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Posts posted by mahnamahna

  1. The only two films on your list I have seen are Halloween and Indiana Jones the Last Crusade. Both are great movies, so watch those first! :P


    Haha ok! I was planning on saving all of the horror movies for a marathon around Halloween week  :lol: but I'll have to dig for Indy 3 in the DVD folder lol. Can't believe I've never seen it or Temple or Doom! What a sad film buff I am  :P

    • Like 2
  2. I still think The Good Dinosaur will be the highest grossing movie of Summer 2014


    1. Pixar's golden release date (last weekend of May) - Up and Finding Nemo both did great in this slot

    2. Dinos = $$$ - little boys will automatically love it 

    3. An original property - originality is always a plus during the heat of summer

    4. 3 weeks all to itself - no kiddie competition until HTTYD2

    5. Intriguing plot - more thought-provoking than Brave anyways  :P


    I'd say:

    $77 million opening weekend

    $324,5 million DOM total


    2. Spidey 2: $310 million DOM total

    3. HTTYD2: $295 million DOM total

    4. TF4: $270 million DOM total

    5. DOFP: $225 million DOM total 

    6. Maleficent: $210 million DOM total

    7. Apes 2: $205 million DOM total

    8. F&F6: $190 million DOM total  

    9. Guardians of Galaxy: $185 million DOM total

    10. Million Ways to Die: $175 million DOM total


    But I definitely think the 3 biggest films of 2014 will be Mockingjay Part 1, Hobbit 3, and the Minions spinoff - not to mention Tomorrowland, Ridley Scott's Exodus, Big Hero 6, and Interstellar all being contenders for big hit status.


    I'd actually say November-December 2014 has a better lineup than Summer 2014  :lol:

  3. In no particular order and all of which have been featured in the 1001 Movies list at some point. I've also never seen any of these. Here's my list: 


    1. Blade Runner

    2. Hannah and Her Sisters

    3. Being John Malkovich

    4. Little Miss Sunshine

    5. Broadcast News

    6. Seven Samurai

    7. From Here to Eternity

    8. The Godfather Part II

    9. Spartacus

    10. The Great Escape

    11. Lawrence of Arabia

    12. 2001 - A Space Odyssey

    13. M*A*S*H

    14. Saturday Night Fever

    15. This is Spinal Tap 

    16. Bonnie and Clyde

    17, Pulp Fiction

    18. Apocalypse Now

    19. The Birth of a Nation

    20. Intolerance

    21. Metropolis

    22. A Fish Called Wanda

    23. Midnight Cowboy

    24. The Grapes of Wrath

    25. 8 1/2

    26. Shane

    27. Heat

    28. Sunset Blvd 

    29. Fantasia

    30. Halloween

    31. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

    32. Dawn of the Dead

    33. A Nightmare on Elm Street

    34. Goodfellas

    35. Fight Club

    36. Taxi Driver

    37. West Side Story

    38. Raging Bull

    39. Se7en

    40. Spirited Away

    41. Grave of the Fireflies

    42. Princess Monokoke 

    43. Fargo

    44. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    45. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

    46. Once Upon a Time in the West

    47. Full Metal Jacket

    48. Memento

    49. Almost Famous

    50. The Big Lebowski 


    What classic/iconic films have you been meaning to see?

  4. Seeing Trainspotting so far down the list makes me sad...


    One of the worst "brilliant" films I've ever seen... when Anchorman, Dumbo, All the President's Men, The Graduate, The Goonies, Young Frankenstein, The Muppet Movie, Airplane!, My Neighbor Totoro, When Harry Met Sally, Breakfast Club, etc aren't on the list, it makes me mad that a movie about a bunch of Scottish heroin junkies even got in the top 150 let alone top 100  :D


    Slumdog Millionaire would have been a better Danny Boyle film to put on here IMO 

  5. 1. Elysium: $42 million

    2. Planes: $34.5 million

    3. We're the Millers: $24 million

    4. Percy Jackson 2: $20.5 million

    5. 2 Guns: $13 million

    6. The Wolverine: $10.5 million

    7. The Smurfs 2: $9 million

    8. The Conjuring: $8 million

    9. Despicable Me 2: $6 million

    10. Grown Ups 2: $5 million 


    Not a bad weekend at the box office except Planes has a good chance of winning the weekend  :huh:

  6. Best 13 Films of 2012


    1. The Avengers - A+

    2. The Dark Knight Rises - A

    3. Wreck-it Ralph - A-

    4. Silver Linings Playbook - A-

    5. The Hunger Games - A-

    6. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - B+

    7. The Perks of a Wallflower - B+ 

    8. Chronicle - B+

    9. Hotel Transylvania - B+

    10. Life of Pi - B+

    11. Lincoln - B

    12. The Amazing Spider-Man - B

    13. Looper - B-


    With Les Miserables getting the coveted F  ;)


    Still haven't seen Argo, Django, Beasts of Southern Wild, Amour, or Pitch Perfect

  7. Monsters University: Better story and unconventional twist

    Despicable Me 2: Crowd-pleasing and hilarious


    Really both are about the same but I enjoyed DM2 a little more because of the Minions and of how much it reminded me of the care-free attitude of Shrek 2 back in 2004  :)


    Monsters University will probably age better though


    I can't truly say my opinion on this matter until I've seen The Croods, Cloudy 2, and Frozen

  8. 1. Mama - B+ 

    2. Identity Thief - F

    3. Oz: The Great and Powerful - A-

    4. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone - B-

    5. G.I. Joe: Retaliation: C+ 

    6. Iron Man 3: A-

    7. Star Trek Into Darkness: A

    8. This is the End: B

    9. Man of Steel: B+

    10. Monsters University: A-

    11. Despicable Me 2: A

    12. Grown Ups 2: B+ 


    Still need to see for 2013 (with my most anticipated in bold) -

    1. The Croods

    2. Mud

    3. 42

    4. Oblivion

    5. The Great Gatsby

    6. Now You See Me

    7. World War Z

    8. The Lone Ranger

    9. The Way, Way Back

    10. Fruitvale Station

    11. Pacific Rim

    12. The Conjuring

    13. The Wolverine

    14. Elysium

    15. Lee Daniels' The Butler

    16. Insidious Chapter 2

    17. Cloudy 2 - Revenge of the Leftovers

    18. Gravity

    19. Thor - The Dark World

    20. Delivery Man

    21. Catching Fire

    22. Frozen

    23. Grace of Monaco

    24. The Hobbit - Desolation of Smaug

    25. American Hustle

    26. Saving Mr. Banks

    27. Anchorman - The Legend Continues

    28. Monuments Men 

    29. The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

    30. August: Osage Country 

  9. I'm not a Nolanite but he's my favorite director of the 21st century just because he proves blockbusters don't have to be excessively stupid or aimed at teenagers to make big bucks.


    I've only seen 4 of his films:

    The Dark Knight - A+

    The Dark Knight Rises - A

    Batman Begins - A-

    Inception - B+


    He's also the only director I can think of who has not made a truly terrible (Michael Bay or Adam Sandler terrible) film

    • Like 2
  10. I'm surprised Forrest Gump wasn't mentioned. $55 mil budget and did $677 mil WW but one of the writers who was supposed to get a % of the net profits had to sue because the studio was claiming it had not made any profit.

    I think they settled out of court to avoid having to show their books in open court.


    Edit- Here's a good read on Forrest Gump and creative Hollywood accounting:




    And a few more examples:



    Forrest Gump made a HUGE profit lol... it's the movie that made Tom Hanks flithy rich since he got 10-15% of the gross net profits... He basically got 30 to 40 million for the movie back in 1994. They were just trying to avoid giving them their paycheck  :)

  11. 1. Paths of Glory: 5/5 - definitely a nice, short war drama and probably Kubrick's most underrated

    2. My Left Foot: 5/5 - Daniel Day Lewis and the kid in the movie were spot on. Great unconventional biopic! 

    3. The Big Sleep: 3/5 - confusing film noir that's saved by Lauren Bacall's looks and the chemistry between her and Bogie 

    4. Drive: 3.5/5 - Great throwback to 70s thrillers but Ryan Gosling isn't convincing as a tough guy. Albert Brooks, Hal from "Malcolm in the Middle" :P and Carey Mulligan were great though. 

    5. Monsters University: 4.5/5 - easily Pixar's funniest since Finding Nemo and a great tribute to Revenge of the Nerds, Animal House and the college films before it. I didn't like how Sully was sidelined and Randall's reason for not liking Sully is beyond stupid. I loved the unconventional ending and it really showed that Pixar knows how to put a different spin on a story we think we know  :)

  12. 90 - Goodfellas

    91 - JFK

    92 - Unforgiven

    93 - N/A

    94 - Pulp Fiction (obviously. But I love both Forrest Gump and The Shawshank Redemption)

    95 - None

    96 - Fargo

    97 - L.A. Confidential (but I'm fine with Titanic winning)

    98 - The Thin Red Line

    99 - American Beauty or The Insider

    00 - Traffic

    01 - None

    02 - N/A

    03 - N/A

    04 - Million Dollar Baby

    05 - Brokeback Mountain

    06 - The Departed

    07 - No Country for Old Men

    08 - N/A

    09 - Inglourious Basterds

    10 - The Social Network

    11 - None

    12 - N/A

    Does N/A or None mean you can't come up with one?

  13. I don't understand. Why did The Dark Knight affect the next two years seeing that the winners are different from your original post.


    Because one of Pixar's masterpieces needed to win (WALL-E and Up) and I actually hated The Hurt Locker, Avatar and pretty much all of the nominees except Blind Side & Up... so I gave it to Pixar! and I didn't think Nolan should win BP twice within two years so I gave it to David Fincher  :)


    As of the 20's I only agree with 2000, 2003, 2004, 2007, and 2009.


    Should have been 


    2001- Monsters Inc

    2002- The Ring (Although 8 Mile should have won too)

    2005- The Exorcism of Emily Rose

    2006- Letters from Iwo Jima

    2008- The Dark Knight 

    2010- Toy Story 3

    2011- The Help

    2012- Life of Pi (although Django Unchained, Zero Dark Thirty, and Silver Lining Playbooks I would like to see win too)



    8 Mile? ....... it's a good thing you aren't the Academy  ;)

  15. The years where the right film won BP are in bold 



    1928: Steamboat Bill, Jr 

    1929: Unknown? Can't think of one

    1930: All Quiet on the Western Front 

    1931: City Lights

    1932: Scarface

    1933: King Kong

    1934: It Happened One Night

    1935: Captain Blood

    1936: Swing Time or Modern Times (can't decide) 

    1937: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    1938: Bringing Up Baby

    1939: The Wizard of Oz

    1940: The Grapes of Warth

    1941: Citizen Kane

    1942: Yankee Doodle Dandy

    1943: Casablanca

    1944: Double Indemnity

    1945: The Lost Weekend 

    1946: It's a Wonderful Life

    1947: Miracle on 34th Street

    1948: Red River

    1949: Bicycle Thieves

    1950: Sunset Boulevard

    1951: The Day the Earth Stood Still

    1952: Singin' in the Rain

    1953: Roman Holiday

    1954: On the Waterfront

    1955: The Night of the Hunter

    1956: The Ten Commandments

    1957: The Bridge on the River Kwai 

    1958: Vertigo

    1959: Some Like it Hot

    1960: Psycho

    1961: Breakfast at Tiffany's 

    1962: Lawrence of Arabia

    1963: The Great Escape

    1964: Dr. Strangelove

    1965: The Sound of Music

    1966: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly 

    1967: The Graduate

    1968: 2001 - A Space Odyssey

    1969: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 

    1970: Patton

    1971: Dirty Harry

    1972: The Godfather

    1973: The Exorcist

    1974: The Godfather Part II

    1975: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

    1976: Network

    1977: Star Wars

    1978: Superman

    1979: Apocalypse Now

    1980: Raging Bull

    1981: Raiders of the Lost Ark

    1982: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

    1983: Terms of Endearment

    1984: The Natural

    1985: Back to the Future

    1986: Stand by Me

    1987: Fatal Attraction 

    1988: Grave of the Firefiles 

    1989: Do the Right Thing

    1990: Edward Scissorhands

    1991: Beauty and the Beast

    1992: Unforgiven

    1993: Schindler's List

    1994: Forrest Gump

    1995: Toy Story

    1996: Fargo

    1997: L.A. Confidential

    1998: The Truman Show 

    1999: The Sixth Sense

    2000: Requiem for a Dream

    2001: LOTR - Fellowship of the Ring

    2002: LOTR - The Two Towers

    2003: LOTR - Return of the King

    2004: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 

    2005: Walk the Line 

    2006: Pan's Labyrinth 

    2007: No Country for Old Men

    2008: WALL-E

    2009: The Hurt Locker

    2010: Inception 

    2011: Midnight in Paris

    2012: Life of Pi 


    I guess they only got it right 19 times 


    What do you think should have won each of those years?

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