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Everything posted by ACSlater

  1. The first Rush Hour is great...the quality drops from there and the third one was an abomination...
  2. For me, Cap is still in the lead now but GOTG is right behind it...Marvel is shitting gold right now...
  3. Doing a marathon of The Leftovers right now, trying to catch up and frankly its just not up to par with most other HBO shows.
  4. Tempted to go catch GOTG again today...help out with the Sunday collections...
  5. Yea but with a Black Widow + Hawkeye movie we would get the obligotory sex scene...Can you just imagine the two superheroes going at it?....Hmm now that I think about it, a Black Widow and Gamora sex scene might trump that so your idea may not be that bad either...
  6. I would be interested in a Black Widow + Hawkeye movie...seems like there is a lot of history there which they could explore...
  7. Let's wait till tomorrow to write the obituary...a success none the less though...
  8. I am all for more space opera movies coming out...its been barren for quite a while with only a Star Trek, Star Wars, and the odd Serenity now and then...
  9. Hot girls come by every other day...GOTG opening day only happens once...
  10. I want Namor...Assuming Thanos comes to Earth in Avengers 3 and it will be a massive world wide battle, they need a water based superhero...
  11. In reality, its Rocket...the breakout character...Cooper is just there for the fun of it although his voice acting was pretty good too...
  12. Saw GOTG earlier today...very good movie...I would rate Cap 2 ahead of this one with it being neck and neck with XMen...The theater (biggest screen at the multiplex - 300 seater or so) was half full and the crowd seemed to enjoy the flick as well...And did see the newest interstellar trailer which was cool...
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