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Posts posted by Magic

  1. The only film in 2013 that has a chance to break the OW record is Catching Fire IMO and I don't think it will break the record. Whoever holds the record by the end of the Summer will have it until at least 2014.TASM2 has a chance only if TASM is like the Batman Begins of the franchise and is very well received which is unlikely IMO.Whether it's TA, TDKR or DH2, whoever has the record is going to have it for a while and I bet that record will last until at least 2015.

  2. So 18.7M is official?

    She said before that the studio was yet to give a number. Since the 18.7M number was put in it doesn't say that anymore so that looks to be the case...I don't know why she would remove that otherwise...
  3. The 2500 theaters vs 3800 theaters excuse still rings hollow.Avengers $20 million = $8000 per theater average.Potter $43.5 million = $11,447 per theater average.Avengers has its work cutout for itself.

    IM2's midnights were 7.5M. These Marvel films are not big at midnights like Potter was. It will have better holds over the weekend.
  4. Making far less than half the midnight record does not equal making the opening weekend record.Backloaded? Is this actually a term now?Opening Weekend % Of Total:Iron Man: 31.0%Incredible Hulk: 41.1%Iron Man 2: 41.0%Thor: 36.3%Captain America: 36.8%Healthy holds, but not earth shattering.

    IM2 made well under half DH1's midnights and beat it 128M to 125M.
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