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Posts posted by Magic

  1. There will be more economic collapses in the US soon. It's inevitable because legalised corruption is rampant and it's simply a matter of how much worse things have to get and how much the public are willing to tolerate before something changes. I'm surprised how passive the US population has been since the Great Recession. The vast majority of the population hasn't recovered.

    • Like 3
  2. The American college system for tuition is so appalling. Completely fucked up system that will wreck the economy when so many of the youth are in enormous debt.

    There's no real need for degrees to cost as much as they do. It's a way to get more people to go the corporate route to be able to afford a decent life and to get them to worry so much about their own debt that they don't have time to realise how badly they are being fucked over and do something about it. In Mexico higher education at public universities is free for Mexican citizens and the students protested when that was at risk.
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  3. I wonder if the third season can match the second. I still can't believe it's on network TV. It's hilarious how they can show something as violent and bloody as this, but they can't have swearing or nudity, that would be too traumatic for the audience.

  4. It was fine. I don't see what all the fuss is about though. Pretty much agree with Ozymandias.


    Maybe I'm growing out of these films a bit. I'm turning more and more towards premium dramas on television for my entertainment. They seem to deliver much more content, much better content and be able to back it up season after season. With these franchises you are lucky if you can get two good films in a row. Even then, the tent-pole definition of "good" and the cable drama definition are two completely different things. 


    It's hard going from watching stuff like Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, True Detective, Justified, House of Cards, Orange is the New Black and Mad Men (as I have been very recently), to watching these types of films. I'm not excited about them the same way I used to be. I'm not as easily satisfied as I once was. Those shows stick with you in a way that these films just don't.


    I think I might be losing interest in film as a format too. It's not as rewarding as long-form storytelling. 

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  5. It's not going to be five so...









    Twilight         (just in case)


    Fantastic Four   (before it starts again)


    This crappy Spider-Man reboot quadrilogy





    All animated movie franchises... period. Couldn't give a shit about any of them.


    All the lame "horror" franchises that go on forever. They can go too.

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