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Posts posted by Gopher

  1. It can't go against Idol, ABC Wednesdays, and Criminal Minds at once. Plus it wouldn't have P&R or The Office to support its night. The ratings have proven that it gets hurt by The Big Bang Theory, though.There's one scenario where Up All Night's ratings don't soar despite having an Office lead-in (possible), Whitney and Chelsea bomb even for NBC standards (probable), UAN goes back to Wednesday and Community gets Thursday again. There's another scenario if either Chelsea or Whitney tank, then they add back an extra hour on Thursdays, put Community at 10:00. Then they announce the show will get one last season next year.

  2. A word- I don't see movies that I think I won't somewhat like, unless it's under dire circumstances (see: #1). So a lot of the 'worst of the year' films (Green Lantern, Jack and Jill, New Year's Eve, Sucker Punch, etc) I just didn't bother seeing. Which should tell you about the following movies that I did want to like them. But they weren't good, so, yeah. Anyway, here's the scummiest of the scum I've scummed this year.

    Honorary mentions:

    The Beaver (damn, I really wanted to like this)

    Rio (Cloying CGI crap, and I thought this was supposed to be good. I can only imagine how bad Smurfs, Popper's Penguins and all those others were.)

    Super (damn, I really wanted to like this)

    Thor (I'm confident about Thor's place in The Avengers, but sorry, this movie didn't work)

    Transformers: Dark of the Moon (TF2 was my #1 worst movie of 2009. For this to be an honorable mention this year isn't that bad.)

    10. Hall Pass- Owen Wilson had his best role yet in Midnight in Paris this year, and Jason Sudekis starred in the moderately funny Horrible Bosses. So I don't feel bad about writing off this misfire of a comedy.

    9. The Green Hornet- Similar situation, as Rogen had an otherwise good year. But geez, what a dull movie. Gondry really disappointed here.

    8. Just Go With It- Sandler's done worse, but this mostly unfunny, horribly cliched comedy isn't worth anything.

    7. Real Steel- A surprising hate for me. Jackman tries, and by the end he turns on the charm, but my gosh, the screenplay is awful. I wanted to punch that kid in the face.

    6. No Strings Attached- Friends with Benefits was better because JT and Kunis are funnier, period. But both carry a false sense of complacency. They think they're avoiding and poking fun at all romcom cliches while unabashedly falling into them. Also, acting isn't Ashton Kutcher's thing. Stick to Two and a Half Men and Nikon commercials.

    5. Limitless- Drugs are cool, kids. All you have to do is inject them into your system until you die.

    4. Bad Teacher- What happened here? The cast is legitimately good but the script feels like a 13 year old wrote it.

    3. Your Highness- And I LIKE Danny McBride.

    2. The Hangover: Part II- Well this doesn't work. You can't give us the same movie as The Hangover, that's just mean.

    1. Apollo 18: They were craters. With legs. When I wasn't angry at how awful it was, I was bored out of my mind.

  3. 1. The Social Network2. Toy Story 3 3. Inception4 Black Swan5. 127 Hours6. Blue Valentine 7. The Fighter 8. Exit Through the Gift Shop9. True Grit 10. How to Train Your Dragon My top three were really the same as everyone else's, an interesting contrast to this year, which for everyone is all over the place.

  4. I haven't seen a lot, because I'm not a film critic and I don't live in either NY or LA. But these are the best of the 73 movies I saw in 2011.

    Some movies worth shouting out that didn't make the next two lists:

    The Adventures of Tintin

    Being Elmo: A Puppeteer's Journey

    The Guard

    Margin Call

    Rise of the Planet of the Apes

    Here's a few films I loved that didn't make the cut, from worst to best.

    Mission: Impossible- Ghost Protocol: The premise is silly, but whatever. Brad Bird can make a damn great action movie. The Dubai scene is one of 2011's most memorable moments.

    Midnight in Paris- Woody Allen's best movie in a long time.

    Weekend- You haven't heard of this, probably. But it features one of the most revelatory and heartfelt relationships I've seen on film in recent years. It's is on Netflix instant, I recommend watching it.

    Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy- Gary Oldman effing owns this movie. And given the terrific cast surrounding him, that's a stupendous accomplishment.

    The Muppets- This movie addresses the nostalgia for the characters in a unique, profound way while also functioning as a hilarious, emotional ride. Long live the Muppets.

    And now, my list:

    10. Bridesmaids- Possibly the best movie to ever come out of Apatow's wheelhouse. Superb script, hysterical performances, and it made me love Kristen Wiig. I didn't know I could do that.

    9. Win Win- Thomas McCarthy is a national treasure. He can take an established premise (it's really The Blind Side meets Rocky) and squeeze every bit of heart and genuine emotion out of it.

    8. Rango- One of the weirdest, coolest, most original CGI movies ever made. I'm amazed a studio even backed this.

    7. Beginners- No ordinary indie romcom. It's like a beautiful, unusual poem, with a nonlinear narrative and profound character emotion. Ewan and Melanie have terrific chemistry, and Plummer is wonderful.

    6. Moneyball- One of the best scripts and performances (Brad Pitt) of the year. I'll be watching this one for a long time.

    5. The Descendants- The contrived last fifteen minutes keep this from the #1 spot. Otherwise, what a smart, funny, emotionally poignant film.

    4. Hugo- Scorsese makes a magnificent ode to the films of old while embracing state of the art technology. The result is simply magical. 3D has never been so transcendent.

    3. 50/50- I had no idea a movie could be so funny and sad at the same time. As a survivor's story, this movie may be groundbreaking.

    2. Tree of Life- Terrence Malick tries to capture our existence, past, present and future. Guess what? It works. It also features Brad Pitt's career-best performance.

    1. Drive- I've never seen anything like Drive. This is a downright spellbinding movie.

    In short, a great year for 'very good' movies, an okay year for great ones, and the rest, whatever. Critique away!

  5. And what do you mean Ides is showing up too much? It's easily the best movie out if those nominees.

    I haven't seen The Artist or War Horse, but IMO Ides is weaker than any of those other selections. Yes, even The Help.
  6. A few more-Rio- Utter crap. CGI has become better than this in the last few years, time for Blue Sky to meet the curveJane Eyre- I love Mia and Fassbender in general, but it's just an okay movie Fast Five- A few terrific setpieces (felt like they were trying to break Newton's third law!), but I was bored by the rest Friends with Benefits- Bloated, mostly unfunny, riffs on the romantic comedy genre while falling into all of its traps Super- Unlike Kick Ass, this was just uncomfortable

  7. Sunday estimates are down substantially. War Horse dropped 27% on Sunday. :huh:200m is going to be close for MI4, I think the safe range is 195m-210m. Sherlock will finish with 170m-175m, essentially the Tron Legacy of the season (though down 20% from the last one in admissions). Alvin might get past 140m because of how little competition there will be in the kids market. Muppets and Dragon Tattoo are headed towards 90m and Tintin towards 75m. We Bought a Zoo should hold on well this month (it had a nice few dailies last week) and make 75m+. War Horse, I don't have a clue anymore, maybe 100m if Oscar season fares well for it. New Year's Eve will finish around 55m (half of Valentine's Day), Hugo around 60m, Young Adult around 17m-18m, and The Darkest Hour below 20m. And that's all she wrote for 2011.

  8. There is no Tintin character development to be explored. He is who he is.

    That's true to an extent. In the comics he functions as the role of the audience, often just telling the reader what's going on. But that doesn't translate to film. For the first twenty minutes or so, it's like Orlando Bloom's character from Pirates of the Caribbean is the main character. It's just not that interesting. But then he meets his Jack Sparrow (Captain Haddock) and the movie really takes off.
  9. I love how Speilberg packs so much into every shot. There's one moment- I think it was in Monaco, which was jaw-dropping- where four things were going on at once.

    It could have benefited from some more Tintin and Sakharine character development, but this is a boatload of fun that looks gorgeous and captures the tone of the original comics. Andy Serkis is the heart of the movie- he's the only one given a character arc, and it works splendidly. They probably should have gone the Beginners route with Snowy and given the dog subtitles, because his role is diminished on film, but he still had some stuff to do.


    I want that sequel that the ending promised. It's looking at 325m or so worldwide, so maybe we'll get one.

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