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Posts posted by XenoZodiac

  1. So, the first time I saw the movie, I was like...whoa! this runway must be really long. The scene was about 15 min starting from the moment the tires of the plane hit the tarmac. Since airplanes (especially heavy ones) may need more than 200 km/h to take-off (I am not totally sure, though), we can safely say that the average speed of the plane was more than 120 Km/h (the plane never stopped). Since the plane stopped right at the end of the runway, I calculated that the runway is minimum 30 km long. Now, the plane touched down at some point in between the runway, meaning it must be longer.

    One of my friends suggested that the action scenes might be occurring simultaneously so actually it might have taken less than 15 min. Considering that the longest airport runway is less than 5 km long and the longest runway in Spain is less than that, we can safely assume there must be at least 6 different action sequences taking place simultaneously.

    What do you think?

  2. Lol, you act like there's a particularly long time between seasons. Season 4 started a month after Season 3. Season 3 started TWO weeks after the end of Season 2.


    So it won't be too long. I am moving on to college this week, so I have to settle down and get adjusted before I find out how much time I will have to come back here. 


    But I do promise, as always, an exciting season. I want fresh blood. I love having all these familiar faces, but at the same time, I really want like the majority of the cast to be new players next season. If I could get 30 players for next season, that would be amazing. So if you guys can do me a favor and try recruiting on your end, branching out to people you think may be interested (or telling me who you think would be interested), I will petition (with your help) for new players.

    We won't hear these...make it quick :P


      [*]Battlefield Earth

      [*]Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

      [*]After Earth

      [*]Grown Ups 2

      [*]Live Free of Die Hard





    You're lucky I like 2 of those otherwise I'd pop a vein :P lol you should put a real one though!

    People should watch Live Free or Die Hard to understand that sequels to good movies can be crap, even if it stars Willis.


    People should watch Grown Ups 2 to understand that even a crap movie can make shitload of money.


    People should watch After Earth to understand that even Will Power can't stop Mr. Shymalan from making a movie worse than Green Lantern.


    People should watch Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance to understand that crap movies do bad at box office, so there's still hope for mankind.


    People should watch Battlefield Earth to understand that its harder to create such a bad movie than to create masterpieces, so those deserve some love and respect.

    • Like 1


    I thought I was playing the humble card quite well most this season. :)



    TBH I got lucky in this game that my 3-4 weeks period of being too busy to put the needed effort into this and thus score some bad scores coincided with Creators busy period where there weren't many challenges and eliminations.


    Also it has to be said that Spaghetti and Alfred saved my arse more than a couple of times with the weekend questions.

    That should be your signature for 3 weeks. :P

  5. Tell me why I keep coming here looking for scores -__-

    Is this a test?

    I guess its cause you are expecting someone to score so low that you can lick your fingers and say,"This is what happens when I am not in the final." or better yet, you expect the Creator to be repentant enough to put you back in the game. None of its gonna happen so you can just go back to being the loser you are.

  6. That sucks acsc. You suck. You are like the South African cricket team. Always no. 1 in rankings, never the champions. Meh, you should be named what they were named, The Chokers. Meh, meh. :P


    Well played, you at least made top 5 in all seasons (I think)


  7. I prefer Spirited Away and Princess Mononoke (both of which I ranked) and Porco Rosso (which I didn't.)

    To each his own. I love Spirited Away. Didn't dig Princess Mononoke much though. I will watch again another time. But I can relate incredibly well to Satsuke of My Neighbor Totoro, especially since my mother was also hospitalized for a long time when I was about Satsuke's age.

  8. #40

    40. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    LYR: 69

    Sergio Leone


    58 points


    "You see, in this world there's two kinds of people, my friend: Those with loaded guns and those who dig. You dig."


    Synopsis: A bounty hunting scam joins two men in an uneasy alliance against a third in a race to find a fortune in gold buried in a remote cemetery.


    Trivia: Orson Welles warned Sergio Leone not to make this movie on the grounds that Civil War pictures were box office poison.

    What the hell? Do people watch movies or not? This piece here deserves a top 10 spot.  :angry:

  9. An easy solution would have been to rank them in order, so on your list Godfather would be GF1 #14, GF2 #15, GF3 #16, FOTR #59, TTT #60, and TROTK #61 etc...  And with the groupings this year you could have made sure they received the same amount of points.  Something to think about for next year.


    Bring on the list - all I care about is that Pulp Fiction does not stay at #1 again this year ;)

    I second that.

    • Like 3
  10. Final Five: Part 1

    "4.15" The Equation is Complete"


    This question proves dire for all. Predict "The Way, Way Back's" opening weekend gross. Well, silly players...only a few of you saw what could be seen. "The Way, Way Back" debuted two weeks ago. THAT was its opening weekend gross...of $550,000! And almost everyone predicted this weekend's gross instead. It was a give me! You all should have scored 100% here.




    Wow! I can't believe you asked such a question.

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