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Posts posted by Magic

  1. Potter couldn't, neither could Twilight. Hell, neither of those even got 300M! Yeah, I know that those are horrible to compare to the badassness of Lord of the Rings, but I just don't see a part I of a two parter getting that high. Sorry.

    Wait till December and you shall see. ;)
  2. BD

    TH, TASM, IA4 and TDKR are all locks to beat TA WW to me.

    And if BD2 does 350M + 500M, then it has a chance to outgross TA too.

    And we still have wild cards like MIB3, SWATH, Prometheus, Skyfall IMO, these all could hit 800M WW.

    Ohhhh. Forgot about Skyfall. Depends on the OS gross because the domestic gross is pretty consistent for the franchise. Still expect TA to win due to the 3D advantage.
  3. 100 M would be amazing if it happens. Sony is one very smart studio. Even if TOTAL RECALL crashes, they would have had already earned enough to compensate for the loss. :lol:

    It also means all of their good work comes undone.
  4. MIB lll could still be huge overseas. TOTAL RECALL could deliver respectable numbers.

    It would do better if they took six months and wrote out a proper script and delivered a better film. Bigger box office, better holds, better dvd/blu-ray sales etc. Total Recall has almost no chance of making it's money back.
  5. 100 M would be amazing if it happens. Sony is one very smart studio. Even if TOTAL RECALL crashes, they would have had already earned enough to compensate for the loss. :lol:

    A budget anywhere near 200M for Total Recall isn't smart. Starting the MI3 shoot without a completed script isn't very smart either.
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