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Everything posted by SpiderByte

  1. DC fanbros whining again that critical praise is not unanimous for a movie and cry conspiracy Imagine having one of the currently buzziest movies and STILL bitching endlessly about how Marvel is somehow controlling all reviews? When do you ever see this kind of behavior for any other fandom, demanding critics fall in line with their take of a movie they haven't seen and then "investigating" fake conspiracies? They've slid entirely into the comics gate brain-worms bullshit in ways no other movie fandom has (save MAYBE Alita)
  2. "This era is the best it will get" and "this era killed cinema" are pretty contradictory statements but okay I also think people shouldn't put too much stock in a festival that was happy to give an award to a literal convicted pedophile who fled America to escape justice for his horrific raping of children
  3. Black Panther won three Oscars. More than even Dark Knight. Which will make next year interesting when Joker likely loses everything it's up for except maybe Actor and maybe Makeup.
  4. Saying " I don't like this franchise" is not a "smear campaign". Snyders films just weren't popular with critics. That isn't a smear campaign.
  5. Since 2013 DC fans became like Trump/Qanon supporters, any critical setback is a massive conspiracy against them and they're convinced they're both somehow on top and everyone loves them and a hated put-upon group with the world against them. It'll be interesting to see how they weave Jokers success into the narrative that Geoff Johns was secretly bribed by Marvel to sell them scripts to Batman V Superman and two Justice League movies so Marvel could use broad plot elements (heroes fighting and time travel) to make them look bad, and that Disney pays Rotten Tomatoes to make specifically and only certain DC movies to have bad reviews.
  6. You mean other than the three categories that it won in? And it's not like Jokers winning Best Picture either. Look at how many movies that win the Golden Lion also win best picture. Maybe it'll give a needed reality check. Let's not pretend DC fans aren't going to use this to make call every single fucking movie they make that's even halfway decent "high art" unless it's a complete turkey like Green Lantern, Jonah Hex or Justice League, like they did since 2008 with all the DCEU movies till JL. They even shit themselves when Aquaman wasn't nominated. The "DC movies are REAL TRUE CINEMA, unlike Marvel movies" shit from that fandom had finally died out after a fucking decade of that shit and now it's already back.
  7. Christ the DC fanboys are going to be insufferable over this Joker shit. When were Marvel fans this pretentious when Black Panther was in contention?
  8. It's hard to say it's not influential when every studio in Hollywood is now trying to ape the shared universe model they popularized.
  9. Well if they're going to be in the MCU they're all probably going to be important in setting up the X-Men.
  10. Lmao get one movie that gets serious accolades in 11 years and suddenly you're up on a high horse. Some people have the memory of a goldfish, they already forgot Black Panther just this past Oscar season. Lets not go pretending DC is Fox Searchlight. Between Jonah Hex, Green Lantern, Man of Steel, BvS, Suicide Squad, Justice League, DC making something that critics like is an exception, not the norm. DC isn't "paving the way" anymore, now they're catching up. Why do you think they spent since 2013 trying to replicate Marvels success with a live action cinematic universe?
  11. If they announce that New Mutants is going to be returning in the MCU in the future before release that could drastically improve it's box office chances.
  12. It'd be more altruistic if they donated all of the money instead of keeping half for themselves but okay.
  13. Lol at making fun of the Spider-Man thing when DC fans have been doing the Snyder cut conspiracy shit for TWO WHOLE YEARS non stop. They haven't STOPPED shitting their diapers over that one. Now they've even expanded to Suicide Squad (which already had the extended cut released) and to Dark Phoenix (which they claim Disney reshot despite Disney not owning the movie till after they already reshot it). Also oh look violent 8chan crew are already harassing people over Joker, what a shock that nobody saw coming.
  14. It's not because of the movies success it's because we know the fandom for it will be absolutely insufferable like with nearly every DC movie for the past 11 years. After Nolan every DC fan pitches each next one as "the biggest game changer of the decade" because of Dark Knight. It's why their narrative around Snyder is so intense as though him leaving JL has been the greatest crime against cinema.
  15. It's because every year DC fans claim XYZ new movie is a cinema-defining masterpiece and are insufferable enough as is without critics saying so as well. See: the endless Snyder cut horseshit. DC superstans finally got a much needed humbling with Justice League but now they're back on their bullshit again.
  16. I guess if you haven't seen, well, either Jordan Peele movie or any of the Conjuring-verse movies
  17. "Sad white guy gets mad at the world" is the plot of so many movies so it's not a rarity in any way. It's not even a rarity for superhero stuff, it's literally the origin for the Punisher.
  18. Lmfao DC Stans have been insecure since 2013. That's why anything going wrong is now a vast conspiracy of Marvel buying critics and influence (except for when a DC film gets good reviews, at which point the narrative magically vanishes till their next critical flop). It's why DC fans constructed a narrative that Geoff Johns somehow sabotaged a franchise for a company he works for to benefit Marvel, who he does not work for and receives no benefit from their success.
  19. If I wanted to see the story of a sad white guy who wants to kill people all I have to do is live in America and turn on the news. It's not exactly as unique a narrative as everyone is claiming. Even the biggest raves point out how it's just Taxi Driver and King of Comedy. Plus the alt right/anti-SJW movement has already starting latching to this movie like they did Alita
  20. Lord if Snyder was enough to get DC fans this insane for six years in a row Joker getting any accolades is going to make them utterly insufferable. Just when the DC fandoms "we watch REAL MOVIES FOR ADULTS" shit had finally died down for a bit. You didn't get any of this shit from the Marvel crowd when Black Panther got a Best Picture nomination.
  21. I think Disney learned from Lion King's reaction so this won't be a cut and paste like that was. There's a lot of potential from a good updated version of Snow White.
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