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Posts posted by Ent

  1. I think TA shouldn't be compared as it is an origin story movie depicting the origin of a team forming for the first time.  


    This type of movies focus mainly on the character presentation and interractions and TA did it better than Xmen1 or First Class ever did, with the extra difficulty of bringing coherently 4 main characters from their own movie, their own different universe and this with balancing them in a cohesive way....a balance that was never present in Xmen1 or first Class.  The continuity and in depth progression of the character was never depicted as better than in TA compared to other CBM featuring a team.  You really need a very skilled writer and director to succeed in that.


    It's totally different from both CA2 and mainly DOFP that are sequels, hence are there to add more depth and focus on the follow up adding a bigger story and progressing on the character journey since it has already taken the time of setting the origin movie in the first movie.  


    Now AOU will be another beast and on par as Xmen2, Xmen 3 and DOFP because it will be a sequel to an origin story featuring a team, the follow of the the team already formed, so you can advance with the story which will be the main focus, not the interractions as character devlopment will take the back seat from the storyline.

    • Like 1
  2. I understand your motivation,and it's perfectly fine :D I started to slowly learn Portuguese by myself a few months ago so I'm fine with Portugal,Brazil and Angola :)I don't have family bonds with the United States but I love the country and really want to work and live there.The US is unbelievable in almost every sport,you can say they dominate the global sport scene,but soccer is the exception to the rule..it's a bit sad given their talent and potential.I think the US is destined to become one of the soccer juggernaut in the long run given their big population and particularly their strong hispanic population (53m people,and it's fast-growing).

    I actually have long lost cousins in the US...some of my father's cousins made the Vietnam War...never came back ...my family extends in three continents since the 60's....mainly DRC and Angola for the african countries, several  european countries (i have a dosen of french, swiss, german, belgian and english cousins mainly both by soil and blood mixed), the US and Cuba.

  3. By the way I won't see the US-Portugal game,midnight is way too late.



    I will, i have angolan blood in me and my parents are in their portuguese home right now.  I wish they win that game for sentimental reasons and also because if they lose, The USA and Germany are qualified and will only need to maintain status quo when they meet in the next match.


    That's why i think Portugal will give it all today and if it wins, then, everyone will have a chance to get in that next level according results in the last match.

  4. In the last cups Ghana always beat the US and despite that they waste their chance and never won a cup.The US really trained hard,got a European trainer who changed everything in their behavior and way of training and so they could beat Ghana.So no,I'm sorry but it's the US' time to shine now.

    We will see.  It's all on the US's hands to win his next match against Portugal.  If i doesn't, then Ghana will and deservedly too.

  5. Ghana has been amazing :o

    I wanted Ghana to win.


    There is still a slight chance they may win for the next step but it's not in their hands anymore.  They have to give it all and win the  the next match and hopefully have a nice goal average to finish at the second place if Germany beat the US.  Sorry for the US but i really think Ghana is the best african team right now and i want one african team in the next round.

  6. DOFP, EoT, and HTTYD2 are as good of summer blockbusters as you could ask for. Really don't know what people want if those 3 aren't good enough...apparently Maleficent. :sick:


    DOFP despite being the first in 3D, has the baggage of former movies which led to feeding that erosion of its fanbase from movie to movie.  


    EOT and HTTYD2 marketing were shit and failed on building up the hype.    Add the fact that it's the WC and that children, teens and young adluts from age 12 to 22/25 years old are into their exam session and it was stupid to release those movies during june.


    You can have the greatest product out there.  If you don't know how to hype it to sell it to its full potential, then it's your own fault. 


    Spider Man and Maleficent had the most noticeable marketing in my country...big posters all over the place 2 months before their releases, TV posts in french and english, taking the main big poster place for itself at the theater, ect.....  


    DOFP had also some significant marketing like posters at bus stations, TV spot, small posters weeks before at the theaters.


    CATWS had zero marketing, no poster, no TV clip, no nothing until the night before its release with a single small poster and three weeks only of movie releases, hence why i believe MS has enterred the cultural phenomenon phase of awareness as there were enough people aware of it despite the lack of any single poster the day before its release...so i beleive people are looking about the next MS movie on the internet and are so far hooked on it, aware that each movie is a piece of puzzle aiming at the next climatic Avengers Ensemble.

  7. See the depressing thing is....Maleficent could've been good. Its script is total garbage though.

    TASM2 is a plotless, straight from that first brain storming session messy draft dressed up in a so called finished product and deserves to be outgross by an average one that is technically a movie with a plot whatever it is...especially when that said movie only needed to deliver a simple plot and exploit one of the biggest liked character ever to hit those financial heights.


    When you waste that much of a goodwill, ruin future sequels of one of the most beloved character, own one of the biggest property in movie industry, a property that only need to be maximized in a good  movie year in year out, you deserve a slap in the face and a kick in the butt.


    I hope the shame that will come out of it will give Avi Arad and Sony a reality check.  Just because you own a property that will gross tremendously no matter what, doesn't mean that you can keep on ruining it to the point of delivering one of the laziest, neglected draft that wouldn't even been greenlit to go into production if it was any other.  


    That TASM2 is technically a mess of a movie not just a mediocre movie.  It's a bag full of ideas put together without coherence whatsoever.

  8. TPM earning 900m in 1999 is more impressive than Avengers earning 1.5b now. TPM didn't have the expanding markets and overseas love for 3d on its side 15 years ago.Also you can't guarantee anything, we are just saying TA2 isn't locked to be the biggest films of the year in all markets even though it's likely.

    It's a two trips.


    Yes it didn't have 3D, hence it had a cheaper price and usually cheaper price means, a lot more people will see it in the movies multiple time cause they can afford it with less financial constraints than today.


    Today, the price of tickets are outrageous compared to the average wage, hence more people will try to get copies than paying to watch it in theaters...CA2 was the most downloaded movie in April.  This wouldn't have happen if it was released like 10years ago..  


    Besides, though there were no expanding markets ( it started around TA and Avatar's time and have tremendously increased ) the market was less saturated than today with less competition, less movies released in a short period of times.  It enables movies staying a lot longer in theaters with softer theater counts weeks in, weeks out.


    Again, there are both advantages and disadvantages from different movies released in different eras.  And like, it's a lot more difficult for a singer to sell CD's today than 15 years ago, it's also a lot more difficult to sell movies today than years ago for reasons i have just mentioned.

    • Like 2
  9. My guess is it will not match the 200 mill OW of the last one.  Avengers had everything aligned perfectly for it.  There's just not much of a chance that happens again.  My guess, 11 months out, is that it opens to about 175-180.

    I think, it will open bigger like most CBM sequels of succesful first movies due to a rush factor on the  first weekend.  I don't see better legs though even if it coulddefniotely match its first movie if it open bigger.


    From Xmen to Spidey, to TDK trilogy, they all had a bigger OW in their respective sequel

  10. Regardless of if it will end up having a bigger domestic gross than TA, AOU being a Marvel sequel could very much end up having an OD matching every single CBM OW this year and an opening weekend bigger than their entire domestic run bar CA2.


    That's just how monsterous of an OW this movie may have.    No wonder no other CBM wants to open even weeks after it...bar fellow Marvel's.  TASM2 featuring Marvel's former main attraction won't even match TA opening weekend....which is insane when you think about it.

  11. well for starters she's more believable in the context of the movie. she's like a normal woman who had tons of practice, not some fetishized ideal of a hot ninja or some shit(looking at you Whedon).



    One is a comic book adaptation with comic book super hero, the other not...even the males in comic book adaptations are not believable compared to normal, every day people...they are by essence enhanced, fantasy related characters with over the top body types ...

    • Like 1
  12. but the post he responded to extrapolated its domestic. It anyway would have done majority of its OS gross by next week. It will be > $450M OS by then. So I am not worried about the impact of WC. 


    Again, i am a she and i didn't respond to extrapolate its domestic take.


    I responded specifically to this post :


    Yeah I think DOFP will finish around 215m. Overseas is still doing okay, so still has a shot at 700m.


  13. He was talking about DOFP's WW nos, where OS will play a huge part.



    And i am a she  ;)


    Mundial will be in most people's mind next friday in Europe, Africa and South America.  


    2 games a day during the first week will take a lot of people's spare time to go to the movies.

  14. Yeah I think DOFP will finish around 215m. Overseas is still doing okay, so still has a shot at 700m.

    Depends on how much it can do this weekend because next weekend will be the World Cup and it is entering its 4th weekend, a crucial point in a lot of countries where imovies usually experience a huge drop of theater counts because of new releases.

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