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Posts posted by Ent

  1. Godzilla is actually playing on more screens than the Lego Movie right now.

    Godzilla run was closed after this weekend.  There was a tweet on monday if i rememberred and BOM has updated the closed date on August the 28th.  


    As for CATWS, it was closed two weekends ago.

  2. I said it before but say it again, DOFP is part of an old franchise featuring the same leads.  When you are into the 7th movie, it's basicly about retaining what is left of your fanbase than attracting new consumers so late in the lifespan of your franchise....at least at home and in older overseas markets.

  3. What you want mean with this?Competition doesn't hurt good movies?If X-men DOAFP was released on GOTG place, I have sure it would do 270M+


    DOFP was released with a clear advantage already.  It was released during the memorial weekend and started very strong with millions ahead thanks to it.


    All the other movies released after it, bar Maleficient fell short.. So we can say that it had a great date and didn't have to face tough competition for several weeks too during vacation dailies.


    In Belgium it was on my cinema 7 whole weeks as opposed to CATWS 3 weeks only because of TASM2.


    Anyway, all these if, coulda, woulda can be said for any movie.  It's no relevance since every single BO will always be tributary of a lot of circumstantial criteria  and will never be released at the same time, against each other to test their real wom against real direct competition during their whole run.


    It's part of the game to chose the best profitable time of release and it's a game where it's easy to rewrite the history after the facts when competition becomes suddenly a big deal after our favourite movie performed under what it was set to reach.


    Fact is, it performed under par because consumers in their vast majority preferred the new option.  Nothing more, nothing else.

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  4. 3rd UPDATE, Saturday, 8:01 AM: No longer a horse race, Legendary Pictures’ first pic under its Universal deal — the micro-budgeted horror film As Above/So Below – opened the best of the newcomers and will take the No. 4 spot over Relativity actioner The November Man, which dropped to No. 6 this morning.


    The horror film should scare in $8.7M to $9.2M for the three-day and $10.3M to $11.1M for the four-day, while the Pierce Brosnan actioner should shoot in with $7.5M to $7.7M for the three-day and $9.5M to $9.8M for the four-day to bring its five-day cume (it opened last Wednesday) to $11M+. Relativity, which acquired November Man for U.S. distribution only for $3M, is on the hopeful end; The Solution Group is distributing the pic in Canada and internationally.


    As Above/So Below garnered a lousy C- CinemaScore from its core audience, but this one is likely to make its money back — so it just goes to show that even a low-quality mess can be profitable when the budget is tight.




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