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Posts posted by Juby

  1. Cambodia 7 July 2015   Egypt 8 July 2015   Argentina 9 July 2015   Austria 9 July 2015   Switzerland 9 July 2015 (German speaking region) Switzerland 9 July 2015 (Italian speaking region) Czech Republic 9 July 2015   Germany 9 July 2015   Israel 9 July 2015   Italy 9 July 2015   Netherlands 9 July 2015   Slovakia 9 July 2015   Estonia 10 July 2015   Spain 10 July 2015   Japan 10 July 2015   Lithuania 10 July 2015   Latvia 10 July 2015   Paraguay 10 July 2015   United Arab Emirates 16 July 2015   Lebanon 24 July 2015  


    And maybe China.


    $85,5 mln is a good start, but without China it will not hit $350 mln overseas.

  2. 1. Avengers: Age of Ultron - $540 mln

    2. Star Wars: Episode VII - $500 mln

    3. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 - $420 mln

    4. Minions - $305 mln

    5. Fast & Frious 7 - $280 mln

    6. Bond 24 - $270 mln

    7. Jurassic World - $265 mln

    8. Ant-Man - $225 mln

    9. Fifty Shades of Grey - $220 mln

    10. Ted 2 - $205 mln




    1. Avengers: Age of Ultron - $540 mln

    2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens - $500 mln

    3. The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 - $390 mln

    4. Bond 24 - $310 mln

    5. Minions - $280 mln

    6. Furious 7 - $275 mln

    7. Tomorrowland - $250 mln

    8. Jurassic World - $240 mln

    9. Ant-Man - $235 mln

    10. Fifty Shades of Grey - $220 mln

  3. We'll call a draw when you agree it was possible (not sure but possible) that TDK could cross $400 mln DOM without Ledger's death. ;)


    I'm not assuming that Pirates and Batman had similar WOM but Batman had very good WOM (with stronger competition I think). Begins also had much better reviews and scores on IMDb. And Batman (and Joker) are more iconic characters then Jack Sparrow ever be. Remember summer 2005 was weak compared with summer 2003.

  4. BKB predicted 600m. Again, IMDB results mean nothing, its Nolan after all, he's basically worshiped on that site. I also misread your multiplier, that's my bad. Still I find it very convenient that you pull numbers out of your ass just to prove to me that it would have crossed 400m. You wont find any 200m grossers that had a 100% increase with the sequel, so no, I (like most) don't think it would have hit 400m without the death of Ledger, and you're arguing it would make 404m lol, so not even you seem that confident about it.


    BKB is a world-class Marvel Cinematic Universe fanboy, he doesn't count. Besides, TDK forecasts even after the Ledger's death weren't higher then $350 mln. Meny people underestimated this Batman vs Joker clash and focus on Indy 4 that year.

    The point is - predictions do not mean anything. A lot of people here predicts over $300 mln for HTTYD2!


    Nolan wasn't 'worshiped' on IMDb before 2008. And Ledger wasn't so famous actor to attract attention of millions of people. But he's Joker was.


    There's is no other $200m grosser whose sequel earn over $400 mln, but also there's no any other first comicbookmovie in the franchise as good as Batman Begins which earned so little money! BB was a reboot (!) after horrible B&R, and it was realesed between Star Wars III (huge hit) and War of the Worlds (big hit) in 2005 - one of the worst box offce year ever! In other circumstances Begins could gross much more then $205 mln. And again - it had great legs. People love that movie and wanna see a sequel, especially after final scene with the Joker card. TDK had great (one of the best ever) promotional campaign and was highly anticipated for 3 years. If Terminator 2 could gross $204 mln after first Terminator's $38 mln i don't see why TDK couldn't gross over 100% more then it's predecessor.


    Good example - Pirates of the Carribean OW was $46,6 mln ($70,6 mln five days). Dead Man's Chest OW was $135,6 mln (+92% more then five days opening of the first film). If Pirates could up 92% on opening weekend, why TDK couldn't? Begins OW was $48,7 ($72,9 mln in five days). That number +92% means that TDK even without Ledger's death could earn $140 mln on it's opening weekend! With it's actual x3,37 multiplayer TDK's final gross could be $470 mln! I believe this could happened.


    We will never know how big effect Ledger's death was, but you can't say that TDK definitely wasn't able to cross $400 mln!


    Iron Man 3 was bigger then any Batman movies because "Avengers effect" + 3D. Without shooting during TDKR midnight shows and if the movie was in 3D, then it could easly finished with over $500 mln DOM and $800 mln overseas (Europe and Asia love 3D).

    • Like 1
  5. The highest prediction before his death was around 300m-350m max.


    Oh btw, your multiplier is way too high ;)


    The highest prediction for Avengers was $175 mln OW and $500 mln DOM. Movie finished with $207/623 mln. So what's your point? Predictions from 8 months before TDK release gives us nothing!


    Multiplier isn't too high. Movie was great and had great WOM (rank #1 in TOP250). Heath's death hadn't nothing to do with multiplayer.

  6. Hype was already HUUUUGE in December 2007 (after first theatrical trailer and IMAX prologue), a month before Ledger's death.


    I think at least $120 mln OW was very possible and with the same multiplayer (x3,37, because movie was well-reviewed and had great WOM) final domestic fross would be over $404 mln.

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  7. TDK jumped over 300% on from BB, all because of Ledger.


    Posted Image


    Yeah, and Shrek 2 ($441 mln) jumped 165% on from Shrek ($268 mln) by accident. LOL, even without Ledger's death TDK could hit over $400 mln domestic. BB had great WOM, incredible well DVD/blu-ray sales, and was about 100 in IMDb's TOP250. TDK also had great advertising.

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