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Posts posted by boomboom234

  1. Measuring movies by quality is remarkebly inefficient as is their anything more biased than personal opinion. None of the marvel movies this year for all their quality can touch MOS domestic. And while I realize this is a movie forum it is helpful to look at all facets of entertainment in video games dc is undoubtly superior with injustice both mobile and console arkham, dcuo, and Lego batman. In tv dc also has the edge with arrow being >>>>>>>>> aos and the outlook for dc Gotham, flash, Constantine, and preacher as compared to agent carter and the netflix things. In movies marvel has a huge lead but that is in part because dc didn't go bankrupt and have to sell film properties off. Now dc is trying to play catch up and we should observe closely with bvs jl sandman and shazam being pretty much confirmed. Dc has a chance to catch in movies with its plan and we all know bvs is going to do at least 450 so let's see

  2. The thing is, if you make certain assumptions about the 6th book, you can make a remotely plausible case for it. It's a bad case, but still plausible given how D&D now have to sprint and condense in order to fit 4 books into 3 seasons. I still think he's in, for now, but after the Dornish overhaul I am more wary.

    There are already strong hints that he will be successful and that there will be a second dod plus he is varys endgame but if they cut him not only is it a major spoiler it is not the same story.
  3. So Avatar didn't win people the internet, and neither did it win those off the internet? Gee I wonder where that 2.7 billion and 10x multiplier came from cause it seemed Avatar hasn't won anyone. :lol:

    How many will return how many even remember avatar. Avatar was great at the time it was unique but now that 3d is no longer the unique and breathtaking visuals almost the norm how many will come back to a rather generic ( plot wise) piece of sci if especially since Star Wars is returning
    • Like 1
  4. Well, if by that method, we will come to the odd conclusion that a movie about a mother panda and her sneezing bay, or Yao Ming's weird laughing face would make great business. Cameron never needed and never will need to hear the words from those so called internet "movie critics". I think these days we all spend much time on the internet and that sometimes makes us mistake internet with real life. Avatar is not as popular as TDK and TA on the internet and that's because Avatar has reached a lot of audience (that other blockbusters rarely do) that dont have a habit of making gifs or memes on the internet. And beleive me studios would LOVE more than anything to have those kind of audience being interested in their movies because winning the internet geeks is one thing, but winning those type of audience is another and if you manage that, you can be sure you've done something really unique.

    But it hasn't won those audiences and the insane 8 years between movies can only hurt it. People regular people don't talk about avatar anymore it hasn't stuck
    • Like 1
  5. Just going to make some comments. Lego, great OW, average legs for WOM/genre.Nut Job, disgustingly good.Peabody, disappointment, just because DW average is now tanking doesn't mean their movies should be expected to make below $150m since almost all their other movies adjust above the mark already without 3D too.Rio 2 actually slightly better than expected. This, like Cloudy 2, expected to drop and didn't have HTTYD predecessor WOM.HTTYD2...did it even come out? No.Planes 2, actually it's very disappointing considering popularity of Cars franchise, Planes legs last year, yeah it was crap but little kiddies love it and their parents seem to be idiots. Big Hero 6 should be expected to make $200m because of Frozen, but look at Ralph. That had more "nostalgia" from its characters than some comic no one read and which has really been only loosely adapted.Book of Life is not going to make $100m. It may not even make $50m. Stop motion doesn't do that well. It's from the company that brought us Free Birds, it could be awful. Your expectations are totally out of whack.Boxtrolls similar to BoL but has Coraline and Paranorman behind it, still the concept is not as friendly as the other two, seems more kiddie than both, I think $50m would be great for it.Penguins is interesting. Will see if the show had any effect or the length has any effect. I think like $120m is a good number for now that it has to hit. Has to.

    Lego opened to 69 and grossed 255+ That is a 3.69 multiplier what movie of the last two years discounting frozen had better legs ( dm2 had the Fourth of July)
  6. Time Warner really got hit hard by that horrible AOL merger years ago. They had such huge box office hits last decade that I would assume that those helped soften the blow some. However, I am sure that they still lost a considerable sum on the AOL merger. What's interesting is that from a content stand point, you wouldn't think that Fox would be big enough to buy Time Warner. Time Warner owns more IP than Fox does.

    That was close to 2 decades ago
  7. I find this whole post to be reactionary and ridiculous. Now, I want the merger to happen even more, so that I can have more entertaining meltdowns like this.

    This would be the largest media conglomerate in the world by far your beloved disney would suffer for it
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