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Posts posted by Orestes

  1. Just now, The Futurist said:

    Apprently, I saw a picture and we see the Eternals in


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    Can anybody confirm ?


    Also, how obscure this property is, more obscure than Guardians before the movies or on par ?

    More obscure than Guardians, either version of Guardians.

  2. 8 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    Why does the synopsis from CB say he did? Anyway, since it's going to be a comedy and he's in GOTG Vol 3, fingers crossed he doesn't die. 

    It was Ultimate universe Thor that had died during the Secret Wars event where Marvel basically got rid of the of Ultimates universe and most of its characters. Regular Thor had merely become unworthy due to something Nick Fury said to him.

  3. 2 minutes ago, Valonqar said:

    It isn't a biased info. I found that on Awards Watch Forum. They linked it to one of bigger CMB sites back when EG came out.  Anyway, I apologize for the mistake then. 


    Either way, since Jane gets Thor power after he dies, well, doesn't that spell doom for Chris? 


    I'm sorry that I'm not jumping up and down over this development but I really think it isn't fair that they are taking the franchise away from him. it wouldn't matter if he was given a proper closure like Iron Man and Cap but they have done him dirty. No kingdom (given to Valkyrie whose character arc was not even about becoming the King). No story (again, the outline sounds like it's about Valkyrie and Jane Thor and not about Thor). Sad. My problem isn't with transition to new Thor which was inevitable but that they are doing Chris and his character dirty the way it's proceeding.

    He didn't die when she got that power.

    • Like 3
  4. 3 minutes ago, That One Guy said:


    If Tobey Maguire didn't get an Oscar, then Tom Holland sure as hell shouldn't get one

    Maguire was good, but Holland is better, if only just. Or maybe I just like that Holland's version isn't as much of a sad sack. Both are miles better than Garfield, though.

    • Like 3
  5. 6 minutes ago, WeneedtotalkaboutKevin said:

    People hate Dark Phoenix because they hate Sophie Turner. They hate her because they hate Sansa in Game of Thrones. 


    Sophie has beauty, charm and the ability to act. She does not deserve all the hate. By the way I don't let my sexual desires get mixed up with my box office analysis. You can be assured of that. 

    Do they? Almost all the complaints i see are about writing and direction. JLaw is the only actor who seems to be getting much crap. I personally thought Sophie was decent, she was just in a boring movie.

  6. 4 minutes ago, LawrenceBrolivier said:

    I'm almost hoping he's in the back row, in the corner, on his phone working or reading or anything other than actually watching the movie. 

    Everything is a hustle now, maybe this is too? What a weird place to be in, hoping that this is just one more hustle instead of what it probably is: Media legitimately reporting on something this sad as if its a positive.

    Going for just about any record in the Guinness record book is gonna be kind of sad. It was mentioned before, but think of the folks going for longest nails. Can those people even wipe their own asses? At least this guy can still practice basic hygiene without assistance.

    • Like 1
  7. 20 minutes ago, John Marston said:

    if Disney hadn't bought Fox I wonder what they would have done after the bombage that happened this weekend since the movie would have been the same. 

    They would reboot and put out another film within the next 5 years to keep the rights. Depending on how much sense they have, it would be rebooted without Kinberg attached.

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