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Posts posted by Ent

  1. :huh:


    Do you think I'm saying it in a bad way??? There's nothing wrong with watching a movie because it's from Marvel. I never said that.

    What I'm saying is that in BO Marvel always delivers.


    But honestly, I don't know if this comment is directed to me, or Ajbg.

    No, i dont think you say that in a bad way and i wasn't thinking of you when i wrote that.  


    It just a behaviour i have seen countless of time where it's more a case of people who don't like Marvel who question the taste or belittle the taste of those who do while those who love Marvel don't necessary criticize those who don't for not loving Marvel.


    Again, it's a two way street.  Many criticize people for watching Marvel's movies because of their brand alone but yet never consinder the other side of the same coin where some people automatically dismiss a movie on the sole premise that it is Marvel produced.  

  2. I think Marvel increases awareness but it's a double edged knife.  


    If people admit that many people will see this because it's Marvel, they should also admit that many others won't see this because it is precisely from Marvel's brand and they tend to lump every single movie produced by that company as the same trash.  


    They won't give it a try, they won't see a CA because they hated an IM3 and it is produced by the same studio... or will come into it with heavy preconceived feelings already and ready to hate.


    So it's a two way streets.  You just can't blame one group of people who will follow Marvel and give a try to a property they normally wouldn't if it wasn't from them, because they love what Marvel generally put out there and have faith in the brand to deliver while in the same way, dismiss or not blame the other party who will systematically complain or criticize or belittle any movie produced by Marvel based on their own negative opinion on Marvel's past products.


    Everyone has the right to love or hate a movie based on the faith or negative opinion of the brand under which the movie is produced.


    It's just unfortunate that those who put faith in the brand are blamed for it....like you wouldn't chose a product based on a brand you have faith in, in real life.

    • Like 2
  3. 1. you sound to me like you are trying to provoke or to prove something not related to the movie(s)


    2. your language / reasoning style isn't welcomed by me and I guess by others neither




    'Wow....' - how generalized.


    It seems to be some newcomers lately (in both domestic and international forums) who only signed to bash that movie, instead of having decent conversations about BO matters...sad

    • Like 1
  4. And? That doesn't matter when most blockbusters are making 2x to 4x as much internationally. The discrepancy in percentages is obliterated.


    Yeah many blockbusters behave like that when they are sequels or/and carried by an international star whoo can draw masses overseas on his/her name alone. 


    When they are not,  it's usually the rule, not the exception to behave the otherway around or having a more divided ratio. First Twilght, The Hangover,1, Transformer1, Hunger Games, all fall into those statistics.  Only HP1 didn't as it is more of an overseas/UK property.


    When it's a new property there is usually a 50/50 or 40/60 or 60/40 ratio domestic versus foreign, including in CBMs with new characters less known ovrseas than at home.  Every single new property in Marvel phase 1 had that type of ratio.  


    Even the Xmen didn't have the typical sequel ratio before their 7th movie and the SpiderMen franchise had an excessive domestic take to have that X2 overseas at a time when there were no asian expanding markets. Same with BB and Stark Treck that had both a ratio 60/40 domestic versus foreign.

  5. True, but he's not in the Avengers 2, unless he's in a stinger.

    True but because of the continuity, AOU may hint it in some extent.  


    Plus AOU will still be in theaters, so it will be the very first time that another MCU movie is released while an Avengers one is still playing.  We don't know how much it could impact the next MCU movie released but it will for sure increase its potential.


    And another thing it has for it, it will come after a string of 3 Marvel successes, back to back granted AOU tops TA, which will reinforce even more the Marvel's brand in terms of quality and increase the faith in ANTMAN, much more than people had previously faith in GOTG.

    • Like 1
  6. I have my doubt. Despicable Me is huge. The other two are new projects but you can't underestimate their marketing.Ant-Man doesn't have as much appeal as GOTG to pull almost equal numbers.

    People said the same thing about GOTG, one year ago.


    Wait when the Disney machine starts marketting ANTMAN, who, shall i remind some, will be the very first movie released after AOU, while AOU is still in theaters and will hint it...Hell, double feature is a real possibility    


    It will definitely ride on its mega success and will have a big opening.

    • Like 1
  7. It’s has now grossed over $313M worldwide since bowing last weekend, bouyed by an estimated take of around $176M after this weekend domestically. It took in $40.1M this weekend in over 50 markets but has yet to bow in some big territories, namely China, Spain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. So it’s still rockin’ and rollin’ around the globe with Russia and the UK becoming its strongest territories so far with $23.9M and $22.8M, respectively. In Russia, it has already run over Captain America: The Winter Soldier, the firstCaptainThor 1 and Iron Man (the first one) — no small feat. And in Australia it bowed to No. 1 to bring in $6M and, so with previews has culled together a strong $8.2M. It’ll open in France and Spain next weekend and won’t hit China until Oct. 10.


    It seems to behave more like Thor than CA, in the sense that if Russia, the UK and Australia are of any indications, the movie resonates better with a european/western audience than an asian and south american one.


    This could be a great sign as there there are still important european markets to open.


    It should play well in France, Italy and Germany and make up for the underwhelming asian ratio.

  8. Great numbers from Turtles, I never expected it to this well. Guardians holding great as well, just as expected. Next week will be more interesting imo, how much will Turtles drop and if Guardians can pull a Captain America 2 Third weekend hold. 

    Next weekend could be another potential explosive one with three movies that could open very close to each other.


    If GOTG pulls a CATWS, it may open around $25/26M


    If Turtles is frontload and has a 60% drop, it may open around $26M


    And if the Expendables continue this august trend, it also may open around $23/26M

    • Like 1
  9. People should be able to love or not love what they want without being bothered but also without bothering those who do.


    It's just getting pretty annoying and kinda hypocrit to kinda belittle some for loving something we don't or trying to throw some moral superiority or inferiority upon people for loving  something we hate.  It has happend before, notably with the Maleficent rehasing stuff.


    I don't like Bay's movies bar the Bad Boys serie.  I don't have strong feelings towards TMNT but i am a box office fan, hence my presence in here, hence why i am excited for the firing current box office.  I absolutely loathe with a passion the TF flicks, find them crass, noisy, mornonic and beyond juvenile but i would never question someone taste or love for it or belittle them directly or indirectly for loving  it.


    Again, live and let live.  At the end of the day, Hollywood is like a big shop full of garnments.  Some will prefer the mini dresses and the other one a the pair of jeans.  It doesn't matter.  We are all consumers with different taste, different sensbilities and were BO fans.

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