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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. 7 minutes ago, Eric Smith said:

    I'll admit I went on a Saturday matinee showing, but I don't remember anybody losing their mind or cheering at the screen when Wanda popped up at the trailer. I'm not saying she's unpopular or anything, but you lot are acting as if she's bigger than Iron Man and that if she's not in every frame the movie will suffer and be doomed forever. Like chill.

    I went 3 times on OW and she got a pretty big reaction each time.


    That said, doing a


    "bitches be crazy" storyline with Wanda like what happened with Dany was one of my main concerns with this movie. If that's what was reshot to do away with I wouldn't complain.


  2. 7 minutes ago, grey ghost said:

    Disney never cared about Encanto hitting an arbitrary 100 million "milestone".


    Lmao. That's strictly box office nerd OCD territory. 

    It's not exactly arbitrary. Hitting certain milestones can mean more when it comes to tv airings and such, or at least they used to. If Disney doesn't plan for it to air anywhere other than Disney+, then those milestones might not matter much anymore.

    • Like 1
  3. 33 minutes ago, RRA said:

    As you know the Academy has always been…the Academy, but they seem to be increasingly tone deaf even by their standards like that #MeToo themed year when they voted Kobe Bryant an Oscar.


    People keep bringing up LOTR but tbh I don’t think ROTK would win now in this Academy environment. 


    I'm not even sure how many of the nominees that year would've still been nominated, aside from Mystic River. It was the only Social Issues movie. I couldn't imagine that happening today.

  4. 1 minute ago, TalismanRing said:


    Which reminds me Bohemian Rhapsody was nominated and people are still talking about worthy Oscar noms. :rofl: 


    It's not about worthy, never has been - it's about the type of films that get nominated.

    Yeah, the types of films that got nominated and won used to be much more diverse, but something changed when Crash won. The kind of films that voters found acceptable narrowed in a pretty big way.

    • Like 2
  5. 3 minutes ago, Shanks said:

    I mean what Eric is saying is essentially If you can miss a movie because you couldn't see on biggest screen then, maybe you didn't liked it that much anyway. I hate to go watch movies in 3D because maybe my local cinemas are in-competent in 3D but it gets too dark for me. For Spidey, We had no choice but to watch it on 3D or wait 5 days, We all, me and my friends saw the 3D version. 

    Being forced to see a movie in 3D sucks. I stopped going to IMAX showings for a while because everydamnthing was in 3D. I was so happy when they finally came to their senses and switched back to glorious 2D.

    • Like 1
  6. 47 minutes ago, Eric Smith said:

    See I'm still the stalwart when it comes to PLFs. You guys know me as the psycho Timothee fan, and even I didn't shell out extra for Dune in IMAX. Outside of the costs, if you feel you have to see a movie on the biggest, loudest screen to get anything out of it, then do you really like the movie in the first place? I feel a movie should stand on its own without those bells and whistles.


    This is why I like A-List. In the last week I've already seen NWH 1x in Dolby, 2x in IMAX, and seeing it in IMAX again on Saturday. On top of that, I saw The Kingsman today and will be seeing Licorice Pizza on Friday. Combine the other movies I saw/will see this month, and it averages out to like $2.60 a ticket.


    That is a bit abnormal since I usually only go once a week, but even then it averages out to around 6 bucks a ticket.

  7. 22 minutes ago, AniNate said:

    I will say that audiences are probably not buying sad, culturally indicting endings right now.

    I think a medieval-era movie that had the fun and energy (and color) of The Adventures of Robin Hood would do much better than po-faced misery porn like The Last Duel. Escapism and fun do better when things are bad (like during the era of Screwball comedies and swashbucklers) than navel gazing stuff like that.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Cap said:

    Now all of that said -- if Wicked bombs, then yeah.  Musicals are dead.  But I would not write off the genre based on this.



    If Wicked does end up disappointing, I'd say it's more because the movie should've come out like 10 years ago. Don't know why they've been dragging their feet for a decade+, but hopefully it doesn't hurt the film.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Cappoedameron said:

    It's probably already gotten to this point but studios are probably terrified of putting their movies anywhere around a Marvel or Disney film for this simple reason. They will lose their money and depending on how big the Disney/Marvel film is they may lose their screens immediately after the first weekend.

    I think digital distribution has more or less killed the old spill-over effect. Theaters are no longer limited by the number of prints they receive, so could theoretically play one movie on every single screen to meet demand. Combine that with the widespread adoption of reserve seating and ticket preordering, and even the possibility of a surprise breakout creating spillover is greatly diminished.

  10. 11 minutes ago, Product Driven Legion said:

    Speaking of screen inflexibility, a hot (maybe?) take that I was bouncing around with @Cap a few days ago — theaters should experiment with showing TV shows. Not a whole bunch, but I suspect some appropriately priced limited engagement stuff the night they premiere (maybe even previews a few hours early?) could draw more butts in seats than your Sohos and Spencers and Duels and Alleys. Maybe even PLFs depending on the show and the competition. Especially if you can coordinate with big shows to release on the right days — Mon and Wed night are usually insanely free.


    I would totally go see doubled up episodes of Hawkeye or Boba Fett if that were an option.

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, Mango said:


    I'm all for the audience getting really into a movie especially after the past couple of years but I do hope when I see it tomorrow night the crowd controls themselves a bit. Several scenes in Endgame I missed dialogue because the crowd was going bananas.

    I missed the "Puny God" line after Hulk rag dolled Loki the first few times I saw it because the crowds would laugh so hard. If I'd missed it because someones phone went off, or a kid was crying, or something, it would've been annoying. But missing a line or two because the audience is into it? That's part of what made seeing Avengers in theaters such a blast.

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