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Posts posted by Ent

  1. @peludoCA opened with 2.5m in 2011 while FC opened with 3.3m.This year TWS opened with 2.9m. I don't see why DOFP will have a lower opening than that.I'm expecting ~4m opening and 10m total.


    It could open big but the WC is a must see in all european countries, especially in countries like Spain, Italy, Portugal, France, Holland and Germany.


    Next weekend will be the only weekend to do big business for all movies whose target are mainly young males.  


    After that, everyone in here will be watching the daily multiple soccer games, especially the ones of the elimination pools...not to mention that its the exams period for teens and college students.  So between that and the Mundial, there won't be time to go to the movies as much as in the usual 'june month' for three whole weeks.

    • Like 3
  2. So I tried comparing these numbers to the OW numbers of Oz and Snow White from BOM and they were a lot bigger (especially UK and Mexico), with the exception being Oz's Russian OW. Hopefully it can go past 400M OS.


    It's difficult to compare them since they didn't open in the same markets.  Maleficent has yet to open in China and Japan, for example and Jolie is massive in Japan.  If it ever breaks out there, then Japan + China could bring in $150m - $200m more...



    With another $4.1M overseas this weekend, AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 ($497M) has now passed AMAZING SPIDER-MAN ($496M).

    — Exhibitor Relations (@ERCboxoffice) June 1, 2014
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


    I bet 80% of that $4.1 weekly number were from China.  Its run is finished in a lot of countries and it was the last day in China.

  4. X-Men just has a very big devoted fan base that drives up the OW. Add in a holiday opening and the weekend is highly inflated. I wasn't expecting a drop closer to 65%, more to 60%; but I'm not exactly surprised either.We'll see how it'll recover next week. I don't think it will fall hard again ala Godzilla.


    It's a very fancentric franchise that hasn't succeeded into branching significantly towards the general audience to increase its fanbase.  


    The general audience doesn't care about the X men.  Wolverine, the front runner of the franchise has never pulled numbers like Superman, SpiderMan, Batman, CA, Iron Man and Thor. 


    It's like STID, HP, Twilight...a devoted fanbase that come en masse early on and the general audience that isn't on par and doesn't sustain the longevity of its run.  


    It's always the general audience that comes later on that gives the quality of the legs.  If it's tinier, if  they are few of them outside the core fans that support the movie, then it will drop hard, faster before the theater counts even start dropping.


    It's really a case of inability for the Xmen franchise to popularize it, to popularize its lead so that people, outside of the core fans, care and root for him.  It's one of the most contained franchise along side of Star Treck.

  5. Forgot about Spidey, what is it heading for dom? Over/under Thor2?


    It's ahead of TTDW by like $200 - $300 now but TTDW did 4.8M on its 5th weekend, so it will get ahead of about $1M on sunday.


    I think ultimately TTDW will be ahead which will be the final nail in the coffin for Spidey in terms of domestic frontrunner.  


    And to think that Avi called him the King of Marvel two months ago denying him the right to be in TA unless it was all about him and everything done around him as the main and center stage character of the TA ensemble... :huh:


    All Hail the former Marvel's King... :lol:

    • Like 3
  6. As i said previously, DOFP is part of a mature franchise.  It's the 4th direct sequel since X Men1 and just like for the HP serie, it won't increase significantly at this stage but stabilize.  It's very difficult to bring in new fans when a sequel is at this stage on its life span. 


    Since this movie is very good, the next one will increase but not by much because interrest in it has waned a lot during those years.


    Plus people need to root for a character/actor to be hooked and follow him en Masse.    And when Wolverine, the chosen leader can't do numbers like Batman, Spider Man, Super Man, Iron Man, Cap, Thor, then you know that the team has a lot of traction to do to increase singnificantly the interest of the general audience beyond the core fans as its leader has a thin fanbase (relatively) among the current A & B list characters.

    • Like 1
  7. What has the Captn 2 made in China my friends? :)


    Its not the icon its that this isnt the Spiderman of 2002-2004.. Fans are deserting him.. And it seems Captain America is becoming quite the icon himself thanks to incredible directing team behind the magic.. Wow... Captain deserved to beat them all. The best marvel film of them all and now earns its place amongst the elite that is TDK, SM2 and Avengers :)


    What is great for the MCU products is that there are new, hence on the increase curve of their popularity and life span.  


    They are in a position where they didn't reached their maturity point yet, hence why they are likely to increase more than X men or Spidey on the domestic front too with each sequel.


    Spidey and X Men have a bigger task to increase significantly theirs because they have reached a maturity point and have to retain whatever fanbase they have acquired for years during all those movies.  


    People who have been deceived over the last 6 movies are more hard to convince to get back on board.  In the same way, new fans after 6 movies are difficult to gain.  So they have to deliver a great flick and introduce a new concept.


    On the contrary, CA is on his increase curve and has AOU for another huge exposure in between, with a bigger scale, a bigger audience to maximise his increasing popularity to its paroxism.


    That's why, i beleive granted the competition, CA3 is the most likely to approach or reach $1billion because of its position in its life span and popularity curve which will put him in a better position to increase much more than Xmen or Spidey on the domestic curve while increasing on the foreign front too.

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