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Walt Disney

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Everything posted by Walt Disney

  1. Baumer is actually thinking about conceding if TASM does over $27M. I hope he changes his mind and rides it out a little bit longer. However, I know he's thinking about it.
  2. Do you have to pay real money? Or is it all hypothetical monopoly money?Edit: Iceroll Rises stole my question.
  3. I don't know how HSX works, but that doesn't sound good. They must be really bear-ish on TASM. And you had the 2nd or 3rd highest prediction on this site for TASM.
  4. I just had to tease you about it because of what Sony did earlier today. I don't know if you were here for it. They lied about the midnight number that SM3 grossed to make TASM's midnight number look better. They posted that both made $7.5M, but posters here found proof SM3 really grossed $10M for its midnight number.
  5. Wait a second. Your first post gave it 8/10. Now, this post gives it 7.5/10. What's going on here Druv? Is Sony deflating your rating to make TASM2 eventually look better by comparison?
  6. Some people with predictions on the low end and some on the high end feel differently, but the majority of the posters on the board feel that $250M is a boring number which isn't a great success, but it's not a spectacular failure either. The further away you get from $250M in either direction, the further people disagree about what is a success and what is a failure. But the majority are comfortable with $250M as a tie between both sides.
  7. If it has to do with the movie, Sony and Disney/Marvel share the movie related merchandise money. That goes for videogames and toys based on the movie. The percentage split we can't be sure of, since only Sony and Disney/Marvel have seen the contract. However, since Marvel signed it before Disney bought them, you can be sure Sony gets around a 50% cut of merchandising.Toys and videogame merchandise based on the Spider-Man cartoon or the comicbook character stays with Disney/Marvel if they make the merchandise themselves. Or, they pay the manufacturer some of the profits and keep the rest.
  8. July 3rd must be a good night for movies. FX has Spider-Man 3 and HDnet has Batman and Robin on at the same time.In fairness to FX, they did have SM2 on right before SM3.
  9. Fox has about 1-2 years to get DD and Fantastic Four in-production or they lose both of them. So don't be so sure about that.
  10. I totally missed the part where she said friday. With it being the 4th of July tomorrow, it feels like a friday in many ways.
  11. I am sure they are sweet as peaches. They probably even asked Disney's permission before they lied about the Pirates 2 midnight number.........NOT.
  12. She is on the west coast, so it might have been 6 PM when she started posting that. It's 6:54 PM right now where she is.
  13. If you read the comments below the update, i would say that the reaction to the movie is mixed.
  14. This is why Hollywood studios won't release attendance numbers. They don't want you to know how many people are going to the movies these days. The domestic audience keeps decreasing and the studios are fighting each other for the people that do go to movies. So if a movie breaks out, it will hurt the movies around it.The Avengers doing so well hurt the chances of other studios' films making money if they were released around the same time as TA.
  15. That was definitely my theory. Except I didn't think it would cross $300M. I just thought it would hit $300M and stop.
  16. I think $250M will be even steven. The people on the low end of the predictions won't claim a win. The people on the high end can't claim a win either. It's right in the middle. There's really no controversy. It's a boring number.
  17. If no $300M, then I was wrong. And even though Baumer may have been wrong too, his methodology was better than mine. I thought the brand name would propel a bad movie to $300M. I looked at what previous SM movies made, adjusted for inflation, and I just couldn't imagine the movie dropping that much in audience. Then, when it seemed aimed at teenage girls, I felt for sure that it would get there based on brand name and the Twilight audience.So far, I have been more impressed with the way Baumer weighed the factors. He didn't fall for the brand name trap and felt that audiences would not turn out for a bad movie just because it had a familiar brand name. Even if his number is wrong, if this comes in atleast $25M below $300M, then Baumer did a better job than me.Ironically, right before I started typing this, I saw the commerical again advertising TASM. The commercials have once again started to play up," Peter, don't you know the truth about your father?Don't you know what you really are?" or some similar line (I am sure everyone reading has seen the commercial).
  18. Don't you want to let it play out over a few days before making that decision? You're in it for the long run anyway, so why concede so fast?
  19. You're probably right. I think it would be hard for this to do under $200M, but it is still slightly possible. I think the only real loser so far is anyone who predicted this movie would do $400M.
  20. Both are very important topics for discussion. Especially the discussion about Marvel's Spidey depictions.
  21. Whoa, that is some bad WOM. Some of the reactions are similar to mine, but I'm not the general audience. If most people end up feeling like that, then this movie won't catch on.
  22. That's the number. You told me there was a number that as long as the movie stays above it, it's still considered good. I couldn't remember if it was 70% or 75%. It doesn't mean that TASM won't go back above 75%, but it's something to monitor now.
  23. Wow, I have 712 posts (713 after I post this one). I am going to change my handle after I hit post 750. I don't even know how I gained so many posts.Back to the topic. Shows like Game of Thrones are practically broken up movies as they are. It make sense for some talented movie writers to move to TV.
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