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Ezen Baklattan

CAYOM IV Actuals: The Last Hollow Darkness Beyond the Gauntlet of Homecoming

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November 6-8: 'Wings' Works It at #1

Passing over expectations a bit, 'A Wish for Wings that Work' managed a solid opening over $25m, promising a new holiday flick for the family. The film earned an A Cinemascore and could hold well into the season. A $100m total is possible. 'The Square Mile' also blew past the rest of its competition to get back to second place, while 'The Amityville Horror: Part II' is pretty much in free fall with the Halloween season over. With buzz from the original, it'll be something to see if 'Silent Hill' can avoid that fate. 'Guys and Dolls' also had a splended weekend with a $30k PTA for its 70mm engagement. Crowds seem to love it, and the Cinemascore will be polled next week.

  1. A Wish for Wings that Work - $25,472,735 (NEW)
  2. The Square Mile - $12,082,530 (3rd week) (-29.8%)
  3. Samurai Pizza Cats 2 - $10,810,976 (2nd week) (-44.9%)
  4. The Amityville Horror: Part II - $9,744,061 (3rd week) (-55.6%)
  5. Starlit Highway - $8,771,049 (2nd week) (-32.6%)
  6. Extreme Dinosaurs II - $3,988,061 (5th week) (-32.2%)
  7. Guys and Dolls - $3,055,723 (NEW)
  8. Baked Sale - $3,021,890 (4th week) (-35.0%)
  9. 3:37 AM - $2,717,150 (2nd week) (-65.7%)
  10. Lucid - $2,401,851 (7th week) (-28.7%)

November 13-15: No 'Crysis' for TriCrescent; 'Guys and Dolls' Sweet at Second

With a 5-day that made everyone laugh, the sci-fi thriller from TriCrescent media, 'Crysis', pulled off a strong opening weekend but may lack the energy to keep it going. The film only scored a B Cinemascore, so it may be pushed out by other Holiday offerings later in the season. 'Guys and Dolls' danced its way to a $24m weekend and an A Cinemascore, positioning it as a fun option for both adults and some families as well. The film isn't setting the world on fire for critics, but it may just do the trick over the holiday season.

  1. Crysis - $45,572,864/$69,420,666 (NEW)
  2. Guys and Dolls - $24,078,611 (2nd week) (+688.0%)
  3. A Wish for Wings that Work - $15,776,324 (2nd week) (-38.1%)
  4. The Square Mile - $8,879,940 (4th week) (-26.5%)
  5. Samurai Pizza Cats 2 - $7,170,293 (3rd week) (-33.7%)
  6. Starlit Highway - $6,191,823 (3rd week) (-29.4%)
  7. The Amityville Horror: Part II - $4,957,950 (4th week) (-49.2%)
  8. Extreme Dinosaurs II - $2,730,448 (6th week) (-34.0%)
  9. Baked Sale - $1,896,240 (5th week) (-37.3%)
  10. Lucid - $1,572,441 (8th week) (-34.5%)

November 20-22: 'Food Wars', 'Santa' Slay at Box Office

As a bit of a breakout, drawing from families, fans of Kevin Hart and John Cena, and audiences seeking a new comedy, Food Wars managed an opening of $35m. The film reportedly pulled decently from all four quadrants, and it should play well as an option anyone can enjoy over the holidays. The film earned an A- Cinemascore. 'Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass' did pique curiosity with a $26m opening and earned a B Cinemascore. It'll probably die after the holidays, but it may attract audiences 18-29 looking for their own holiday thrills.

  1. Food Wars - $35,278,996 (NEW)
  2. Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass - $26,024,438 (NEW)
  3. Crysis - $19,478,022 (2nd week) (-57.3%)
  4. Guys and Dolls - $15,029,886 (3rd week) (-37.6%)
  5. A Wish for Wings that Work - $10,110,326 (3rd week) (-35.9%)
  6. The Square Mile - $6,205,242 (5th week) (-30.1%)
  7. Samurai Pizza Cats 2 - $5,056,388 (4th week) (-29.5%)
  8. Starlit Highway - $4,113,625 (4th week) (-33.6%)
  9. The Amityville Horror: Part II - $2,793,375 (5th week) (-43.6%)
  10. Extreme Dinosaurs II - $1,675,426 (7th week) (-38.6%)

November 27-29 'Silent Hill' Makes Noise at #1; 'Sir Thymes Rhyme' Another Hit Single

Opening on a holiday weekend proved a major asset for 'Silent Hill', scoring $80m for the 5-day weekend. WOM isn't as good as with the first, given its B+ Cinemascore, but it still probably drew out fans of the original, which only grew with the film's Oscar plays and its strong performance on home video. 'Sir Thymes Rhyme' also opened along the lines of Tangled with a $48.6m 3-day weekend and an A Cinemascore. As the biggest option from the rest of year for families, we expected it to hold on quite nicely. 'Food Wars' managed a mighty hold into the weekend, while 'Guys and Dolls' and 'Starlit Highway' both held under 10%. 'Santa Claus' took a bit of a hit by 'Silent Hill', but legs should sort this out fairly easily.

  1. Silent Hill: Restless Dreams - $54,715,829/$82,600,255 (NEW)
  2. Sir Thymes Rhyme - $48,673,865/$66,189,723 (NEW)
  3. Food Wars - $27,602,401 (2nd week) (-21.8%)
  4. Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass - $16,504,359 (2nd week) (-36.6%)
  5. Guys and Dolls - $14,067,539 (4th week) (-6.4%)
  6. Crysis - $12,248,769 (3rd week) (-37.1%)
  7. A Wish for Wings that Work - $8,745,520 (4th week) (-13.5%)
  8. The Square Mile - $5,568,096 (6th week) (-10.3%)
  9. Starlit Highway - $3,740,155 (5th week) (-9.1%)
  10. Samurai Pizza Cats 2 - $3,722,093 (5th week) (-26.4%)
  11. A Black Man, A White Man - $185,663/$230,859 (NEW)
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Also very good opening for both Silent Hill 2 and Thymes Time. The former should end around $180M-$200M, and the latter will probably benefit from less family films in the holidays and do around $225M-$250M. Crysis also did solid and perhaps with some luck Guys and Dolls can leg it out to $100M. Wish For Wings should end around $105M and Food Wars might do about the same as Daddy’s Home ($150M).


Not a strong November as last year but wayyyy better than Y2.

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Endless Entertainment/Infinite Studios Y4 Forecast (so far)


Can You Imagine?: $350M

Blue and Gold: $255M 

Treasure Planet: Gauntlet of Midas: $180M 

Food Wars: $150M

The Second Crash Bandicoot: $140M

High School Musical 4: Reunion: $135M

God Of War: Retribution: $130M

A Fool’s Errand: $80M

Cabana Boys: $75M


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Y4 top 10 grosses (will continually update this post):


Jan 3-5: $136,320,756

Jan 10-12: $103,178,185

Jan 17-19: $101,259,936

Jan 24-26: $71,774,251

Jan 31-Feb 2: $56,639,059


Feb 7-9: $130,855,829

Feb 14-16: $194,558,984

Feb 21-23: $101,446,100

Feb 28-Mar 1: $97,603,357


Mar 6-8: $107,177,772

Mar 13-15: $136,599,349

Mar 20-22: $96,395,748

Mar 27-29: $151,453,610


Apr 3-5: $110,363,207

Apr 10-12: $160,875,459

Apr 17-19: $117,162,638

Apr 24-26: $95,298,873


May 1-3: $114,221,054

May 8-10: $119,627,112

May 15-17: $84,076,990

May 22-24: $142,597,974

May 29-31: $87,092,760


June 7-9: $92,288,813

June 14-16: $257,900,730

June 21-23: $135,624,726

June 28-30: $150,457,037


July 3-5: $163,654,503

July 10-12: $120,658,047

July 17-19: $149,920,150

July 24-26: $145,680,658

July 31-August 2: $102,588,517


August 7-9: $79,854,365

August 14-16: $96,494,256

August 21-23: $79,275,777

August 28-30: $85,607,382


September 4-6: $90,655,866

September 11-13: $52,374,725

September 18-20: $86,157,793

September 25-27: $128,326,126


October 2-4: $99,564,162

October 9-11: $97,074,184

October 16-18: $69,619,301

October 23-25: $131,062,715

October 30-November 1: $100,958,608


November 6-8: $82,066,116

November 13-15: $118,826,934

November 20-22: $125,765,724

November 27-29: $195,588,626


December 4-6: $106,340,793

December 11-13: $76,265,536

December 18-20: $152,943,110

December 25-27: $209,386,364

Edited by cookie
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December 4-6: Time for 'Sir Thymes Rhyme' to Shine

Taking advantage of its frontloaded rival, 'Sir Thymes Rhyme' rushed to first place on the post-Thanksgiving weekend, managing a drop under 55% to boot. It should play fairly well into the holiday season without any other "just for kids" options. 'Home Invasion' opened along expectations, but with the C+ Cinemascore, it may not last too long, especially with a little film coming later this month. 'Food Wars' continues its healthy run, while 'A Black Man, A White Man' struggles in its expansion.

  1. Sir Thymes Rhyme - $22,035,879 (2nd week) (-54.7%)
  2. Silent Hill: Restless Dreams - $20,515,430 (2nd week) (-62.5%)
  3. Home Invasion - $17,680,973 (NEW)
  4. Food Wars - $14,694,320 (3rd week) (-46.7%)
  5. Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass - $8,540,075 (3rd week) (-48.3%)
  6. Guys and Dolls - $7,111,683 (5th week) (-49.4%)
  7. Crysis - $5,830,112 (4th week) (-52.4%)
  8. A Wish for Wings that Work - $4,729,950 (5th week) (-45.9%)
  9. The Square Mile - $3,136,057 (7th week) (-43.7%)
  10. Starlit Highway - $2,066,314 (6th week) (-44.8%)
  11. A Black Man, A White Man - $235,011 (2nd week) (+26.6%)

December 11-13: 'Dogs' Bark Softly, 'Thymes' Performs Second Encore at #1

'Sir Thymes Rhyme' easily repeated at the box office, thanks to the underwhelming performance of 'The Dogs of Babel'. With mixed reviews and a B- Cinemascore, the film didn't play completely well with its unorthodox premise that turned off some audiences. Perhaps the lack of smaller scale adult dramas could help it over the holiday season. 'Food Wars' continues to creep up, while 'Silent Hill 2''s crossing of $200m becomes more and more on an uncertainty. 

  1. Sir Thymes Rhyme - $14,914,086 (3rd week) (-32.3%)
  2. The Dogs of Babel - $13,897,240 (NEW)
  3. Silent Hill: Restless Dreams - $10,674,538 (3rd week) (-48.0%)
  4. Food Wars - $9,376,950 (4th week) (-36.2%)
  5. Home Invasion - $8,086,770 (2nd week) (-54.3%)
  6. Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass - $5,367,965 (4th week) (-37.1%)
  7. Guys and Dolls - $4,679,883 (6th week) (-34.2%)
  8. A Wish for Wings that Work - $3,551,324 (6th week) (-24.9%)
  9. Crysis - $3,458,150 (5th week) (-40.7%)
  10. The Square Mile - $2,258,630 (8th week) (-28.0%)
  11. A Black Man, A White Man - $142,670 (3rd week) (-39.3%)

December 18-20: 'Spark' Lights Up The Holiday

The most wonderful time of the year indeed. The $112.7m 3-day opening may not seem like much for the wildly anticipated 'Spark: Beyond the Sky', but you can blame the film's early numbers ($70m on Wednesday and $33m on Thursday) for rushing demand to the threequel. The film played across all races, genders, and age groups perfectly and scored an A Cineamscore, back to the level of 'Rising' after 'Homeward' got an A-. The film is the biggest of the season so far, and we're super excited to see how it plays out. While it didn't score 'Rise of Lotor' numbers, at least it isn't projected to, the studio is beyond ecstatic with these numbers. As expected, a lot of films took a big hit by it, but 'A Black Man, A White Man' made it to a wide release with 1k screens exactly. Audiences weren't big fans, giving it a C- Cinemascore. We expect it to crash and burn after the holidays, while most theaters are already putting it on their smallest screen.

  1. Spark: Beyond the Sky - $112,713,659/$215,637,201 (NEW)
  2. Sir Thymes Rhyme - $8,737,490 (4th week) (-41.4%)
  3. The Dogs of Babel - $7,339,842 (2nd week) (-47.2%)
  4. Food Wars - $5,401,263 (5th week) (-42.4%)
  5. Silent Hill: Restless Dreams - $5,389,751 (4th week) (-49.5%)
  6. Home Invasion - $3,322,859 (3rd week) (-58.9%)
  7. Santa Claus: Ultimate Badass - $2,992,356 (5th week) (-44.3%)
  8. Guys and Dolls - $2,866,579 (7th week) (-38.7%)
  9. A Wish for Wings that Work - $2,253,774 (7th week) (-36.5%)
  10. A Black Man, A White Man - $1,925,537 (4th week) (+1249.7%)

December 25-27: 'Kingdom' Shines; 'Fortnight' Revolutionary, 'Spark' Survives

While 'Spark: Beyond the Sky' didn't struggle to repeat itself over the weekend (despite being #2 on Wednesday), the openers fared quite well. 'Kingdom of the Sun' managed a $90m 5-day and will play well for audiences wanting a more light hearted piece of fun over the holidays. The film earned an A Cinemascore. 'Fortnight', a Spielberg directed film on the American Revolution, drew in older audiences and even families in its exciting adaptation of history. The film also earned an impressive A+ Cineamscore. While these three films drove much of the traffic over the Holiday weekend, we saw strong holds for 'Sir Thymes Rhyme' and 'Food Wars' either way. A very fun way to end the year!

  1. Spark: Beyond the Sky - $70,943,865 (2nd week) (-37.1%)
  2. Kingdom of the Sun - $62,750,541/$89,454,763 (NEW)
  3. Fortnight - $42,682,915 (NEW)
  4. Sir Thymes Rhyme - $8,400,534 (5th week) (-3.9%)
  5. The Dogs of Babel - $6,566,002 (3rd week) (-10.5%)
  6. Food Wars - $5,495,023 (5th week) (+1.8%)
  7. Silent Hill: Restless Dreams - $4,879,377 (5th week) (-9.7%)
  8. A Black Man, A White Man - $2,600,873 (5th week) (+35.1%)
  9. Home Invasion - $2,552,873 (4th week) (-23.2%)
  10. Guys and Dolls - $2,514,361 (8th week) (-12.3%)

Welp, that's actuals everyone!


Totals next week!

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    1 minute ago, Spagspiria said:



    I can promise you this much.










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    Lotor’s domestic record is safe.



    Your humble nature knows no bounds my good sir.


    Know that I plan to revisit 3park tomorrow.


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    Just now, cookie said:
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    I hope you enjoy it a bit more this time around. If not....at least it’s better than the Venchyllenhaal version?

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    Just now, Spagspiria said:


      Hide contents

    I hope you enjoy it a bit more this time around. If not....at least it’s better than the Venchyllenhaal version?



    There is one thing I kinda want to talk about, mind if I do it through PM?


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