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Posts posted by AndyLL

  1. Total is at 192.68M going by BOM's Fri and Sat #'s


    Edit: also thanks to rth!




    Why am I disappointed in a 193 OW?


    No Preview record.

    No OD record.

    No 100 OD

    No OW record.

    No 200 OW


    Screw Disney laughing all the way to the bank.


    I need milestones to feel progess and nobody remembers 2nd place

    • Like 2
  2. realised hadn't posted Sun, this is what rough worked out while ago

    AOU 51, FF7 1.9,AOA 1.6, Pb 1.6,home 1.1


    LA def had substantial increase after huge decrease on Sat, see if 51 improves or not and then what actuals come in at


    Thanks Rth.... long weekend for you.


    Anyone have what the increase over the titles estimate is with Rth's number?

  3. Possibly a dumb question, but does anyone know how the money from the Avengers/Age of Ultron double features gets divvied up? Is it like the drive-in double features, where they both get the money added to their totals, is it split, or does it all go to Ultron?


    There is real money then there is accounting money.


    My understanding is that it goes to both.

  4. Finally some good news

    Looks like boxing costed AoU the 200 mill OW


    I think it cost AOU some but not the 200.


    Tele reported huge sellouts even with the increased screens but previews seemed low.  ( relative to what even he expected )

    Friday should have been better. ( weak matinees because of a school day? )

    Saturday is explained.

    Sunday seems to be recovering but we've been fooled before.


    I was here on Friday until 6:00am EDT.  Everything I heard people reporting made it sound like another incredible opening day.  The 1st revision down to 95 was surprising but the actual estimate of 87 the next day was shocking.


    This was a freaky weekend.  

  5. Of the 331 pages in this thread, I've read less than 50.


    Anyone make it through all 331?


    But did you read the good 50?  :ph34r:


    I have read most of the pages although I skimmed a decent amount of todays posts since I was gone most of the day.


    I've been looking forward to this weekend for a long time because I joined the forum during the 1st avengers run.


    I guess I was looking for the same excitement as the 1st.

  6. I wonder if some people remember how many shows sold out for Avengers 1 and said "I'm just not even going to bother on the first Saturday for this one. Maybe Sunday or maybe next weekend."




    But no doubt it led to a lot of people pre-buying tickets which, if I understand Rth, lead to many of the over-estimations.

  7. how do you become a mod. i wanna be one


    In my case Disney noticed none of the BoxOfficeTheory Mods/Admins were Frozen lovers.


    We got an old guy movie lover, a Mockingjay, Spiderman and Superman lovers... and of course the staff is riddled with Nolenites like every other corner of the internet


    And since Disney controls all media they immediately contacted Shawn and asked him to correct the situation.


    Their hope is that his bold move will allow people to 'Let it Go' and forget AOUs OW performance.


    I am joking of course.  There is only one way I could become staff:



    • Like 6
  8. I was busy most of early Saturday, I can only imagine what kind of meltdowns happened with a 12-15M drop from early estimate. I bet Noctis' was happy OD record is still safe.  :lol:


    I stayed up for all of it.


    Noctis left being pissed that the OD for sure was going down and came back right when everything was being revised.


    Friggin' irritating it was.

  9. In a nutshell everything on sunday was under estimated


    Then the fight ( along with everything else ) did affect it.  


    I didn't think it would... I didn't think boxing was very relevant in the USA anymore.


    I will say that when I was left at 4:00 for my showing there were cars lined the curbs in my neighborhood.   Whole lotta parties going on.

  10. Just back from seeing AOU again... this time in IMAX.


    about 80%+ full and the crowd seemed to really like it.


    I've decided I love it and it might be my favorite Marvel movie.


    Trailers... Blankments look away


    My 12 year old complained about a superman trailer at a Marvel movie... he'll fit in here fine some day.


    JW looks good.


    F4 looked interesting.


    Star Wars teaser in IMAX.....



    • Like 5
  11. Jesus, I've already apologized, so let's not beat this into the ground, Ok folks??? I'll simply remember not to get overly confident in early numbers from now is all..


    I posted before you apologized.


    I appreciate that you did.


    I also am a little stunned that even the revised numbers were off.


    However if it was easy we'd all be experts.

  12. I can't believe some people are talking shit about Rth and his contributions.

    Some of you really are really ungrateful.






    Rth might be the most valuable resource this site has.


    No other movie fan site has someone like him that has deep access to the numbers and is grateful to share his expertise.


    I'm not surprised at some of the posters digging at him because that's what they do but you surprise me a little BKB

    • Like 1
  13. It's pretty hilarious honestly, franchise fatigue domestically is already starting to set in. But sure guys Marvel & these amazing characters will be making this much FOREVER according to guys like Walt Disney




    It's going to have the 1st or 2nd highest opening of all time  and you think fatigue is setting in?



    Get a grip man.

    • Like 13
  14. Don't take offense. It's not worth wasting your fingers typing a response. The 91m(and especially the midnights) will still be an amazing accomplishment. Whether you factor in the extra hours, inflation or other factors, nothing will take away how hard DH2 broke the record. Spider-Man's 114,8m OW 13 years ago, Batman's 40m 26 years ago are still just as big as TA's 200m because of how much of an impact these events had on the industry. Ben Hogan destroyed the lowest score ever at the Masters Golf Tourney in 1953. Even though his score has been beaten many times since(including by Jordan Spieth this year), there remains a revered plaque on the course that commemorates his score, and people still marvel at it because at the time he accomplished the feat it was unheard of. No matter what AOU's opening day comes up to, it will not diminish DH2's OD one bit. ;)


    I wish more fanboys ( not calling you that AA ) would take this tack.


    No one is saying what DH2 did is diminished if AOU takes the OD crown.  To set the preview record because your fans showup throughout the night will not be matched.  Take solace in that.


    Records will be broken.  Enjoy your records being broken.


    Bradey winning more super bowls then Montana does not diminish what Montana did in the playoffs/super bowl to fans that understand the game.


    Whining that Bradey did it under more favorable rules only makes you a whiner... not right.

    • Like 5
  15. I just learned about the fact TA2 got less theaters than TA1, that's weird...


    Theaters but likely not screens or seats.  I don't know if that is tracked.


    At my AMC 24 there is an IMAX and 3 big screens.  On thursday the IMAX and 2 big screens were AOU and the last big screen was rented out ( AOU )


    There were another 4-6 AOU screens but they were all the medium size.


    So although it was a little less then half the screens it was likely about 75% of the seats.  That was at 7.  It was likely they added even more screen later on in the night.

  16. I'd say IMAX was 90-95% full. Lady said there were a few no shows. Next showing is about a third full according to her as well.



    I assume west coast?


    Tele charted partial sellouts Thursday and predicted big numbers based on what he saw

    E posting about 3:00am almost sellouts on the East Coast.

    West Coast movie goers saying the same.

    A whole lot of pictures and posts saying how theaters were added showtimes based on demand


    But this will do 95 at best.


    Is there an upper limit on what a movie can do that can only be beaten by inflation?

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