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Make Up SOTM - (weekend) dropping the ball...

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This SOTM is open to anyone who has missed any of the previous 10 SOTM's to date. (It's harder for me to know exactly who qualifies for this so please state which SOTM you missed when answering here so I can double check).


The deadline is the standard Weekly question deadline.



Choose up to 3 films from this week's top 15.


Predict their weekend drop (or increase) for next weekend's charts. (e.g. Big Hero 6 - 65% drop)



If you are correct in either direction within 2.5% you can score 5000 points


If you are correct in either direction between 2.501 and 4% you can score 2000 points


If you are correct in either direction between 4.01 and 6% you can lose 3000 points


If you are correct in either direction more than 6.01% you can lose 6000 points



If 2 films are predicted correctly to within 2.5% you get 5000 bonus points


If 3 films are predicted correctly to within 2.5% you get 10000 bonus points 


If 2 films are more than 6.01% off you lose 6000 more points


If 3 films are more than 6.01% off you lose 12000 more points



Abstain is 1000 points



One further note... If you have answered every SOTM (getting abstain points counts as answering) but feel you'd prefer to answer this question instead of SOTM 11, you may choose to 'miss SOTM 11 and answer this Make Up SOTM instead,  


If you do this please state SOTM 11 as the question you missed. If you have missed a question from 1-10 then you are free to answer both of today's new SOTM questions :)




Hope that all makes sense.

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