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Posts posted by mahnamahna

  1. Yeah, movie critics are failed directors that didn't contribute to the art of filmmaking. Go tell that to François Truffaut, Claude Chabrol, Jacques Rivette, Olivier Assayas among others a.k.a. movie critics of Les Cahiers Du Cinéma whether you like their movies or not, that's not the debate. If we're talking about the notion of auteur in movie-making nowadays, that's due to those movie critics turned directors because that notion didn't exist beforehand. Basically without movie critics, no one would talk about "auteur theory" or say "this director is an auteur". It's so familiar among movie buffs discussions today, we now make a distinction between "auteur" and "yes-man/hack".


    Hitchcock, Lang and Hawks were not considered "auteur" before those movie critics analyzed their filmography at the time and drew some familiar pattern in their respective filmography acknowledging and explaining in columns common resurgences of themes/obsessions and items fused with a peculiar style. That's what good movie critics do.


    So much fail in that aforementioned post.

    So much pretentious fail in this aforementioned post  ;)


    Do you think 99.9% of people even care about "auteur theory"? When unemployment is actually above 10% (don't listen to media stats), people have bills to pay, kids to raise, jobs to go to? Do people want to watch a "deep" movie simply because critics say you have to? Real life is hard enough and it just makes sense that an Adam Sandler comedy would make a better remedy than say... Amour. 


     Frankly I don't think people should get paid solely to watch movies and give an opinion on them. Now I don't have a problem with user reviews on IMDB, or people who just review films for fun  but when you're getting paid quite a bit of dough to simply say whether you liked something or not sounds terrible to me. I also think actors, star athletes, and politicians are all grossly overpaid (the famous ones) so I don't neccessarily think critics are scum. I just think it should be a hobby rather than a profession - they should write novels, poems, essays, as well as get a day job because if all you know is film criticism, you won't be able to properly comment on the themes or ideas in films because you've never experienced them. Either way, I think it should be done for fun rather than a career. 


    Look no further than the 1001 Movies List - a lot of little-seen "important" films made the list while I can list 100 that would be more enjoyable films to see before you die:


    1. The Kid (1921) - Chaplin's first classic

    2. Wings (1927) - first Best Picture winner

    3. Animal Crackers (1930) - first major Marx Bros film

    4. The Mummy (1932) - a Boris Karloff classic

    5. Little Miss Marker (1934) - no Shirley Temple?!? She's only the first breakout child star... no biggie  :P

    6. Curly Top (1935) - it brought us the classic song "Animal Crackers in My Soup" and it's her most iconic film

    7. The Lady Vanishes (1938) - how did they miss this Hitchcock gem? 

    8. The Great Dictator (1940) - how this didn't make the list I'll never know... one of Chaplin's best

    9. Meet John Doe (1941) - nice little Frank Capra film

    10. Bambi (1942) - there's no excuse for not having one of Walt's masterpieces on here when The Jungle Book has a spot!!

    11. The Pride of the Yankees (1942) - one of the best baseball films ever made

    12. Road to Morocco (1942) - a Bob Hope/Bing Crosby classic that should be on here

    13. National Velvet (1944) - a beloved family film with Elizabeth Taylor's first starring role

    14. Anchors Aweigh (1945) - nice, groundbreaking musical with Gene Kelly (he danced with Jerry the Mouse) 

    15. Song of the South (1946) - only so that Disney will finally release this on DVD so we can see what the fuss is about

    16. The Yearling (1946) - classic family film with Gregory Peck and a good tearjerker

    17. Miracle on 34th Street (1947) - way to include the quinessential Christmas film...

    18. Father of the Bride (1950) - one of Spencer Tracy's best

    19. Peter Pan (1953) - I definitely think this ought to have a spot on the list

    20. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954) - Disney's first truly classic live-action film

    21. Creature From the Black Lagoon (1954) - a great B-movie and return to Classic Monster form for Universal

    22. Lady and the Tramp (1955) - the best animated romance movie ever made

    23. The Seven Year Itch (1955) - the dress lifting up is ingrained in pop culture imagery

    24. Old Yeller (1957) - it's a great family film and one that makes everyone cry

    25. Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958) - Elizabeth Taylor and Paul Newman together? This classic should be on there

    26. Plan 9 From Outer Space (1959) - Ed Wood's best-known B-movie should be here

    27. 101 Dalmatians (1961) - the last true Walt Disney classic since Jungle Book was underwhelming IMO

    28. Blue Hawaii (1961) - Elvis' famous fixation on Hawaii begins here

    29. Bye Bye Birdie (1963) - one of those classic teeny-bopper musicals deserves mention and this would be it

    30. Jason and the Argonauts (1963) - Ray Harryhausen's SFX work should have been recognized somewhere on the list

    31. A Fistful of Dollars (1964) - Clint Eastwood's first classic 

    32. For a Few Dollars More (1965) - all three of the "Man With No Name" films should be on the list

    33. Cat Ballou (1965) - a well-made Western musical

    34. Fantastic Voyage (1966) - a great sci-fi adventure featuring Raquel Welch in one of her first roles 

    35. The Fortune Cookie (1966) - Billy Wilder's last iconic film 

    36. Barefoot in the Park (1967) - a nice enough romantic comedy and featuring an early Robert Redford

    37. The Odd Couple (1968) - another great pairing of Jack Lemmon and Walter Matthau

    38. Bullitt (1968) - Steve McQueen doing what he did best with a killer car chase to boot

    39. Romeo and Juliet (1968) - the film adaption of Shakespeare's play most widely watched in schools across America

    40. Fritz the Cat (1972) - the first adult orientated animated movie 

    41. Paper Moon (1973) - a great, underrated road film

    42. Soylent Green (1973) - "SOYLENT. GREEN. IS. PEOPLE!!!" just for that it should be on here!!  :lol: great sci-fi film

    43. The Towering Inferno (1974) - one of the best disaster films of all-time with a stellar cast

    44. The Longest Yard (1974) - Burt Reynolds shines in this superb football comedy

    45. Death Wish (1974) - the first in the series of Charles Bronson vigilante thrillers is down-to-earth and gritty

    46. The Great Gatsby (1974) - Robert Redford was great as Jay Gatsby and it's based on one of the best-known American novels

    47. Shampoo (1975) - a great romantic comedy and one of Goldie Hawn's best films

    48. The Omen (1976) - Richard Donner's phenonemal with this and Gregory Peck gives it a high pedigree

    49. Silent Movie (1976) - Mel Brooks was at his best doing absurd spoofs on life's folly

    50. Marathon Man (1976) - Laurence Olivier in his later years plus Dustin Hoffman at the top of his game 

    51. Smokey and the Bandit (1977) - a fun Burt Reynolds/Sally Field road comedy with Jackie Gleason thrown in for good measure

    52. Animal House (1978) - the template/inspiration for all college films of the last 35 years isn't on the list? wow...

    53. Superman (1978) - again, the template/inspiration for all superhero films of the last 35 years isn't on the list? Tim Burton's Batman somehow got on

    54. The Amityville Horror (1979) - along with Texas Chainsaw, it inspired pretty much every "based on a true story" horror film for the last 30 years

    55. The Black Stallion (1979) - an overlooked family classic with Mickey Rooney in one of his later roles 

    56. The China Syndrome (1979) - Jack Lemmon shines in this political drama

    57. The Blues Brothers (1980) - a terrific musical comedy with plenty of great performances by Belushi, Akyroid, and the musical guest stars

    58. Private Benjamin (1980) - Goldie Hawn's top-tier comedy and one that should definitely have a spot on here

    59. Arthur (1981) - a solid romantic comedy and the inspiration for most "spoiled slacker" comedies of the last 30 years

    60. The Great Muppet Caper (1981) - a irreverent, fun adventure with the Muppets that always keeps its tongue in cheek

    61. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) - probably considered the best Star Trek film to date (even more than JJ Abrams' reboot/re imagining) 

    62. Trading Places (1983) - Eddie Murphy and Dan Akyroid hit it out of the park with this comedy classic

    63. Flashdance (1983) - the inspiration for many a dance film

    64. Gremlins (1984) - a great homage to creature features' past

    65. The Muppets Take Manhattan (1984) - a simple Muppet musical that just works wonderfully

    66. The Karate Kid (1984) - a great entry in the "underdog" category of films

    67. The Goonies (1985) - a heartfelt "Indiana Jones with kids" film that's endearing and quotable

    68. An American Tail (1986) - Don Bluth deserves a mention on the list and why not for this heartwarming animated classic?

    69. Dirty Dancing (1987) - a rite of passages for most teenage girls is to watch this movie plus it's got the Swazye 

    70. RoboCop (1987) - a subversive and prophetic sci-fi thriller with Red Foreman chewing scenery 

    71. Beetlejuice (1988) - one of Tim Burton's best and it's not on the list?

    72. My Neighbor Totoro (1988) - Studio Ghibli's best-known film not on here? Blasphemy! 

    73. Indiana Jones and Last Crusade (1989) - Sean Connery helps elevate this to iconic status

    74. Dead Poets Society (1989) - Sublime teen drama with Robin Williams in a mostly subdued role. Kudos to Peter Weir!

    75. The Little Mermaid (1989) - the movie that sparked the Disney Renaissance needs to be on here - this is just a low blow!

    76. Home Alone (1990) - John Hughes' last iconic production and it just has enough heart that it somehow works 

    77. Beauty and the Beast (1991) - nominated for Best Picture and one of the best Disney animated films... why omission?

    78. A Few Good Men (1992) - Jack Nicholson, Tom Cruise, Demi Moore and Rob Reiner all made this courtroom drama pitch perfect

    79. Scent of a Woman (1992) - I'm surprised it doesn't have a spot 

    80. The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) - the film that basically popularized stop motion movies and it's still got massive appeal today

    80. Sleepless in Seattle (1993) - Nora Ephron just shows her knack for romance in this Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan comedy

    81. Ed Wood (1994) - Tim Burton's last truly great film aside from Frankenweenie

    82. Apollo 13 (1995) - Why isn't this on the list exactly? 

    83. Jerry Maguire (1996) - Cameron Crowe's most widely seen film... no mention?

    84. As Good As It Gets (1997) - this was a great dramedy and ought to be on the list

    85. Good Will Hunting (1997) - how'd this miss the list? It's a drama up the film critics' alley

    86. The Truman Show (1998) - Jim Carrey at the top of his game and once again Peter Weir shows he can keep manic antics under control

    87. Toy Story 2 (1999) - Pixar showed they could tell a great story even if it was a sequel 

    88. Cast Away (2000) - Tom Hanks was amazing in this film

    89. Shrek (2001) - inspired pretty much all of the irreverent animated movies of the last 10 years

    90, My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002) - the sleeper hit of the 2000s IMO and definitely a solid romantic comedy 

    91. Finding Nemo (2003) - one of Pixar's most enduring films and is a must for a list containing 1001 movies

    92. Elf (2003) - The best Christmas film of the 2000s and Will Ferrell's great as Buddy the Elf

    93. Anchorman (2004) - the most quotable comedy of the 21st century isn't on here but Borat and Bridesmaids are? 

    94. The Incredibles (2004) - Pixar showed everyone how to make a phenonemal superhero film 4 years before TDK 

    95. Juno (2007) - I was actually baffled this isn't on the list at some point...

    96. Gran Torino (2008) - Clint Eastwood should have left this as his last acting role because it's a great way to end an acting career

    97. Up (2009) - if District 9 and The Hangover made the list, this touching animated adventure should be on here

    98. Toy Story 3 (2010) - This is the perfect cap-off to Pixar's only trilogy at the moment99. How to Train Your Dragon (2010) - DreamWorks finally made a classic animated film without pop culture references or potty humor

    100. The Help (2011) - a great throwback to the well-made weepies of the late 80s/early 90s with a lot of heart. Great performances put this over the top

    101. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2 (2011) - while I'd include Prisoner of Azkaban too, I figured this was more fitting since it got near-universal acclaim and was a great finish to the Harry Potter series. Alan Rickman should have at least been nominated for Supporting Actor. 


    The point is that all of these great commercial films aren't on the list while plenty of little-known or small films that critics and snobs find "important". Trainspotting is a prime example - I thought it was terrible, but it's on the 1001 movies list. Why?! Jerry Maguire would have been a much better pick and one regular moviegoers might warm up to a little better. The answer is that it's little-seen so critics automatically think it's "well made" or "signficant".


    When you have 1001 slots on a list, there's no reason all 101 of the ones I just listed should be snubbed. 

  2. No. You didn't read any of my post on the first page, so why did you 'like' it?

    I liked SOME of what you said... I generally think depending on another person to tell whether you'll like something or not doesn't make sense. 

  3. Film critics are the same as book and food critics. There job is to review a film. If there are errors, weak acting they are suppose to critique the film.  I do not get why people get so upset with critics. All of dislike film. Just like all of dislike the food you get a restaurant. 

    Personally I dislike critics in general because they don't truly contribute anything. People aren't stupid - they can figure out if a movie or a restaurant or a song is bad or not for themselves

  4. I don't agree with this at all.

    But they are. Movie critics don't create anything or do anything except criticize what others are doing. Aside from gossip columnists, I'd say film critics are pretty useless. I trust the average moviegoer over what an Anton Ego wanna-be has to say IMO. 

    • Like 1
  5. It's probably more that school just started and now about 50-60% of kids are in school. Despicable Me 2 and Grown Ups 2 have adult appeal so they held a little better while Smurfs 2 is just stabilizing. I'm expecting a 30-35% drop for Planes!


    We're the Millers is going to end up being the highest grossing film of August :D who thought that was possible? 


    Despicable Me 2 and Conjuring are stablizing nicely! Average to mediocre holds for the rest. 

  6. Lucky! I remember when I was 14 watched Pulp Fiction for the first time, It blew my little mind!


    Goodfellas is a most also, those two were my favorites for years.

    Watched Pulp Fiction this morning... I'm still not sure what I just saw but it was an amazing interwined story if I've ever seen one. I can tell Reservoir Dogs was a testing ground for this. Samuel L Jackson should have gotten the Best Actor Oscar just for the last scene!  B)  John Travolta wasn't laughably bad, Bruce Willis was great, Christopher Walken is always nice to see, and the various smaller actors were great (Tim Roth, Harvey Keitel, Steve Buscemi, Julia Sweeney, etc). Uma Thurman was perfect as Mia Wallace - and QT snuck in his foot fetish for the first time in this one haha!  :P great soundtrack and phenomenal dialogue


    I give it an very high A/borderline A+ - it would make my top 25 for sure at the moment but I'd need to watch it a couple more times to solidify my opinion of it. 

  7. I don't listen to critics on anything Adam Sandler or kids movies (except when the RT rating is below 25%) because critics seem to go in thinking "this'll be awful". I don't care what any critic says - I find Happy Gilmore, Billy Madison and Tommy Boy to all be hilarious while I only chuckled a couple times in the 2 Woody Allen movies I've seen (Annie Hall and Manhattan) yet so many film buffs and critics seem to think he's hilarious. 


    I've come to the conclusion critics don't know what's funny but they know their dramas, thrillers, action, sci-fi and horror  :P

  8. You must see The Sting. Maybe your opinion about 1973 would change. It is an amazing and extremely entertaining film. Just unforgettable.

    Yeah I haven't seen that, Sleeper or Enter the Dragon so I can't accurately say what's the absolute best. But The Exorcist made you forget it was a horror movie and Linda Blair should have gotten a Supporting Actress Oscar. 


    I do want to see The Sting but it's never on TV and they took it off instant Netflix a few months ago  :(

  9. The release date argument is pointless. Lots of movies share the same dates, that doesnt mean the same amount of people will show up. If theres no competiton thats a plus, but Dragon 2 comes out 3 weeks later and some movies still dont do their max potential even with no competition. And no dinosuars are not in the same league as cars and heroes. Wrestling figures and Lebron James are even more popular.


    Boys under the age of 5 love Lebron James more than dinos, Spider-Man, and Lighting McQueen? Dinos are universally popular with kids in general but boys love them a little more obviously like how girls love the Disney princesses and Hello Kitty more - just the way things are. The Good Dinosaur might steal Dragon 2's thunder and it does have 3.5 weeks until it comes out. That's enough time to earn plenty of cash. It's an original property and none of the summer 2014 movies except ASM2 and HTTYD2 look remotely like bonafide sure-fire blockbusters. That's why an original movie has the chance to step in and win the year IMO 

    • Like 2
  10. I need to update mine since I've seen quite a few since then. 


      [*]Sherlock, Jr. (1924) [*]The Battleship Potemkin (1925)  [*]The Gold Rush (1925) [*]Seven Chances (1925)  [*]The General (1926) [*]Steamboat Bill, Jr. (1928) [*]City Lights (1931) [*]Dracula (1931) [*]Frankenstein (1931) [*]The Public Enemy (1931) [*]Duck Soup (1933) [*]King Kong (1933) [*]It Happened One Night (1934) [*]The Thin Man (1934) [*]The 39 Steps (1935) [*]Bride of Frankenstein (1935) [*]Mr. Deeds Goes to Town (1936) [*]Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) [*]The Adventures of Robin Hood (1938) [*]Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939) [*]The Wizard of Oz (1939) [*]His Girl Friday (1940) [*]The Philadelphia Story (1940) [*]Pinocchio (1940) [*]Dumbo (1941) [*]The Lady Eve (1941)  [*]The Maltese Falcon (1941) [*]Sergeant York (1941) [*]Sullivan’s Travels (1941) [*]The Wolf-Man (1941) [*]To Be or Not to Be (1942) [*]Yankee Doodle Dandy (1942) [*]Casablanca (1943) [*]Double Indemnity (1944) [*]To Have and Have Not (1944) [*]Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) [*]The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) [*]The Big Sleep (1946)  [*]Gilda (1946) [*]It’s a Wonderful Life (1946) [*]Great Expectations (1947) [*]The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) [*]The Bicycle Thief (1949) [*]A Streetcar Named Desire (1951) [*]The African Queen (1951) [*]The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) [*]High Noon (1952) [*]Singin’ in the Rain (1952) [*]Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953) [*]Roman Holiday (1953)  [*]On the Waterfront (1954) [*]Rear Window (1954) [*]Seven Brides for Seven Brothers (1954) [*]Marty (1955) [*]The Night of the Hunter (1955) [*]Rebel Without a Cause (1955) [*]Forbidden Planet (1956) [*]Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)  [*]The Ten Commandments (1956) [*]12 Angry Men (1957) [*]Paths of Glory (1957)  [*]Ben-Hur (1959) [*]North by Northwest (1959)  [*]Some Like it Hot (1959) [*]Psycho (1960) [*]Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1961) [*]To Kill a Mockingbird (1962) [*]The Manchurian Candidate (1962) [*]The Birds (1963) [*]The Nutty Professor (1963) [*]The Haunting (1963)  [*]Dr. Strangelove (1964) [*]Goldfinger (1964) [*]A Hard Day’s Night (1964) [*]The Masque of the Red Death (1964) [*]The Sound of Music (1965) [*]The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (1966) [*]Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf? (1966) [*]The Graduate (1967) [*]The Jungle Book (1967) [*]Night of the Living Dead (1968) [*]Planet of the Apes (1968) [*]Rosemary's Baby (1968)  [*]Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969) [*]Patton (1970) [*]Dirty Harry (1971) [*]Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971) [*]Deliverance (1972) [*]High Plains Drifter (1972) [*]The Godfather (1972) [*]American Graffiti (1973) [*]Badlands (1973) [*]The Exorcist (1973) [*]Serpico (1973) [*]Blazing Saddles (1974)  [*]The Conversation (1974)  [*]Chinatown (1974) [*]Young Frankenstein (1974) [*]Jaws (1975) [*]One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1975) [*]All the President’s Men (1976) [*]Carrie (1976) [*]Network (1976) [*]The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976) [*]Rocky (1976) [*]Annie Hall (1977) [*]Close Encounters of the Third Kind (1977) [*]Star Wars (1977) [*]Grease (1978) [*]Up in Smoke (1978)  [*]Alien (1979) [*]Being There (1979) [*]Breaking Away (1979) [*]The Jerk (1979) [*]Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) [*]Mad Max (1979) [*]Manhattan (1979)  [*]The Muppet Movie (1979) [*]Airplane! (1980) [*]The Elephant Man (1980) [*]The Shining (1980) [*]Star Wars: Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back (1980) [*]An American Werewolf in London (1981)  [*]On Golden Pond (1981) [*]Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) [*]E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982) [*]The Evil Dead (1982)  [*]Poltergeist (1982) [*]Tootsie (1982)  [*]A Christmas Story (1983) [*]Scarface (1983) [*]Star Wars: Episode VI – Return of the Jedi (1983) [*]Beverly Hills Cop (1984) [*]Ghostbusters (1984) [*]The Natural (1984) [*]The Terminator (1984) [*]Back to the Future (1985) [*]The Breakfast Club (1985) [*]The Color Purple (1985) [*]Aliens (1986) [*]The Fly (1986) [*]Platoon (1986) [*]Stand by Me (1986) [*]Top Gun (1986) [*]Fatal Attraction (1987) [*]Moonstruck (1987) [*]The Princess Bride (1987) [*]The Untouchables (1987) [*]Big (1988) [*]Bull Durham (1988) [*]Die Hard (1988) [*]The Naked Gun (1988) [*]Rain Man (1988) [*]Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) [*]Batman (1989) [*]Do the Right Thing (1989)  [*]Glory (1989) [*]My Left Foot (1989)  [*]Say Anything (1989) [*]When Harry Met Sally (1989) [*]Edward Scissorhands (1990) [*]Pretty Woman (1990)  [*]Boyz in the Hood (1991)  [*]The Silence of the Lambs (1991)  [*]Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) [*]Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) [*]Reservoir Dogs (1992)  [*]Groundhog Day (1993) [*]Jurassic Park (1993) [*]Schindler’s List (1993) [*]Forrest Gump (1994) [*]The Lion King (1994) [*]The Shawshank Redemption (1994) [*]Babe (1995) [*]Braveheart (1995) [*]Clueless (1995) [*]Toy Story (1995) [*]The Usual Suspects (1995) [*]Independence Day (1996) [*]Scream (1996) [*]Trainspotting (1996)  [*]Titanic (1997) [*]Saving Private Ryan (1998) [*]Run Lola Run (1998) [*]Rushmore (1998)  [*]There’s Something About Mary (1998) [*]The Blair Witch Project (1999)  [*]The Matrix (1999) [*]The Sixth Sense (1999) [*]Gladiator (2000) [*]Meet the Parents (2000) [*]The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) [*]Chicago (2002) [*]The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002) [*]The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003) [*]The Aviator (2004) [*]Collateral (2004) [*]Crash (2004)  [*]The Passion of the Christ (2004) [*]The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) [*]Paranormal Activity (2007) [*]The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) [*]The Dark Knight (2008) [*]Slumdog Millionaire (2008) [*]WALL-E (2008) [*]Avatar (2009) [*]District 9 (2009) [*]The Hurt Locker (2009) [*]Inglorious Basterds (2009) [*]Inception (2010) [*]The King’s Speech (2010) [*]The Social Network (2010) [*]True Grit (2010) [*]The Artist (2011) [*]The Descendants (2011) [*]Drive (2011)  [*]Hugo (2011) [*]War Horse (2011)

    New additions

    1. Drive (2011) - B+

    2. Crash (2004) - C-

    3. The Blair Witch Project (1999) - F

    4. Glengarry Glen Ross (1992) - D+ 

    5. Reservoir Dogs (1992) - B+

    6. Boyz in the Hood (1991) - A+

    7. My Left Foot (1989) - A-

    8. Do the Right Thing (1989) - C

    9. Trainspotting (1996) - D-

    10. Tootsie (1982) - A

    11. The Evil Dead (1982) - C- 

    12. An American Werewolf in London (1981) - B+ 

    13. Rushmore (1998) - B

    14. The Elephant Man (1980) - A

    15. Manhattan (1979) - B-

    16. Up in Smoke (1978) - B

    17. Rosemary's Baby (1968) - A+

    18. The Haunting (1963) - A 

    19. North by Northwest (1959) - A

    20. Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956) - A+

    21. Paths of Glory (1957) - A-

    22. Roman Holiday (1953) - A+

    23. The Big Sleep (1946) - B-

    24. The Lady Eve (1941) - B

    25. Scarface - Shame of a Nation (1932) - A-

    26. Seven Chances (1925) - A

    27. The Battleship Potempkin (1925) - A- 


    I've gone from 191 to 218  :) 

  11. rather than trying to pick between no country for old men and there will be blood, i'll just post whether i agree or disagree with the academy's designation of these films as great


    1927 sunrise: a song of two humans

    1930 all quiet on the western front

    1942 casablanca

    1957 the bridge on the river kwai

    1965 the sound of music (polanski's repulsion)

    1973 the sting (if foreign language films are allowed, la nuit americaine. haven't seen anything else from this year)

    1994 forrest gump (seen nothing great from this year)

    1997 titanic (nor from this year, in fact titanic is the best i've seen)

    1999 american beauty

    2000 gladiator  (dancer in the dark)

    2001 a beautiful mind (moulin rouge!)

    2003 lord of the rings: return of the king (dogville)

    2007 no country for old men

    2008 slumdog millionaire (yep, the dark knight is better than this)

    2010 the king's speech (black swan or social network would've been acceptable)

    The Exorcist is the best from 1973 but I've never seen The Sting.

    Disagree on Dogville though - no matter how good it was, LOTR deserved BP for one of the films. 

    1994 has Forrest Gump, Pulp Fiction, Shawshank Redemption, and The Lion King - a near perfect quartet (haven't seen Pulp Fiction but people say it's amazing) I definitely consider 1994 one of my favorite film years because of these. 

  12. Not sure what film I will see next.

    Same here


    I saw Monsters U for the 1st time a week ago, and I'm debating between Conjuring, Elysium, Wolverine and The Butler . I heard Elysium was bad, Conjuring is amazing but doesn't live up to the scare buzz, Wolverine is good but nothing special, while Oprah's performance in The Butler is supposedly Oscar worthy. 


    I'm debating between Conjuring and Butler at the moment since I'm not a big X-Men fan to begin with 

  13. I think November-December 2014 sound better than next summer lol (with the bolded as the ones I want to see most) 


    Big Hero 6 (Disney animation + Japanese Marvel= yay!!) 

    Interstellar (Christopher Nolan)

    The Secret Service (Michael Caine and Samuel L Jackson in the same movie? WHOA) 

    Mockingjay Part One (Hunger Games) 

    Exodus (Ridley Scott's next)

    Tomorrowland (Brad Bird + original sci-fi adventure=YES!) 

    The Hobbit: There and Back Again (I could see it having an outside chance at +$350 million since it's the finale) 

    The Minions Spinoff (this could be the highest grossing movie of 2014 if it's any good)

    Into the Woods (this and Transcendence might be Johnny Depp's first good live action films since Sweeney Todd) 

    Unbroken (Jolie + the Coen Brothers) 


    Late 2014 seems a lot more intriguing than summer 2014. Actually spring 2014 looks solid too!


    The Lego Movie (looks gleefully tongue in cheek for a kids movie)

    Mr. Peabody and Sherman (love Ty Burell and it looks like tons of fun)

    Divergent (I have to read the book but Kate Winslet's involvement is interesting)

    Muppets Most Wanted (at the moment, my most anticipated of 2014 being a die-hard Muppet fan lol  :lol: )

    Noah (Russell Crowe and Emma Watson are pretty good but I've never seen any of Darren's films)

    Captain America - The Winter Soldier (Robert Redford? A political thriller with superheroes? Sounds good to me!)

    Heaven is for Real (a great story that will probably go well with those in the heartland/Bible belt)

    Transcendence (Depp + Freeman + original sci-fi idea + cinematographer from TDK trilogy= YES! YES! YES!) 


    Summer has The Good Dinosaur, Amazing Spider-Man 2, X-Men: Days of Future Past, HTTYD2, Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, and Guardians of the Galaxy. Unless other films I haven't listed get amazing reviews, next summer is gonna be awful for movies haha :P  with only Good Dinosaur, ASM2, HTTYD2 and GotG as films on my must-see list

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