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Hiccup's Critical Review Y-2

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4 hours ago, Xillix said:

May I ask what particularly you hated about Cello and Skeleton Crew?

I am a huge horror fan so I tend to judge horror harder than most. See both these films I just didn’t find scary or unnerving (there is a difference between the two). I found both of them rather dull and boring. Now, I often hate how people say, ‘But that was a shitty horror movie because it wasn’t scary!” That statement is a huge pet peeve because horror is such a broad genre. 


See films like Happy Death Day, The Babysitter, Krampus, and Scream or Year 2 CAYOM examples The Academy and Deathsgiving. These are horror comedies. These films aren’t meant to be scary but rather entertain with horror elements. I judge these films off entertainment value, humor, and thrills….not scariness. Cello and Skeleton Crew both aren't horror comedies (at least not intentional) so I can't judge them off my horror comedy standards/expectations. 


You got your atmosphere/unnerving films, Get Out is the biggest example of this one that comes to mind. These films are really meant to be scary, but bring about a unnerving atmosphere to keep the audience is suspense and mental anxiety. 


You got your gruesome horror films. Saw is the best known. Not meant to be scary or unnerving but rather just gross. These are shit films imo. 


Then finally you got your scary horror films. Halloween (original), Paranormal Activity (the first one), Exorcist, Blair Witch Project, and It. These films are meant to scary the audience. Both Cello and Skeleton Crew (at least from my perspective reading them) were trying to do this and failed. 


*I know, sometimes films like It Follows and Halloween (original) also are scary but atmosphere films. Again the genre is broad and rather hard to define*


So both films failed at being scary, doesn’t mean they are crap but definitely hits their review grade hard. Let’s say drops it from a perfect 5 star rating to a 2 star rating. Okay, so atmosphere now. Well to me both films also failed this aspect. Neither builds tension or makes me desperate to find out what happens. Maybe its because I am a seasoned horror movie goer. Also the plot of Cello was just stupid and weird (not in a good way.) Skeleton Crew did the best with atmosphere but still failed imo. Well that and the marginal acting knocks them to the bottom of the pile of Year 2 films so far. Like I said before, Skeleton Crew is slightly better than Cello but both just didn’t deliver. Also I have read your other horror films for this year and I know you can write solid horror films and these just seemed like a half asleep effort. Cello is also that obnoxious (Let’s release as PG-13 to we can cash as much box office revenue as possible but than release the R or Unrated cuts on streaming/DVD so we can then cash in on that revenue!” From a business perspective its a solid plan, but from a creative perspective its dumb as hell. If your giving me scary horror or a horror film to unnerve me PLEASE go the fuck out on it. No guts, no glory! 

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5 minutes ago, Xillix said:

Fair 'nuff! 


So uh... if you read my other horrors, was Amityville the only one you liked? >.>


That is gonna be a surprise! 


Even if it is the only one I liked....I didn't like it....I loved it and thats an accomplishment hard to achieve especially with a very over done subject like Amityville. 

Edited by Hiccup23
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9 minutes ago, Rorschach said:

:D Thanks for the enthusiastic rating. What were the best parts of the film for you? Any parts that needed slight improving?


Well I went in with a love for the Odyssey since it is one of my favorite books. I am a huge sucker for Ancient World epics so you definitely could say this film had an advantage. I liked the film's world building and visual effects. The acting/casting was well. I don't think this will be an Oscar acting film but definitely should get a solid amount of nominations for the cinematography, costume design, and visuals. 


Best Part: The sack and massacre of Troy. It was a huge visual payoff. 


Worst Part: The bold writing ;) The film drags in parts and is kind of long however it is mostly forgivable because of the scale of the story. 

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17 minutes ago, The Shape of Pasta said:

What was up with The Simulation?

This film is very much a mixed bag and unfortunately leans to the negative end. It just felt messy and the story was fairly dull despite an interesting concept. Maybe it was just me, since it seems every reviewer so fair has seemed to be entertained by the film.  The acting was good though even if the characters were not particularly fleshed out enough. Honestly, I can see why others liked it but it just fell short for me especially since I had high expectations for the film. 

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1 hour ago, Hiccup23 said:

This film is very much a mixed bag and unfortunately leans to the negative end. It just felt messy and the story was fairly dull despite an interesting concept. Maybe it was just me, since it seems every reviewer so fair has seemed to be entertained by the film.  The acting was good though even if the characters were not particularly fleshed out enough. Honestly, I can see why others liked it but it just fell short for me especially since I had high expectations for the film. 

Fair enough - I admit it’s much more driven by the world it’s in rather than by the characters. The main character I really wanted to develop was Dan Stevens - the others felt thin simply because now that the people that had always been were nothing but an illusion. 

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Ultraman— Just your standard Michael Bay summer flick. It is a harmless superhero story, without much to any depth 🍷🍷1/2


To The Moon- Beautiful, emotional, and stunning, Too The Moon is a well directed, voice acted, and scripted film that will take its audience to new levels. 🍷🍷🍷🍷🍷
The Film- Dull and lifeless, The Film wastes a solid cast. It trades true scares for a PG-13 rating, which waters it down. 🍷

Taking Names- A fun and entertaining ride that is doesn’t take itself too seriously. Taking Names is most propped up by a strong comedic cast. 🍷🍷🍷


Paddles: The Video Game Story- Not the most thrilling or entertaining documentary, however it will no doubt please video game enthusiasts.  🍷🍷🍷

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55 minutes ago, Xillix said:

So are you of the opinion that a movie needs to be rated R to be scary?


No no...I am not a huge fan of PG-13 horror though. I just didn't enjoy it. But don't worry, your future films down the line I enjoyed very much ;) 

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War of the Gods- If you can’t tell, I love risks. War of the Gods is a big budget spectacle set in Ancient Egypt that cost $255 million to make. Now that is a financial risk…a big one. And does it pay off? Pardon my French but….HELL FUCKING YES! War of the Gods finally delivers a stunning, properly casted, and epic film that mounts itself as one of the best summer films of the year.  The acting in the film is strong and all actors/actresses really give the film their all. I love (actually I am obsessed with) Ancient Egypt (I build a 10 feet tall pyramid out of bricks in my backyard when I was 10) and this film gives me everything I could ever want. Well done @Xillix …you delivered. 🍷 🍷 🍷 🍷 🍷


Pokémon: The Journey Begins- I am not a Pokémon person. My only connection with the material is Pokémon GO. That being sad, this film isn’t bad but neither is good. It will please fans of the material, but will not draw in any outsiders. The film is well made though even if the story isn’t the most interesting. If you aren’t familiar with Pokémon then skip this and see War of Gods a second time.🍷 🍷1/2


Anthem- The traditional 2D animation is a breath of fresh air however the story is bland and forgettable. If you are looking for a “different” film then check this out. 🍷 🍷


The Maid- A tense and strong horror film for the month of August. The real star here is Camila Mendes who delivers a strong performance. Most actresses when casted in horror films look/act half asleep….Camila Mendes doesn’t. She embraces the role. 🍷 🍷 🍷


After Party- After Party is a mixed bag. The first part and middle are strong. You feel claustrophobic and the tension begins to build. The film does an excellent job being realistic in the first two-thirds but then…..the third act arrives. Third acts are hard (I suck at third acts) and After Party’s bottom falls out. It veers into WTF territory and the ending doesn’t deliver. Although, when Emily was bashing Paul with the rock it was incredibly satisfying to watch. After Party tries to be risky, but also safe at the same time. After Party tries to address an important problem facing college women, but in the end it comes across preachy and exploitative in the end. The film will stick with you weeks after watching it and will make you talk about sex assault with your friends, which is good. But at the end of the day, this is the very definition of a mix bag. 🍷 🍷1/2


Race Rage- Blah! Don’t waste your money on this. 🥛

Edited by Hiccup23
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