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Everything posted by BadAtGender

  1. God, such a wait for this to show up: 1 The Nut Job $6,113 16% 160 -41 $38 $64,176,827 15 Open Road
  2. I'm glad nobody cares to copy check against my answers. Much less pressure that way. It'd be terrible if anyone expected me to be right.
  3. I don't think the lost information on our end is going to have any real effect. The individual theaters can certainly see how popular it is and can make adjustments.
  4. Don't get confused about it. While we may have lost information on the tracking from the theaters, all money will be accounted for in the end. This isn't going to affect the total gross, just that the estimates will be more off.
  5. That would be impressive. I'm not sure it has the juice to quite get there, but I could see a total north of $80m. It should serve as good counter programming for several weeks, though, so we'll see.
  6. Heaven is for Real has passed God's Not Dead. It should pass Son of God in the next week or so in order to become the highest grossing of the Christianity trifecta. Combined the three of them could get $200m or more. Pretty impressive.
  7. All drops were pretty large. Family films look like they're taking an 80-90% hit.
  8. The next princess film isn't going to hit for several years, so we probably won't know until then what path they're going to take. BH6 is pretty boy friendly at the start, so I could see them playing it pretty straight, like Wreck-it Ralph. Zootopia and Giants will remain to be seen, but they could be much the same.
  9. Correlation, perhaps, but not causation. The marketing for Tangled was chosen based on the lower than expected response to TPatF. Disney surmised that it was due to the overly girly nature of the film that it didn't get any boys to watch, and thus they had to scramble to come up and find a way to sell Tangled, which was due to be the final princess film. Of course Tangled succeeded, and princess films were saved, which was obviously due to the marketing, right? Wrong. TPatF had a lot of factors working against it. The release date was terrible. Disney's tried that mid-December date multiple times and they've always had less than stellar audience responses, even when the film has been well liked (Emperor's New Groove, anyone?) Beyond that, the following weekend saw the release of Avatar, which took EVERYONE's attention. And then right after that was both Chipmunks II and Sherlock Holmes. TPatF tumbling in the face of that competition is entirely expected. Plus, it was also going up against The Blind Side, which turned into a surprise leggy hit that women liked to go see. And New Moon, which while typical of the one-weekend-wonder stance of a Twilight film, was still huge. Put it simply, the holiday market in 2009 was completely saturated. And TPatF was a risky venture from the getgo: traditionally animated and such. It didn't fail because it wasn't marketed to boys. It just had too many things working against it. Tangled didn't succeed because of the marketing, although it may have helped get butts in the seats opening weekend. (Which may be true for Frozen, as well.) It faced far weaker competition down the line: the third Focker and Narnia films, and Tron Legacy. Hardly a comparable lineup. And it helped a lot that it's a much stronger film that TPatF. Disney might take it that in order to succeed they need to market their princess films to boys. I think it's much simpler than that: they just need to make sure their films are good... and not get shy about taking the strong release dates. Get those two down, and at this point, the audiences will just bring themselves to the theater.
  10. Hardly rabid, though. Most are pretty good about keeping things in the Frozen (and Japan) threads.
  11. Two actual cast members have been revealed. And we know the title of the short that's playing with it. We have an absolute bounty of information, here!
  12. Yeah, there's a bit of laziness about not wanting to change any of my numbers, but also a sense of "who the hell knows" which makes me question if making any changes would really have an effect.
  13. Okay, done. Whether I make changes or not is going to be a battle between laziness and obsessiveness. Laziness is likely to win out. Anyone else feel like the WW opening weekends is a complete spitball?
  14. I'm all for the Mariners, but when they suck, the Dodgers tend to be my emergency backup team to root for. So I tend to always root for them. (Partially because I sorta grew up a fan of them, and partially because I have some friends who are Giants fans and it annoys them.)
  15. It isn't yet. SK's performance is absolutely amazing. Just because it's smaller than Japan doesn't make it less impressive. IIRC, it's the second highest grossing non-Korean film in history. Japan needs a bit more time before it can claim an equal performance to that.
  16. I just watched The Raid 2 a second time. While I expected the action to be entertaining (it was), I was surprised that the buildup didn't bore me, even if it's still a bit excessive. Evans certainly made an iffy script work very well (even if it was his own script.)
  17. I gotta say, the secrecy surrounding BH6 is putting JJ Abrams to shame.
  18. I bet 100 points TASM2 and CA2 combined earn less than 110m over TASM2's OW. 1 personI bet 50 points TTASM2 and CA2 combined earn less than 100m over TASM2's OW. 2people.
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