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Walt Disney

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Posts posted by Walt Disney

  1. Disney has no idea how to market their live-action movies which aren't Lucasfilm or Marvel by the looks of it. Just in the past few years we have had Prince of Persia, John Carter, Lone Ranger, and now Tomorrowland. Tron: Legacy was well marketed IIRC but I didn't follow that movie's marketing closely after the first trailer got them my ticket.


    Tomorrowland they are really having trouble with. I am not sure if that's because it's a truly unique movie or not. The marketing for Prince of Persia, Mars Needs Moms, and John Carter was done with MT Carney as head of marketing, but she was fired from the company, so her bad marketing is gone. The marketing for The Lone Ranger seemed fine.

  2. I feel like people are finding excuse for AOU under performing. The Derby and NHL/NBA playoff happen every year during May. Nobody brings those up during  the last couple of years. 


    I don't think that there are any excuses for it under-performing. Disney chose what weekend to open the movie on. They have to deal with whatever competition there is from other movies or other forms of entertainment.

  3. Yep Tom Brady was at the Derby in the Afternoon and Fight by the evening.  Also I know not all sports fans watch the Draft all four days or even the Derby.  It's not about looking at each event individually.  It's about looking at them all Together and you see people Entertainment options were spread pretty thin over the weekend.   Look, Americans love their sports.  We are obsessed in this country.  Hopefully this will help Ultron legs though I already feel it may show some signs of frontloadedness. 


    You're right. It was a major day for sports. There was sports all day and night.

  4. Also look at the times of each event:



    Derby - Afternoon

    NBA Playoffs - Evening

    NFL Draft - Afternoon and evening

    May Vs Manny - Late Night



    I mean Sports locked up Saturday pretty much all day.  Not shocked by the Westcoast stories I'm hearing.  


    Don't forget the NY Rangers playoff game and the Yankees vs. Red Sox baseball game.

  5. I completely forgot about that.. I wonder how the critics will be toward that movie and the concept of it given that it'll basically be TA2.5??



    We know it will have Spider-Man crossing over with Iron Man, so that should be worth something. The critics will probably like it because it will be superheroes battling each other and taking sides. Also, it will be a Captain America movie, so it won't have those Avengers expectations at the BO, which should make for an enjoyable box office run.

  6. Another thing about the fight: a lot of people are probably feeling ripped off. It was a huge letdown. It is not like TA2 has out of this world WOM like TA1 did. I could understand people being very cautious to spend any money on another piece of entertainment that might just be a letdown along the lines of the fight.


    I don't think TA2 has bad WOM, I think it has good WOM. But it needs incredible WOM to help convince someone who feels burned by the fight yesterday to run right out the next day and shell out God knows how much money in tickets and concessions for their family.


    I think next weekend will be very interesting to watch.

    • Like 1
  7. It seems Disney earned a lot of money with Ultron with food companies tie ins with all the doritos, sodas etc

    Is there a Marvel theme Park in the pipeline from Disney or just Marvel rides added into Disney worlds ?


    Disney is contractually prohibited from adding Marvel rides to Walt Disney World in Florida. Universal has the theme park rights there. However, there are Disney rides planned for Disneyland in California and their theme parks in other countries.


    There are no plans for a Marvel Theme Park.

  8. I'm more interested in the final gross than the OW. TDKR numbers would be inexcusably crap as far as I'm concerned, but its legs may surprise us yet.


    Yeah, I am interested in the final gross as well. There is room for this to grow decent legs, but that doesn't mean that it will. Next weekend will be an interesting weekend to watch.

  9. This franchise fatigue idea just doesn't hold up when you analyze the facts. However, people want Marvel to fail so badly that they will just invent anything so they can argue that Marvel is failing.


    Lets look at the domestic adjusted grosses since Disney purchased Marvel at the end of 2009:


    Iron Man 2 (2010) - $319.1M


    Thor (2011)- 182.4M (it looks like superhero fatigue from IM2 to Thor)


    Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)- $180.6M (uh oh, even more fatigue; superheroes are over)


    The Avengers (2012)- $623.3M (whoa, surprise come back for superhero films)


    Iron Man 3 (2013)- $396.3M (uh oh, fatigue is setting in again)


    Thor: The Dark World (2011)- $200.8M (whoa, huge drop from IM3)


    Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)- $253.2M (improvement from Thor: TDW)


    Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)- $334.3M (big increase from CA:TWS)


    The Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)- 2nd Largest OW ever


    Age of Ultron is going to be the 2nd highest grossing domestic movie on this list. It is going to gross more than GOTG. There clearly isn't any superhero fatigue. The novelty factor is over with, but the Marvel superhero movies are not showing any level of fatigue.

    • Like 2
  10. Aside from the discrepancies in last night's numbers, I still have to look at the history of Marvel movies holding better than expected over the course of the weekend because of their insane family appeal. Not just Avengers, but Iron Man 3, Spider-Man 3, etc. all had strong Saturdays and/or Sundays. I'd be slightly surprised if it fell below $200m for the weekend, and I still think the record's definitely in play.


    That being said... nothing wrong with lowering expectations!


    Edit: For whatever it's worth, Disney is also still projecting $200-210 million. They're generally pretty accurate...


    I didn't realize that you were the one who was writing the weekend updates for BoxOffice.com . They don't list an author. I think that's great. Also, I am glad that you explained why you are still predicting around a $200M OW.

    • Like 2
  11. And it was always expected to by literally every analyst & poster on here, the fact you have to bring that up shows how right I am lol

    I can FEEL your anger Disney, the tears taste so so good.


    You brought it up. You are the one that called TA and IM3 outliers. You are the one that said this movie is proof that franchise fatigue is setting in. I am responding to your ridiculous claims by saying this movie will gross more than IM3. This in no way shows franchise fatigue, even by using your own arbitrary standards.


    Responding to your points does not mean I brought them up. You did. Take some responsibility for your own words.

  12. It's pretty hilarious honestly, franchise fatigue domestically is already starting to set in. But sure guys Marvel & these amazing characters will be making this much FOREVER according to guys like Walt Disney


    You do realize this film is still going to gross over $450M at the domestic box office, right? You're acting like this isn't going to be one of the highest grossing films of all-time. But I see you're not really someone that relies on facts.

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