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Walt Disney

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Everything posted by Walt Disney

  1. And a lot of people said all of that. Plus, it's a reboot. And they were labeled haters. Maybe they weren't haters after all, but were just right.Which doesn't include me. I was wrong. I said brand name would carry this to $300M.
  2. To be fair to them, I am sure Disney politely told them to stop changing numbers from Disney movies. So that limited Sony's options a bit.
  3. RTX, I have to congratulate you. Baumer is right. You nailed this one. You have every right to celebrate.
  4. Either way you win. Either you got the right OD number or you took into account how Sony cooks their books, and hit the reported number.
  5. I want everyone who I congratulated for predicting the correct OD number to know that I still congratulate you. You predicted the number that was reported.
  6. The truth seems to be that after 2 days, we still don't know where this movie's domestic gross will end up.
  7. Sony Executive #1: We need to make a splash Sony Executive #2: Yes, but how? #1: I got it. We will give ourselves the tuesday record! #2: But how? How can we inflate our books? #1: We will take some money from tomorrow's gross. We will certainly make more than $2.5M tomorrow. No one will ever know. #2: But what about the BO.com posters? #1: They are distracted with someone's under $200M prediction thread. And even if they do notice, who will people believe: Them or a MOVIE STUDIO? The choice is obvious. #2: I see now why Sony made you Executive #1.
  8. Yesterday was your day. Lots of craziness. Going forward, it looks like your worst nightmare will be realized. A boring number around $250M and no meltdowns.Although, the way things have been going, people might have meltdowns over whether $255M is a good number or a bad number. So there's still hope.
  9. RT is down to 69%? I thought it was like 76% 1-2 days ago.Edit: Nope. It is still hanging in there at 71%.
  10. He retired last year. So he doesn't really count. But I appreciate the thought of including him. He will be missed.
  11. Congratulations Neo. I will give you a separate post, since I left your name out of my other one. You were right and I hope Shawn includes your name on the winner's trophy.
  12. I'm only on one other forum: the YES Network. And you don't strike me as a huge baseball fan (but I could be wrong about that).Go Yankees.
  13. And you have every right to. You got the prediction right. It's your day to celebrate. You're the winner, along with Kayu, Fullbuster, FMPro, Ric, and everyone else who hit the nail on the head. And I did congratulate those that I saw here last night that had the prediction right.
  14. Your "Fuck You" picture was posted last night before anyone said anything. I am not twisting anything.You probably don't recognize me, since I changed my handle from The Iron Horse to Walt Disney. But, I am still the same person, and I still read most of what everyone posts.
  15. I'll tell you what I wouldn't do: I would NOT tell everyone who was closer to the right prediction than me to Fuck Themselves. Whether they were lower than me or not, as long as they were more correct than me. Since this website is about predicting the box office and not being a fanboy, then your success and failure is based on your predictions.
  16. Also, take into account that SM2 opened in the middle of the week. I can't say it hurt it much in the long run, but I am sure it had some effect.
  17. Maybe because to them the movie is crappy. Not everyone will have the same tastes in movies as you or the general audience.
  18. If you hit the right OD range, then you deserve to celebrate. That's pretty good. Even though I may have argued with you in the past, I still respect good box office predicting.
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