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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. I'm going to wait for the saturday number. That's really where it counts and where we'll see if this is really all frontloaded or not. Don't forget either way the legs on this will be insane as most are usually busy with christmas shopping/traveling. Can you imagine the holds we'er going to see when christmas is done?
  2. Now tell me, Harry was just midnight showings right? Whereas SW had 7pm and so on showings, which don't get me wrong this is fucking HUGE, but just putting it in perspective.
  3. 55M!!!! Shouldn't be that surprising as last night we got there about an hour and a half before our showing and there was already about 50-60 people ahead of us in line. I looked at my sister and was like, "sooooo looks like we won't be waiting at the bar....:". The first people in line told us they had been there since 5pm, and our showing was for 10:40. This has an outside shot of getting to Avatar, it just needs to do big in China.
  4. OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG okay. Come on Kelli we need to speak in intelligible words now......deep breaths.... SKFITNEODOSMAHSHENEIDIFORMRFIDJJn!!!!!!!!!!! Okay. Now with that out of my system, I'll try to make all of this random sloppy love affair of a review for star wars as comprehensible as I can and hope I can convey each and everything about the movie. First off, Star Wars was FUCKING AWESOME. This is clearly the mo ie not of the year, but of the decade and makes that pathetic excuse of a blockbuster 'Avatar' running away crying with its pants down. Abrams, that little beast. He fucking nailed way out of the park, farther than A fucking Rod or Or-fucking-tiz could ever hit a ball. He nailed the tone of the movie perfectly with the score, outstanding cinematography that relates to the first, and he absolutely brought out the new comers beautifully. So many times with these reboots, directors get so caught up in the graphics, making sure its eye candy and not putting the effort in the writing. This film doesn't rub it in your face "hey look at our graphics! Aren't we way cooler and far more ahead of the originals?!". The graphics are great, but they also mesh well enough with the originals were it doesn't feel like a totally different movie, you could have easily thought this was made right with episodes 4-6, and trust me that's not a diss. It was refreshing. As for the acting, BRAV-fucking-O. The oldies we knew were great, but the newbies Rey and fin were such a joy to watch. Just great chemistry and really great build up where although there was a lot of humor mixed in, you did feel the connection was legit. Speaking of humor, I LOVED the bits of humor! It's something that even the originals didn't do much of. You might have had one or two maybe, but for the most part it was always serious and dramatic, which is perfectly fine. However I loved Abrams dropping the bits of humor here, and the best part was it never felt forced like he tried to really yank it from the crowd, it just felt natural. The story of the movie was definitely intriguing, sure it takes a bit to trick through in the first 30 minutes (though for me I didn't mind it at all), it's all worth it when they all come together. I thought the film was filled with action through-out, great fighting duels, and I KNEW Rey was the Jedi! I just knew it was her, and star wars definitely needed that. If its one thing that irks me with star wars, it's the lack of female powerful characters. Padme is anything but powerful and really made females look derogatory to how we're depicted olden times: left being only pinning away waiting for our loved one to come home, crying over and over. Leiah had a strong personality but still in physicality she was still the "damsel in distress". This movie looked like it was going there too when Ren abducted her, and when he held his hand at her trying to break her down by force (no pun intended), you thought she looked like she was giving in, but then at the last minute she surprises fans and holds her own. She then later fights against him in an outstanding final battle, ultimately making a name for her own in this and hopefully the trilogy. Overall, this film delivers the epic propaganda it dished out and then some. I can't wait for part 8 and to see how Rey and Luke's relationship begins. We still don't know whose daughter she is. Is she Han and leaih's? That would she fought her own brother to almost death, and watched her own dad die by her brother. Certainly has the most drama. Or is she Luke's and Luke abandoned her after (what. We're told) Ren destroyed his hopes of building back the Jedi school/council. I give this a 10/10, A++++++++++++++++++
  5. My thoughts exactly. Im trying to sum all my feelings up into coherent words and to organize all my thoughts where it actually makes sense as my mind is going to numerous places. So overall, i did love this movie, and i think ill stick with the word love because i think it deserved it. It wasnt perfect by any stretch but overall as a whole i think Francis did the best he could with eh written book. So i think ill start with my negatives just to get it off my chest, the worst and most glaring to me was Prim's final scene. I found it to be really quick and so glossed over as it was shot so shaky, you didnt even know it was her at first (my sister told me that, she said she didn't even know she died until snow's comment. Good to know from a non-book reader). Why in earth would francis shoot that in fucking shaky cam??? Why was it so quick?? Even in the book, you felt like time had stopped for a second and everything was in slow motion. I feel like they just dropped the biggest death like it was nothing (my biggest pet peeve with the whole film franchise was that they never gave prim enough time to show that bond with katniss, or mentioned her enough). I just was really dissapointed in how poorly her death was shot. Second biggest criticism was coin. I feel like she was not ever given into how cruel she was in the book. I said one of my drawbacks in part 1 was that they never depicted her dark side and made her come off as a good person. Here, it felt so random and all of a sudden shes off trying to kill katniss whereas in the book it was not a surprise. Her character was really a big letdown here as she was an interesting yet ironic twist to the story. My only other complaint would be the ending, though im not going to fault them for that since its in the book and when in doubt, just follow the book. I guess my issue is that it felt like they never touched upon how damaged both katniss and peeta are. Now for things i love: i loved all the action scenes like the black oil and mutts, done very nicely! I actually thought Josh did a very great job playing peeta and how he slowly, as you could see, started regaining a bit of himself. Gale was alright, no different. I loved the buttercup scene even despite being mad about prim. Finnick's end was so sad Overall, i loved the movie, will give it a B+ 8.5/10 rating. I think if i had to order it: CF (by far the best): 9.5/10 MJ2: 8.5/10 HG: 8/10 MJ1: 7/10
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