghibli film US releases combined.

    Ghibli opening weekends:

    Arrietty $7 million (estimate)

    Ponyo $3 million

    Spirited Away $0.4 million

    Howl's Moving Castle $0.4 million

    Princess Mononoke $0.1 million

    Tales from Earthsea $0.02 million

    Yeah, I agree, I have no idea what the hell she is talking about.
  6. Not surprised by GR2 as the first one is just terrible and there was no demand for a second (plus it seems that one turned out like shit too which doesn't help). TPM sinks like a stone but expected as well as who the hell wants to pay the 3D surcharge to see arguably the worst SW movie (it's only between that and AOTC, which will do even worse than TPM). The bad gross of those two better not effect the release of ROTS and the OT, which people actually want to see in 3D.

  7. In a most anticipated movie thread, on a movie forum website, there is no way anyone posting in here can not have at least 5 movies they are anticipating/looking forward to for the whole year. If you can't list at least 5 movies I don't think you should be counted as it's obvious you are only posting to sway the voting/standings, not actually list your most anticipated movies.

    • Like 3
  8. Oh wow, finally saw this and holy shit did it kick my ass! And I mean that in a good way! After hearing great things about it from some friends, and terrible things from others, I had no idea what to expect. But man, did I love it. I loved the music, the gritty realistic violence, the subtle interactions between the driver and Irene and her son, the action, how the driver was a little words/all action guy, just simply loved it all. Easily in my top 5 for the year and could go higher if I watch it again and it doesn't lose anything upon repeat viewings.

  9. Lol, I totally knew you would loathe this movie Baumer. I mean such an understated movie must feel like water torture to a guy who thinks a film requires at least a dozen explosions to ever be worthy of an A. :P

    I will say I think this movie is already dipping a tad into the overrated pool, but far far worse films have won BP in the past decade than this. The Hurt Locker, No Country For Old Men, Crash, and Chicago for example.

    Woah, woah, woah, no way NCFOM can be mentioned in the same breath as those other 3 totally undeserving bp winners. No Country is a fantasic movie and while I feel TWBB should have won that year, No Country is definitely worthy of a bp win.

    I also agree The Artist isn't up to par with some of the upper crust of bp winners/noms of the past, but in a somewhat mediocre year, it's just as deserving as any other movie in 2011 (though I'll personally be rooting for a Hugo upset).

  10. So is the expectation then that since this is Valentines Day that other films who might normally see a 1-5% bump for Discount Tuesdays can forget about it BECAUSE any Romeo worth is salt will cave and go to Vow or at least This Means War?

    So Safe House, Woman in Black, SW:TPM 3-D, Journey 2, The Grey etc, basically anything but Vow or TMW will decrease most likely?

    Seems like what I'm reading.

    Not really- it's still discount Tuesday and not every couple going to the movies today will see just TV or TMW...plus there will be plenty of people going to the movies today that aren't on dates/are single, etc. So other movies will still increase today.
    • Like 1
  11. The Phantom Menace C-

    Attack of the Clones D+

    Revenge of the Sith B

    A New Hope B+

    Empire Strikes Back A-

    Return of the Jedi B-

    The Lion King A-


    No, no, no...this will only cause the discussion to go on and on...
  12. I have considered a minimum requirement (like say, 5), but I'm also not sure it's right to discriminate between film buffs and fans of a single film. I mean, so what if there are a lot of Hunger Games fanboys? They are still people and they are still going to fork over the $10 or whatever to see that single film. Noctis is a prominent enough member of the forum that I believe he's sincere when he says The Hunger Games is the movie he's most excited about by far.

    Yeah, but to be the only movie he's anticipating? Give me a break
  13. There will be riots cause TPM passing $1 billion (it`ll happen) will push TDK off Top 10 WW.

    Na, everyone knew TDK wasn't lasting very long in the top 10 WW. TH (and hopefully TDKR) will knock TPM back out of the top 10 anyway.
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