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Walt Disney

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Posts posted by Walt Disney

  1. 8 minutes ago, BKB IS CAPTAIN AMERICA said:


    The 1st time was with the MARVEL Marathon and after 14 Hours, I couldn't wait to leave.. Then the next day on Friday, my sister and I saw it and her leg was bothering her from when she broke it and had surgery, so we left and today, I saw it in IMAX 2D at Noon and stayed for the Mid-Credit, but not the end.. I will though next week when I see this again on Discount Tuesday in IMAX.. You can't beat this for $6.00 in IMAX.. $11.00 in IMAX on the other days before Noon..


    I highly recommend you stay for the 2nd end credit scene. It's excellent.

    • Like 3
  2. This should be a very interesting year for this list. No studio has more than 3 movies from the same year on this list. However, Disney may change that in 2016. They currently have Zootopia, The Jungle Book, and Captain America: Civil War all slowly climbing the rankings to make the list. After that, Finding Dory and Star Wars: Rogue One both have an excellent chance of making the list. That would give Disney 5 films from the same year that are each 1 of the top 200 domestic adjusted grossing films of all-time. That would truly be an amazing result.

    • Like 1
  3. It is not an Avengers movie, but it has most of the Avengers in it. For box office purposes, it is fair to think of it as an Avengers movie. However, it IS behaving like an Avengers movie. And the final domestic gross is going to show that because this movie is going to come close to Age of Ultron or pass Age of Ultron domestically.


    The OW is not the whole story. The final result is, and this film is in good shape.

    • Like 3
  4. 5 minutes ago, Jack Nevada said:

    Calm down, I'm just self-reflecting over here. Cuz I've been balls deep in this stuff for almost five years.


    Why don't you self-reflect by yourself? If you feel like you have wasted the last five years of your life here, then you have some things you clearly need to work out alone. Box Office is just for fun. If it isn't fun for you, then move on.

    • Like 1
  5. Disney/Marvel films usually are more family type of films and have good Saturdays and Sundays, so the OW will be fine. The more important issue is that the OW isn't the important thing. The box office total is much more important. I think that this film will have good legs and an excellent domestic total.

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, cannastop said:

    Zootopia is way way past the point where anyone should feel sorry for its run. And it's still doing excellently right now!


    I am still hoping that it can get to $340M.

  7. 6 minutes ago, Jay Hollywood said:


    Well because they do all there prelim numbers themselves and get a solid idea of its range in each country. They have a better understanding than us on all those rates.  Plus the final total does factor into how much they can sell it to TV stations, VOD services and so on.


    I found a great website that really explains how movie studios make money and what is really going on. However, I feel like this website just put the authors book online. Therefore, since I can't tell if the site is owned by the author, there may be copyright issues, so I won't post the link here. But, if anyone is interested in the movie industry, PM me, and I will send you the link for the website/book.

    • Like 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Arlborn said:

    800m is the reported break even point apparently, so anything under that I suppose?


    I don't see how there could be a break even number for a movie's gross. It is impossible. The reason being, the movie studio gets a different percentage of the profits in each country. Domestically, the movie studio gets 50% and the movie theaters get 50%, which is why domestic numbers are so easy to work with. However, OS the percentages vary by country. Generally, the movie studio gets about 40% OS. However, the movie studio only gets 25% in China. Therefore, there is no way for any number to be a break even point because generally studios get a bigger share of the profits domestically than they do OS.



    • Like 1
  9. 56 minutes ago, Arlborn said:

    I'm sure their "Avengers" is supposed to be Justice League.



    I agree. Justice League is supposed to be their Avengers. BvS was a unique situation that they had because they could team Batman and Superman up for the first time on the big screen and that alone is a huge cross-over.  WB added Wonder Woman to the movie and it still fell short of expectations. But, WB still has Justice League. A good Justice League movie can make huge money at the BO and launch their DC Universe.

    • Like 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, ecstasy said:


    Not enough people liked the movie to give it any momentum. If it was well liked word of mouth would have overcome anything media has to say. This movie opened with $166m dollars in the US alone. It had an RT score of 29% and people paid their money to see it anyway. Word of mouth is just not good. The movie I dying a natural death. Sorry you don't think it' fair but that's the way box office works. There is no smear campaign nor is there any conspiracy against Batman v. Superman so please give it a rest.




    How much is Disney paying you to say that? ;)

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Telemachos said:


    According to this argument, the best burger ever made is McDonald's quarter-pounder.


    The best is very subjective because everyone has individual tastes. But, if you're trying to make a blockbuster, then you want to appeal to the most people. So you want to have the McDonalds burger (or more accurately the Five Guys burger b/c you want the prestige along with mass appeal). If you're in the business of blockbusters that is.


    There are 6 major movie studios today and all 6 are playing the blockbuster game. Therefore, they need to make movies where the most people will say that they're the best movies. Especially today where movie attendance is down, but people show up in mass for event movies. You're obviously entitled to dismiss them as not your cup tea too.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, AaronL said:

    Yeah, I mean, in theory I could understand why people would hate mutants, but love the Avengers, seeing as Mutants are a different species.  However, how would the general public (in the comics) know who is a mutant and who is a mutate?  Doesn't make sense.



    Yet, we're going to see Marvel do that with the Inhumans. So they're still going in that direction, but substituting the Inhumans for the X-Men.

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