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Walt Disney

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Posts posted by Walt Disney

  1. Has Iger's strategy been proven to be less effective?


    If Disney ranks in the top 3 studios every year with fewer movies that probably means they're making more money.


    Exactly. I feel like a broken record saying this, but Disney is doing great if you look at BO gross earned per movie. Add the total BO gross and divide by the number of movies. Disney is grossing huge numbers at the BO. They are excelling at BO blockbusters.

    • Like 1
  2. Does Disney not own Dimension Studios anymore? They used to release horror films.


    Edited, just googled and saw TWC ownership. Disney needs a company like this to release varied films.


    Disney bought Miramax in 1993 I believe, and Dimension was a division under Miramax. When the Weinsteins left Miramax, Disney sold the Dimension brand to them. Eventually, Disney shut down Miramax and sold the Miramax library.

  3. Disney probably needs to start releasing more than 11 or so movies a year in order to win in terms of B.O. gross.


    Based on the narrow definition that some people want to use of winning, Disney will always have trouble because they release too few movies in a year. However, Disney makes the most in terms of BO gross per movie. If you divide total BO gross by number of movies released in a year, then Disney wins.

  4. It's certainly not automatic, especially given at one age one is adopted. In fact, pending any specific story points that mention otherwise, I think the basic assumption is that an adopted child growing up in a loving, accepting family feels just as much part of that family as they would otherwise. Your assumption is that inevitably and automatically they wouldn't.

    This is a world where people can turn invisible and have weird powers... is it really so hard to accept a basic assumption that they're a united family regardless of birth or adoption?


    Since they didn't act much like brother and sister at all in the movie, it was hard to believe that they were related at all. And the race of the characters wouldn't have changed that either. They didn't seem like siblings.

    • Like 1
  5. F4 is a work of genius. It will go down as a cult classic. It's actually a found-footage film that is shot with incredibly steady hands and an amazing camcorder. The person holding the cam was Silver Surfer. This will be revealed in 2017, Fant4stic t00.


    In the future, you should also put the link to the full article if you're going to quote something from Fox's website ;)  .

    • Like 1
  6. Um. As far as I know, Paramount was just a distributor. Not a producer. Marvel was basically a large scale indie studio before Disney bought them.


    Oh and Avengers would not have made nearly as much as it did on OW without Disney doing the marketing.


    Correct. Paramount was going through a phase where they were trying to limit their financial risk by distributing other studios' films. Marvel was going to finance their own movies. Paramount was only a distributor for Iron Man. Marvel financed the film themselves. TIH was financed by Marvel but distributed through Universal.


    Disney bought Marvel at the end of 2009. Marvel became part of the Disney machine at that time. Disney decided to keep Marvel Studios as a separate studio under the Walt Disney Studios segment of the company and Kevin Feige was the man in charge of Marvel Studios. Former Marvel CEO Ike Perlmutter joined the Disney Board of Directors.


    Disney's first Marvel movie was Iron Man 2. Disney was forced to distribute the movie through Paramount because Paramount had signed a 5 picture distribution deal with Marvel before Disney bought Marvel. Paramount was only the distributor for Iron Man 2. The profits, minus Paramount's distribution fee, went to Disney.


    Then, Disney had to distribute Thor and CA:TFA through Paramount. Again, Paramount was only the distributor and only received a distribution fee. Disney was very annoyed with Paramount's marketing for Iron Man 2, Thor, and CA:TFA. They felt that while IM2 made Disney a lot of money, it should have made them even more money. They felt that Thor and CA:TFA didn't make more money because of Paramount's marketing.


    Disney decided to pay Paramount to go away for The Avengers and Iron Man 3. They paid Paramount money so that Disney could distribute those 2 films themselves. After The Avengers and Iron Man 3, Disney was free from the Paramount distribution deal.

    • Like 5
  7. I love Iron Man 2. I think it is absolutely great.


    But, even if you don't love it, there is no way you can call it more boring than Fant4stic. Iron Man 2 is all comedy and action. Even if you don't like the jokes, they do exist. Even if you don't like the action, it does exist. And it has a villain whose motivations you can easily understand. Fant4stic has no comedy, almost no action, and the villain makes no sense. Fant4stic is the very definition of boring.

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