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Walt Disney

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Everything posted by Walt Disney

  1. I think the average prediction is between $250M- $275M. I think $300M is a little on the high end of the predictions.
  2. That actually is perfect. They were both equally as wrong, just on different ends of the spectrum.
  3. Baumer is a stand-up guy. Anyone expecting a meltdown from him will be very disappointed.
  4. Unless we find out a few years later (when TASM2 comes out) that TASM really only made $14M on OD.
  5. Excellent job. You should be right there with the actuals. Your OW is very much in play.
  6. I enjoyed every minute of it. I'm one of the very few people that liked it better than IM. I thought it was anything but boring. I enjoyed the dialogue and the action sequences.I don't represent the general audience at all. I am very picky with movies. Iron Man 2 just worked for me.
  7. I agree. It should have made more money. Rest assured, that problem will be corrected with Iron Man 3.
  8. Not inexplicable at all. Disney/Marvel is very proud of that movie and its wonderful cinema score.
  9. I think a lot of it is a reaction to what The Avengers did. Everyone felt that if TA could put up numbers like this then surely TDKR will put up record breaking numbers as well. I don't think that will end up being true, but we will see. However, I do expect to hear a lot of big numbers being thrown out for TDKR because of what TA did. And this will be my 750th post, so I will now change my handle.
  10. Yeah, but most people expect another Batman movie after that. No one knows that the saga ending means a complete over-haul. If I wasn't on sites like this, I would be convinced that for enough money they would be able to get Nolan and Bale back. And I'd be convinced that the next villain would be The Penguin or the Riddler.
  11. I think you're giving too much weight to the anticipation factor. Besides the die hards, I don't think anyone is going to run out at midnight to see it. Young Adult titles do attract that type of rabid fanbase because of the short attention spans that they have. CBM movies have a wider reach in demographics, so they aren't as crazy about being there at midnight. However, the wider demographic means if it's good, it will beat the Young Adult titles in overall gross.You may be right that it beats TA and TDK in midnights, but it won't be by much. I am not sure how many people outside of the people in the know even realize this is Nolan's last TDKR film.
  12. I am positive that rounding it up 33 seconds or down 27 seconds will not make a difference. If you sit through the credits, there goes your 33 seconds. If you skip a preview, there goes your 27 seconds. Whether rounding up or down won't make a difference for what we are discussing.
  13. I don't know. Young Adult titles seem to be the ones with big midnights. TDKR should skew more to the CBM audience like TA. Unless DC fans are more young adult oriented. I'm going to assume that they're more like Marvel fans than Young Adult (Twilight, Potter) fans. So the midnights probably won't be much more than what TA and TDK did.
  14. I hope he doesn't. He is sticking with his prediction, so it makes no sense to concede now. But if you flip through this thread and Baumer's thread, he did talk about conceding in one of them.
  15. Some burger joint called Hardys said that if you dress up like Spider-Man on the 4th of July and come to a Hardys, you get a free cheeseburger (or maybe they said bacon cheeseburger). I don't even know if there is a Hardys in NY, so maybe they are advertising for Long Island or New Jersey because those are close by. Smart commercial to run during SM3, since I am sure lots of people are watching this movie .
  16. Baumer is actually thinking about conceding if TASM does over $27M. I hope he changes his mind and rides it out a little bit longer. However, I know he's thinking about it.
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