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Everything posted by K1stpierre

  1. It is still hard to put a number on something yourself and decide whether it's "successful" or "flop". I think you have an interesting club, I get where you're going but I think it just doesn't work in the box office forum (because now we're making this an Over club, for like 18 movies lol). I'm gonna move this to the speakeasy.
  2. Uh oh. If JW's estimate doesmt go up I'm in trouble already in Baumer's game
  3. 1) Will Terminator be number one? No 2) Will Magic Mike be number two? No 3) Will Jurassic World drop more than 45%? Yes 4) Will IO have a Saturday decrease of more than 32.7% on Saturday? No 5) Will Terminator or MM fall more than 20% on Thursday? Yes 6) Will any film in the top 10, playing in more than 999 theaters, have a Friday increase of more than 75%? Yes 7) Will Spy increase more than 22.2% on Thursday? No 8) Will IO and JW both make more than Terminator? Yes 9) Will San Andreas fall less % wise than Spy? No 10) Will Ted fall more than 49%? Yes 11) Will Max make more than 7 million? Yes 12) Will JW be over 1.375 billion by Sunday estimates, according to RENTRAK http://www.rentrak.c...rankings.html#1 no 10/12 5000 11/12 7000 12/12 9000 I think the questions are kind of tough this week. What films finish in spots: 1 Inside Out 2 Magic Mike 3 Terminator 4 Jurassic World 5 Ted 2 9 dope 2000 each, get all 6 right bonus of 7000 Bonus 1: What will T5's total be for Wed and Thurs? 14.74M Bonus 2: What will JW's total be after Thursday? 528.04M Bonus 3: What will Ted's total be after Sunday? 59.33M
  4. I agree with this, this club is vague. Dissapointmrnt can be seen in multiple perspectives, not to even mention the difference between what we think is a flop and what from a business perspective is a flop. I suggest doing what stellar says and make bars or over/under parameters for movies. You have 24 hours to comply.
  5. Yes! JP3 was awesome, had great characters and was also the first to have nice taro dactyl (sp?) shots. The first one is good but it does take forever to get the action started.
  6. Well to me, 7.5 is good. I found some parts to drag a bit, kind of lost my attention. My average would be like 5/6.
  7. Just saw JW!!! I don't see how people think Chris pratt was out of his league, he was awesome here. Very cool, had great one liners. Even Claire was pretty cool to me, yeah they showed her high heels a bit but whatever, she was entertaining to watch. The kids weren't that annoying, they actually seemed realistic to me. The graphics were fantastic, absolutely awesome. There was product placement, sure, biggest Mercedes but it wasn't like it took anything away. Overall, I loved this, probably will go down as my second fav JP movie behind the third. I give this 8/10, A- rating overall. I'd def see this again.
  8. Just got out, overall I enjoyed it. It's really cute, has a lot of funny moments, but also sends a great message and depth. It seems very psychological, so it's weird that it's geared towards kids. I'd give it a 7.5/10, B+ overall.
  9. I'm your type, I know. We'll talk over dessert later.
  10. Underworld 1 was great, 2 was good, 3 was eh since there was no Kate, 4 was just god awful (even Kate did all she can to lift that movie).
  11. Kelli Cooper....... Kelli Rae Cooper..... I like it.
  12. Guy on the bottom I want a taste of. Hold up, NOT THE SEX THREAD.
  13. Kate beckinsale is one of the few females I'd ever go lesbian for. She's my female crush (along with others).
  14. Wow. I just noticed how poorly Ted is doing, isn't all that surprising since it was an unnecessary sequel.
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