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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. I'll give you Darkman, but Spawn? Really? For years it was the worst film I'd ever sat through in theaters. It topped Batman Forever as a bad movie experience. (It has since been topped by Izo, which I still regret not getting up and walking out on.)
  2. Is The Rocketeer a superhero film? If so: 1. The Incredibles 2. The Rocketeer 3. Thor 4. The Dark Knight
  3. I like the Fantastic Four films. Yes, both of them.
  4. The more I think about IM2, the more it bothers me because they messed up so bad. I need to write up how I think the film should have gone at some point, but I don't know if it's worth the effort. I may never forgive the MCU for wasting Sam Rockwell like that. I can't bring myself to watch it. Frank Miller is one of those creators who I've decided I can't support in any way. Mark Millar's up there, too. Any list of top superhero movies that doesn't start with The Incredibles is a flawed list.
  5. Staying true isn't really a big concern for me. I dunno, maybe I should rewatch it, but it just felt like a letdown compared to what I wanted to see followup X2. I really dig a lot about Hulk. It's a bit too somber and serious, but the direction is fantastic. Lee had some excellent ideas.
  6. Man, I thought we were on the same page, Baumer. Liking TASM2 despite the flaws and stuff. But then you have to go and say you liked X3 and now I don't even want to be in the same thread as you.
  7. I can't wait to see a true forum meltdown. I don't know if it will be better if it happens because of a film a bunch of people love underperforms or a film a bunch of people hate overperforms. (If HTTYD2 throws under expectations, I'll be sure to freak out for at least a few posts.)
  8. I love AWE. It's flawed, but there's so much to enjoy in it. I suppose I'm just like Michael Bolton. Edit: GOD DAMMIT GRIM!
  9. I need to rewatch TASM sometime. Probably drag a friend over to view it before going to see TASM2 a second time. Based on comments from others, it looks like I need to see it in 3D.
  10. The Hunger Games, then. No boosted weekdays, similar second weekend drop. Zero competition for a month.
  11. It's kinda cool that half of the films to open that big had drops below 60%. And three others (TDKR, THG, SM3) all had 2nd weekend drops right above that, around 61.5%. Only HP7.5 is a huge outlier, really.
  12. Or maybe people can see flaws in something and not outright hate it immediately? TASM2 is by no means perfect, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. Opinions about films are going to vary. What resonates with some people won't with others. I think that Frozen is fantastic, and it's one of my top films of all time. Others think it's pretty good, or just okay, or not good at all. And that's fine. I think that CA2 wasn't very good, and it felt like a letdown. Others think it's great. No harm that we disagree on that.
  13. I really liked Electro's concept in the film. The whole "look at me" and desire to just be noticed. It wasn't executed especially well (except for the music), but I really dug the idea.
  14. Just over five months prior to release, which is roughly the same as Frozen's teaser. Anyone remember when the first teaser for WiR hit? Was it with Brave or earlier than that?
  15. Anyone else sad that Bears got such a small bump? It was holding so well over the weekdays, too.
  16. How do I find out how many posts I made on a specific day?
  17. Yeah, that's definitely one issue. Right now the MCU is entirely tied up with the whole Avengers concept. GotG will be very interesting to watch to see if they can bridge the gap and get people watching other characters.
  18. So far, yes. And that was my point: by dint of his age as a movie presence, Spidey's going to feel the fatigue first. It's not an even process, just that the genre is getting saturated and things will start to take hits. Also, error on my part. For some reason I thought Wolverine Origins came out in 2007, not 2009. So Spidey actually had just as long a rest period as he did between films. Still, the subdued gross for the past two X-Men films could be cited as earlier fatigue. It's possible, if Sony and/or Fox decided to give up on their respective franchises, that things will even out. I can't see Marvel pushing forward with more than two films a year, not for the long term. So that could keep the life going for a while yet. However, there's plenty of evidence in multiple franchises and genres that audiences do not keep coming back, even if there's a films that improve over their predecessors. They get tired out and things plateau and start to drop. It will happen to the MCU at some point. Perhaps not soon, though. Their formula does still feel a bit fresh. IAC, looking at other recent summer openers, it's going to earn about half its total gross in about a week. Wolverine Origins hit the mark in 4 days. Others had it as long as nine. So whatever it's sitting at going into next weekend is probably about the 50% mark.
  19. Oh, I doubt it'll do much more than 240, and it's not a happy result, but it's not a flop, either. I don't think it's due to the quality of the film, necessarily, or even the response to the first, though that is a factor. Really, at this point, we're entering a point of genre fatigue. Even with Marvel's continued success, there are a ton of superhero films getting released. Last year had four. 2012 had three. 2011 had four. This year will have four (or five, if you count BH6). And it's only going to get worse. If Marvel continues at their two a year pace, and continues their plans to ramp up to a movie every year, and Sony does the same as they've indicated. AND WB gets their program running so they've got a movie or two hitting every year... we'll be looking at 5+ superhero films every year. Something has to give in that regard. Audiences may like the films, but nothing lasts forever, and eventually interest is going to plateau. Sure, Spider-Man was king, but this is the fifth film about just him in in twelve years. He's had the longest sustained presence of any superhero beside Wolverine (and even he basically had a gap of six years between the two solo films.) It makes sense that Spidey's going to be the first to feel some disinterest. Nothing lasts forever. If it did, westerns would probably still be the biggest hits around.
  20. Yeah, people are jaded. It's like being unimpressed if a film only hits $300m. Even with inflation and such, these are hard marks to hit with any consistency.
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