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Posts posted by AndyLL

  1. Which means every double-feature is fudged for both movies on the bill. So with that reasoning, why is any one movie getting singled out by us for being "fudged"?


    The term 'fudged' is getting thrown around way too much lately.


    Studios books are audited and they all follow standard accepted accounting procedures in reporting their numbers.


    The idea that they just move money around to make certain movies look good is laughable.

    • Like 4
  2. Why do people keep saying this?  


    It wasn't true when I was a kid... it isn't true now that I'm a parent... I've never heard any of my friends with kids even imply that their kids pick the movies they go see.


    BTW... there were times when my kid was young that we took him to a kids movie that I thought he would like even though I know I wouldn't enjoy it.  But that's different from letting him pick the movies.... there has been tons of movies he wanted to see that we didn't go to.


    As far as Peanuts goes.... even though I grew up with them I had no interest in the movie.  However, after seeing the trailer with IO I'm intrigued and we might go if we have a free weekend. 

  3. When families go to movies, the kids are usually the ones that decide where to go. 


    Why do people keep saying this?  


    It wasn't true when I was a kid... it isn't true now that I'm a parent... I've never heard any of my friends with kids even imply that their kids pick the movies they go see.

  4. The I-Rex didn't kill her. And it's not the fact she died that bothered me.


    My bad... you are correct.  I obviously need to see it again if I forget such details.



    Funny... in my quick search on what actually happened I came across many who hate that scene... from hard core feminists using it as an example of why this film hates woman to people like you that feel that movie deaths have to follow a formula.


    I, for one, believe she did deserve to die.


    I fail to see the difference from this death and the opening scene from Jaws.

    • Like 1
  5. In JW, none of the was the case. It was basically the death of an extra, with much extra time/effort spent on the brutality of it.


    The death was to re-enforce the brutality and danger of the I-Rex.  Same with the I-Rex killing other dinosaurs.   By using a minor character that was already in several scenes it allowed us to believe that anyone could go.

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