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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. Woah woah woah wooooooah. Hold up. Mr. Scooby..........ahem. Pleasure to meet you how have I not met your face before?
  2. I'm gonna say 85-90M, but if it did that, it would be utterly phenomenal. Speechless.
  3. You mean by JW? I think Avengers 1 Gross will be tough to get to, but not impossible I guess. The target I see is 550M.
  4. I like Legend, but actually haven't seen White Squall (probably should check it out). Yeah, I loved Exodus! (shrugs)
  5. It's got it's work cut out: JW at the pace it's going looks to make around at least 75-80M this weekend, if not way more.
  6. That movie was okay, nowhere near my favs from him like Alien, Gladiator, Exodus, Blade Runner......
  7. If we're talking box office that's one thing, but in terms of quality I found both Titanic and Avatar over-rated. More so Titanic because at least Avatar has its fun moments. Titanic really is a bore for the first 2 hours watching Jack and Rose fiddle fiddle one another. It doesn't actually get good till the ship hits the iceberg. They could have easily cut off an 1 hour or so off that movie.
  8. I'm gonna throw in my boy Ridley Scott........just because. (I forgive him for Prometheus).
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