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Everything posted by Magic

  1. Yes. Those two films have been able to co-exist rather well I would say.
  2. It's not being a naysayer when there are legitimate criticisms to be made. I didn't say Avatar was a terrible film (because it's not) or there weren't aspects that weren't done rather well (some were exceptional) or that there wasn't anything to like because that's not true.
  3. Of course I didn't answer. It was too long and it droned on and you basically said the same thing I've heard you say many times before. I didn't feel there was much point to be honest.
  4. If someone is criticising aspects of to say a film does that make them a naysayer?If it critique aspects of TDK or DH2 or ROTK does that also make me a naysayer or am I only a naysayer when I criticize something that Cameron has done I wonder?
  5. All you have done is gush about Cameron at every possible opportunity regarding anything at all for a fair while now. How else am I meant to interpret it?A lame line dragged up from Revenge of the Sith which is actually an ironic absolute in itself isn't a good argument.
  6. Martin Scorsese is still making pretty strong films and he's nearly 70. Bsed on that I wouldn't rule out the possibility of a Cameron directed Battle Angel Film.
  7. I don't know what will end up happening. I'm quite interested to see how a Battle Angel film turns out and hopefully Cameron gives us at least one film before he retires from filmmaking. He doesn't seem to me to be the kind of person who would retire early but he is 57 now. I doubt we will see a Battle Angel film for at least ten years.
  8. Every single person who has ever made a film has has strengths and weaknesses. Every single one. Nobody is immune. Some have more strengths than others and Cameron has generally been pretty good in a number of departments and has been very successful as a result. It doesn't make him a God. You can't even mention one weak point and yet I have conceded his strong films in the past, his vision and his extroardinary success in CGI and technical innovation before as well as his strong female characters. If anyone here is being less objective and filling this thread with unthinking nonsense it's you, not me.
  9. I've praised many of his films and his strengths before, today even. You are just a fanboy who seems to be under the impression that he is some kind of God and that he can do absolutely no wrong whatsoever.
  10. It's no worse than your shockingly gushing posts about anything Cameron related. I haven't heard you say one bad thing about any of his films ever.
  11. Maybe Cameron will delay the film and wait for holographic technology to emerge and the movie will make 15 billion dollars.
  12. Lets face it: nobody would know what the hell this was going to make a week out let alone a few years. Posting predictions at the moment is pointless. We have no idea what Cameron will be doing, what the strength of the the 3D market will be or what the strength of the overall market will be like. For all we know it might come out in 2018 or something ridiculous. This thread will just fill up with pointless nonsense for plenty of years to come.
  13. Two good weekends doesn't by any means assure that the slump is over. In a few weeks this talk will probably die down and films will underperform again.
  14. That Shitmunks joke sent shivers up my spine by the way. I watched about 15 minutes of one of those films on TV and the words "get the rope" crossed my mind on more than one occasion.
  15. I'm not sure about that yet. The first full trailer for TDKR looks like a bit of a step down from TDK's. I'll have to wait and see.
  16. I'm not crazy about Toy Story but I do consider it a strong trilogy. What would you put there instead?
  17. I wouldn't put them up there with The Godfather or something but I would say there aren't that many trilogies that compare. The Star Wars OT and the Toy Story films would have to be up there. Can you think of many others?
  18. I don't think it's the greatest movie ever but as I do think they are very strong films, yes. They may have added things you don't like or had a couple of actors that you hated but I rate them pretty highly.
  19. Do I like Potter? Yes. Does that mean that I pretend that they are they greatest films of all time? No. The films, as much as I like them are pretty flawed and pale in comparison to LOTR. I enjoy them but I don't pretend they are masterpieces because I'm not delusional. It's one thing to like something, it's another to pretend that it's the greatest movie ever. The list of movies that I would say are better than any Potter film would be pretty extensive.
  20. I struggle to understand how anybody would think Avatar would be up there with the classics, I really do. Doesn't story mean anything anymore?Avatar was very popular isn't a great argument IMO. So is McDonald's and the food is crap and gives people heart attacks.
  21. People who care about actual character development and plot aren't a few picky naysayers. Filmmaking above all should be about telling a great story with great, well developed characters. That's not being nitpicky, that's just knowing what film is supposed to be about. You can tell yourself that Avatar is the greatest film of all time until the end of time but it doesn't make it true.
  22. What I mean is look how female "characters"(I use that term very loosely) are portayed in a fucking Michael Bay film and then compare them to Cameron's in T2 and Aliens for example.
  23. He's always been great for writing strong female characters who are more than merely window dressing which unfortunately is rather rare so I commend him for that but the "romance" in Avatar was half hearted at best. I have nothing against romance, I just don't think it was that good in Avatar.
  24. Of course ROTF wouldn't get nominated. It was one of the worst movies ever made...
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