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Posts posted by Magic

  1. Finally caught up to where everyone else is. I've been watching heaps of shows so it's taken a while. This show is good when it wants to be but some of the episodes don't maintain the sort of quality I'm looking for. Some of them, like the two Governor based episodes and "Still" were a chore to get though and didn't do much to add to the show. The 16 episode seasons are too long and they should go back to 13 to get some better quality control. They won't do that though for obvious reasons. 


    I could without so many kids. There's a baby? Seriously? I was hoping it would have died at the prison even though I knew they wouldn't do it. Lizzie nearly got the job done. Shame she didn't do it in time. Babies in tv shows aren't interesting, just a pain in the ass. It's not why people tune in to premium cable dramas. Sorry but that whole Lori baby thing was just ridiculous. She was such a moron.


    Beth "I want my first drink" Greene needs a nice zombie bite to the face too while we are culling pointless characters.


    Intrigued by this Terminus thing. You just know it's going to be ugly.

  2. Bay is one of the most successful directors in Hollywood. Nothing is going to change that. If you don't like him then just don't watch his films. Oddly many people online I have read say they hate Bay yet for some reason the very next day after his next film's release are already online bashing it after seeing it Lol


    So? Most people are stupid. Bay appeals to the lowest, and I mean lowest, common denominator. That's how he gets so many people through the gate. 

    • Like 2
  3. Michael Bay is living the dream, doing what he likes for a living & getting filthy fucking rich with it.


    He is a doer. You are just behind your computer thinking you hold some kind of truth and feeling good about yourself while trashing him like he cared. Bashing Bay is so useless, predictable and mundane.


    You are just one of the hundreds of Bay haters who vent their frustrations about him trying to feel superior with your tastes with bashing Michael Bay which is an even a worse cliché on a movie forum than any Michael bay movie line.


    Also Michael Bay fan club includes, but I' ve always said this countless of times :


    Steven Spielberg

    Christopher Nolan

    James Cameron


    Those three may understand things you don't. Can you at least accept the possiblity you know very little about filmmaking and what it entails ?


    When people trash Bay, they should go to the humility store before doing do.




    This whole post is a bunch of whiny nonsense about how people shit on a director who is shit. 

    • Like 3
  4. Why did they make that volcano movie with a 100M budget? Do these people like losing money or something? How stupid are they? Do they realize people actually have to take time out of their day and pay to see the movies they release? Why did they cast Harington? Everyone knows he only has two facial expressions, sullen and confused. Oh well, that's one more facial expression than Kristen Stewart I guess and she keeps getting work. 


    Anyone with half a fucking brain wouldn't have given that movie the green light. 

  5. Premium TV shows are shitting on movies lately. I barely see the point in going to the cinema anymore. TV is where the talent is heading, where the complex stories are, and where the quality is at. Most movies I want to see usually just end up being mediocre and forgettable. Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, True Detective and so on are far more compelling than anything I have seen at the movies in ages.

    • Like 3
  6. 1: Interstellar

    2: The Hunger Games: Mockingjay - Part 1

    3: Captain America: The Winter Soldier

    4: The Hobbit: There and Back Again

    5: Guardians of the Galaxy

    6: Godzilla

    7: Transformers: Age of Extinction

    8: X-Men Days of Future Past

    9: How to Train Your Dragon 2

    10: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

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