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Posts posted by Sam

  1. 15 minutes ago, TheDude391 said:

    David Ehrlich didn't like it but he did confirm that we finally get a horny marvel movie for the first time in forever. I hate how robotic and cold a lot of modern comic book films tend to be in regard to relationships so this should be a nice change of pace

    For years all we ever gotten from Marvel are the obligatory shirtless abs, and some cleavage shots. But nothing past that. 

    Of course it takes a poc woman director to finally make a horny marvel movie. We rejoice. 

    (well, there was kinda naked Stellan Skarsgard running around in Thor but we don’t talk about that)  

    • Haha 2
  2. So it’s usual business in a MCU movie thread after reviews dropped. 

    I’d say it’s entertaining but after the other 25 times, it has become too routine and some users antics already getting old. 

    I’m all for some funny chaotic trolling and antagonization to spice things up but can y’all get a little more creative at least. 

    Anyway, the whole cast look so hot at the premiere. I’m ready and excited to see hot people doing hot stuff. 

    • Like 5
  3. 2 hours ago, bladels said:



    Disney claimed Raya is the first South East Asians Princess. WTF is that even mean? I'm Vietnamese and in no universe we act like Raya. The only thing remotely Vietnamese about Raya is when Raya and Namaari calling each other “dep la”. That's vietnamese word but it sounds so strange in the movie, nobody in Vietnam use the word like that.

    I'm glad the movie boombed in SE Asia.

    And people in this thread can forget about the idea that casting one or two famous Chinese actor can increase movie's box office in Asia. That just seems a little insulting. 


    The word “dep la” is also low key insulting even if it’s the characters calling themselves that. Like I guess they think it might be a term of endearment or inside jokes between friends. But in certain circumstances it’s equivalent to me looking at someone appearance and calling them “beautiful but in like an exotic way” and that’s not it. 

    I’m Asian American and I couldn’t even connect with whatever it was they try to do in Raya so I was not at all surprised about its reception from SE Asians. It really was such a wasted opportunity and disappointment. 

    • Like 1
  4. 22 minutes ago, Cap said:


    TBH, and maybe this is just a Western Trope, but none of this is shocking.  Particularly for Lady Fandom.  The cliche of "everyone women wants a Bad Boy" plays out again and again in media.  It's not even shocking for the Marvel Fandom.  Look at how Fandom is OBSESSED with Bucky and Loki, "tragic figures", "misunderstood villains", etc, yet barely acknowledge Steve and Thor, who are just "boring" and dumb brutes (or warm bodies for their Tragic Faves to fuck).  


    There's an old fandom term called "The Woobie": A "woobie" is a name for any type of characters who make you feel extremely sorry for them. Basically, the first thing you think to say when you see the woobie is: "Aw, poor baby!" Woobification of a character is a curious, audience-driven phenomenon, sometimes divorced from the character's canonical morality. And while it's technically a YMMV trope, it's hardly tough to spot the guy the writers intend them to be, considering all the bad stuff that tends to happen to them.


    "Lovesick Widower Villain" is literally Lady Fandom Catnip.  


    Also, never, ever, underestimate the power of a DILF.

    This is a sexy post. Your hand in marriage please. 

    Tony Leung is not a nobody in the world of Asian cinema. He’s a known famous actor so the investment and interest already there before people even watch the movie. Of course, he is also handsome and incredibly charismatic. But another big factor, the biggest factor really, is the romantic aspect of his character. Asians love them romance, sprinkle in some angst and tragedy and we would be all over it regardless of age (the countless hours and tissue boxes my female family members spent on K-drama yearly would attest to that). It’s not at all a surprise. And definitely not a Western trope only either. 

    • Like 5
  5. Fala Chen is mesmerizingly beautiful. I too would have given up villainy for her in a heartbeat and went crazy and delusional if I lost her too. 

    The trope of crazy love being the motivation for villainy is not uncommon in Asian movies, but I’d say it’s definitely not typical in superhero movies, especially for MCU. So that’s another refreshing difference that made Shang-Chi stood out to me as well. 

  6. 19 minutes ago, Cap said:


    Please stay.  @MrPink, people get her to stay.  And where is @Chewy?

    I have missed a lot of big changes around here so this must have been super late but congrats on becoming Admin! So fitting and deserved! 

    Also I was getting a bit worried that other staff been letting Tele getting away with too much nonsense around here, so it’s good we at least have you on our side to reel him in. 

    • Haha 1
  7. 4 hours ago, Cap said:

    MODERATION @ Everyone

    Sebastian Stan No GIF by Disney+


    There will be zero Anthony Mackie Slander under my watch. Move. On. 

    Mackie slander aside, I logged on and see someone defended Sebastian Stan (lack of) charisma and almost logged off. 

    Debate and opinions is one thing but flat out lying is a whole other thing. 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 4
  8. Loved everything about it and more. Tony Leung is the man. My boy Trevor stole every moment he’s on screen. 

    Simu did well for me, he has the heart and the presence, good comedic timing too. Looking forward to him further growing into the character in the future. 

    As an Asian woman, I definitely connected with Xialing story in this. I think they did very well with her arc, she wasn’t treated as second fiddle character to Shangchi as opposed to how her dad did (villain or not typical Asian dad will always be typical huh?) 


    I’m also in the minority here I guess cause I enjoyed the 3rd act. It was both grand and intimate enough for me in scale and was properly built up with good payoff. 

    Action overall was great. Wenwu/YingLi duo fight was beautiful and the bus fight was one of the best actions in Marvel for me. 


    Overall a great origin and introduction for Shang-Chi. Can’t wait for the sequel. 

    • Like 2
  9. Been a fan of Bong for a long time. A #Bonghive as our forum calls it. So happy that he basically swept all the big awards last night.


    Personally, I think he had done better works than Parasite, but of the nominees this year, Parasite is still easily the best out of them so well deserved.


    Hopefully, this monumental win put him on the map for more people to check out his works. Looking forward to future projects from Bong. 

    Such a great speech when he won Best Director, so down to earth and likable. Really love his shoutout to Quentin for having been rec-ing his movies for years. 

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