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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. Currently, GOT gets more viewers. Last week's episode got 18M viewers. This week and next may get over 20M. Game 1 of the finals got 15M viewers. I think EOT evening shows may be badly affected by the 1-2 punch of the finals and GOT. Although, looking at theaters in the LA area, TFIOS is also showing low occupancy. The 5:20pm show has 30 tickets sold with 5 minutes to go, these shows were sold out yesterday and Friday.

    Those numbers are live plus every viewing on demand on the reshow later so they are not exactly the live audience
  2. Anyone ever wonder what would happen if Edmure hadn't stopped Tywin from going West. IMO Stannis sacks Kings Landing killing tyrion, Cersei,Joffrey, Sansa is then held by Stannis.  Robb beats Tywin in the war the Freys and Bolton don't dare to betray him without Tywin's backing and he heads back north taking Moat Cailain with his plan.


    The Tyrells fall back to Highgarden and Stannis wars with the Riverlords and whatever's left of Robb's army.  The Rosby's give up Tommen to Stannis who refuses to kill him. They trade Sansa for Jaime and Stannis has Jaime admit to the incest, Stannis then has Jaime executed and sends Tommen away. Robb gets the letter from the watch and sends soldiers up to the wall to save Jon ( as Jon is Robb's heir). Jon is still legitimized but Rickon comes out so Jon probably marries Val on Robb's order and pretty much continues his role on the wall without actually being a brother. Theon is executed. Eventually Jeyne gets pregnant(as her mother stops drugging her).


    Littlefinger is still alive and flees to the vale his plan stays the same lysa still dies and he is lord protector. So is Varys as he probably hides away in red keep as he was planning. Balon still dies and Euron becomes king the reaving continues except it is the westerlands that are ravaged not the reach. Victarion still goes to Dany.


    The Dornish break the Myrcella engagement but keep the girl around, Oberyn's still in Dorne and Tyrion is dead meaning Aegon and the Golden Company(No Connigton Greyscale so plan is not rushed) meet with Dany in Meereen and they plan the invasion of Westeros together with Dorne's support. So it's Stannis and the storlands+Crownlands+maybe part of reach v Robb riverlands and north and matbe Vale v Dany+Aegon golden comapny and Dothraki and unsullied and dorne and part of reach who do you think wins that. However just as Dany and Aegon come I'm sure Varys goes on a killing streak so Melisandre, Davos or even Stannis may die

  3. I do feel that. Until last year, every damn game seemed to receive a 9/10. Now it is different. Games like COD: Ghosts, BF4, inFamous, Watch Dogs, Gears of War prequel and God of War: Ascension got very weak reviews compared to their predecessors. 

    Infamous second Son was great, The Neon powers especially it looked beautiful 

  4. But it would be like if in Lord of the Rings it turned out that Barliaman Butterbur was an heir of generations past to the land of Cardolan and essentially the only clues for it were in a historical appendix Tolkien published in-between The Two Towers and Return of the King.


    At least with the Blackfyres it is built up a bit in the novels, explored a good deal more in the Dunk & Egg novellas, and there's a bunch of clues and hints as well.



    It is a very interesting theory, but not one supported by much out there at all.

    I would love it to be true it offers more motivation to LF than just  a heartbroken kid who turns "evil" after the girl he loves denies him

    • Like 1
  5. Why do you like Stannis so much?

    Because Stannis is the one true king


    It is not a question of wanting. The throne is mine, as Robert's heir. That is law. After me, it must pass to my daughter, unless Selyse should finally give me a son. I am king. Wants do not enter into it. I have a duty to my daughter. To the realm. Even to Robert. He loved me but little, I know, yet he was my brother. The Lannister woman gave him horns and made a motley fool of him. She may have murdered him as well, as she murdered Jon Arryn and Ned Stark. For such crimes there must be justice. Starting with Cersei and her abominations. But only starting. I mean to scour that court clean. As Robert should have done after the Trident.

    • Like 3
  6. $178M budget, let alone marketing, and it opened to $29M (at best). Of course it tanked.



    Original or not, it's true, Godzilla had its third >50% drop in a row.



    I agree TFIOS will have a huge drop, but I can't see EoT dropping less than 50%, no matter how good the film is. This genre of movies always fall more than 50%.



    I made the names based on their box-office performance. The movie may be shit (dunno, I haven't seen it), but dropping only 51% is impressive since most high-profile films this summer dropped by more than 60%. It is also a smaller drop than SWATH (-59%). With the competition it had, it is admittedly an impressive hold.

    Talk again after EOT gets a 4x multiplier

  7. He was on this summer box office preview show I watched. He predicted that Guardians of the Galaxy will earn over 300M. When asked why he said "Star Wars will be filming at that time, and people will want a space epic which can replace Star Wars, and I believe GOTG is the movie for that. It will be like Star Wars for this generation, and Peter Quill will be like the next Han Solo" (paraphrasing of course)

    I think Avatar qualifies as this generation Star Wars don't you

  8. so 100m is dead for EoT with that poor Sat I guess, sign of poor legs. I knew GA wouldnot turn back to support it when they already dumped it. Great legs for sci-fi action ? No such thing. It's a dead genre.


    Hilarious drop for Fault. Lol. It might miss 100m as well ... 

    Have some faith it takes more than a day for legs to develop I firmly believe this will be this years NYSM

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