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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. I always thought it would be cool for an incredibles movie (not the next one but eventually) to jump into the future with Jack Jack being a big superhero (due to his crazy powers) and running into a villain where he needs his family to help him out...
  2. I need Incredibles 2... I swear Pixar is waiting with their d*cks in theirs hands with this one...
  3. Tele, you gotta admit it was way more fun in the good old days...with hentai anine and what not...
  4. Well if Marvel is lurking on thsee boards, I have tons of more ideas... Which I would be willing to part with for the right amount
  5. I swear its always a new movie for Marvel with people wanting them to prove themselves... First it was CA...then GOTG...now AM... Just accept the fact that Marvel can release a movie on Pepper Potts going about her life as Stark CEO and it will be a big success...
  6. Avengers 2 will destroy any weekend it releases...doesn't need a holiday boost... Come on $225M...
  7. I disagree... The first 2/3 of Wolverine was good...the last third, it decides to abandon all it was building and go down the boring blockbuster route...
  8. He over does it so much...tone it down to a classy southern accent...not the redneck version...
  9. He had his own movies to shoot so probably scheduling reasons...I will say he was a huge part of revitalizing this series when he showed up in 5...
  10. I will be seeing it again tomorrow or sunday so I will be doing my part to make this bonanza money...all you better be doing the same...
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