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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. True, but they don't need to release a film every two years, either. They can slow down the production a little bit.
  2. They do it by skipping the origin. Honestly, if you're going to reboot a property, there's no need to tell an origin story at all, unless it hasn't been told or you're going to do it in a very different way. So while Nolan got away with it, and X-Men First Class more or less did, too, you can probably see a fair bit of criticism about TASM because it wasn't different enough. (And I say this as someone who liked a lot of what they did do in it.) To a lesser degree, MoS probably gets some of that, although they really did work to make it a different origin story there. Presumably, Spidey will get another reboot. I hope at that time they just make a Spider-Man film without going into too much detail about how he became Spider-Man. (FF may be able to get away with it, but that's more because the previous films aren't well regarded at all. If you're going to remake something, remake something bad.)
  3. If only it had earned another $73,225 on Saturday. >_<
  4. It'll be really difficult for it to miss $200m. It could fail to get to $210m, though.
  5. The joke is that Frozen will still be in first next year, when Avengers 2 opens, which will finally be the film to knock it down to 2nd.
  6. I was going to start this thread, but got so depressed when the most important number wasn't there that I couldn't bring myself to do it.
  7. Missing the point, there. I'm not saying that the post-GW drop was like the post-Thanksgiving drop. I'm comparing the two because they are different, not similar. Thanksgiving was a huge weekend (biggest in history for an opener, second biggest overall, and I think second biggest opener and third biggest overall, adjusted for inflation). Frozen did hold well, given the size of the haul, but not actually super well. 53% is pretty much on par with other big Thanksgiving weekend. At the time, most indications were that it would head for a final total somewhere between $250 and $300m. It wasn't until Christmas that things changed there. Even so, the post-New Years hold was nice, but not historically unprecedented. It's mostly odd because Frozen turned from a fairly traditional Thanksgiving opener to a film that looked more like a Christmas opener with strong late legs. The domestic run is amazing because of the switch. It hadn't really happened to a Thanksgiving film since the 90s. TS2 is a very good comparison to Frozen. After inflation adjustment, it had a bigger opening and slightly worse legs, but their final totals are extremely close. (However, that's due to Frozen getting cut off at the end by the early video release.) Aladdin also looks pretty similar, adjusted for inflation. In comparison, the Japanese run The GW week haul is immense, biggest in history, and contrary to what you'd expect, Frozen held up historically well. So while the first part is a point that can be compared to things in the DOM run, the second is unique, which is what makes it more impressive.
  8. Pretty much this. I am very bad at this game. I hope other people appreciate the points.
  9. Well, I think that week could have definitely gone worse for me. Although I'm still waiting on whether the SOTM is going to be magical christmasland or doom and gloom.
  10. Possibly the singalong? From the trend in the US, it looks like it generated some interest, but doesn't sustain it. If Toho had that showcased in a bigger way, it could see a drop where other chains won't. (This isn't a criticism about the singalong. I think it was a great idea by Disney, even if it didn't pay off as well as it should have. Hopefully they can leverage it better in the next musical.)
  11. Despite Frozen being so huge over Golden Week, its drop was really muted. Compare the Thanksgiving opening and following weekend, when it fell 53%, which was pretty much in the same range as other big animated films post Thanksgiving.
  12. At the moment, yeah. The exchange rate has hovered between about 100 and 105 yen to the dollar for a while, now.
  13. I'm guessing that the numbers reported are Disney's estimates. While it's not a great comparison, they've tended to underestimate the domestic weekend grosses pretty severely for the past several weeks (going back to the first weekend of April, in fact.)
  14. I hate SOTM 4. Gonna have to do my homework. And then lose a bunch of points.
  15. Yeah, the 55% bump is the sticking one. I debated hardest with myself whether to go no or yes on that.
  16. Huh. I might actually get the full SOTM bonus? I think?
  17. We've got a place like that here in Seattle: http://www.urbanspoon.com/r/1/1548623/restaurant/Downtown/Beko-Gourmet-Dog-Japon-Seattle It's pretty damn good.
  18. I wonder what I'd have to do to get more likes than posts.
  19. That sucks, Tele. I hope you find them. I've been there with the missing pet thing before.
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