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Posts posted by FrozenUnicorn

  1. It's unhealthy to dwell in the past. I've already moved on to tracking Frozen's run at the record for most Blurays sold, it only has to beat Avatar now.



    :o... That's a LOT of Blu-Rays sold in only 4 months.:D


    I think it will beat Avatar Blu-rays sold by end of 2014.


    Also, I don't recall ever seeing any Blu-ray on Amazon having over 10,000 reviews.


    :o  :o  :o  I don't recall ever seeing ANYTHING on Amazon with nearly 10,000 reviews! (it's at 9,951 right now)

  2. Most movies I like I watch maybe 2 times in the theater at most. Then Frozen came along and I saw that in the theater 11 times.:o As for DVD, I've lost count with most, though I've probably seen my favorite Disney films and the first and second Potter films at least maybe, 7 times?

  3. Yeah, I didn't feel the gut punch of THAT moment in HTTYD2 either. But I don't think being vaguely spoilt about it was the reason. It was just the execution. I was similarly spoiled about there being a twist in Frozen relating to "true love". But the actual moment in the film with Anna taking one last painful look at Kristoff and at what could've been for them but still deciding to jump in front of Hans' sword for Elsa was devastating anyway.

    Agreed 100%

    • Like 2
  4. I haven't seen Lego yet... but I actually hope it or BH6 wins over HTTYD2.  Maybe it's because I went into it with the foreknowledge that 


    one major character is killed by another major character



    thanks to a magazine article (though it didn't say which characters were involved), but I just... didn't really feel much of an emotional impact.  HTTYD1, TS3, and Frozen were much better at that.

    • Like 3
  5. http://headlines.yahoo.co.jp/hl?a=20140630-00000013-wordleaf-movi




    So, this report says Frozen will stay in the theater even after the release of its BD....(7.16)

    Well, at least there's that.  It may not beat DH2WW (though it would be awesome for it to by some miracle), but it still has a chance of beating SA?

  6. So a "blink-and-you'll-miss-it" cameo by another Disney 3D character is worthy of discussion, but a Justice League/LOTR/Star Wars team up is casually dismissed?

    It's not really a "blink and you miss it" cameo because it was confirmed she's going to be the main apparent villain of the Season 4 premiere.  If what the producers have said is any indication, more Frozen characters will appear, and the OUaT gang may even travel to Arendelle.  So yeah, while it was just a "blink and you miss it" teaser at the end of the season 3 finale, there is gonna be a pretty substantial crossover next season.  


    And did a Justice League/LOTR/Star Wars crossover happen in The Lego Movie?  I'm a fan of all three (mainly LOTR and SW though) and that does sound pretty awesome. :D  But I'm talking about cultural impact outside of the scope of the film itself, whereas that seems to be a cultural reference within the film.  




    I don't get it, why can't we have both? I mean, neither of them is GOAT but come on, don't hate on one just because you love the other. I swear, the internetz is sometimes just too much for me...

    I'm not really hating on Lego (in fact I'm pretty sure I'll like it), I'm just saying that I don't think it deserves as high a score on RT as HTTYD or TS3, and that Frozen deserves higher.  Before seeing Frozen, my sister and I heard pretty much positive things about it from all of our friends who mentioned it.  When we heard opinions about The Lego Movie though, some people loved it and others said it was really bad.  So the reaction seemed more mixed.  Considering these mixed reactions I've heard and read from people, I'm just surprised that the RT is as high as it is, especially because it doesn't translate as well in all markets. 


    And pardon my ignorance, but what's GOAT?

    • Like 1
  7. You haven't seen the movie and yet you make all these assumptions.

    Well, while it is true that I haven't seen the movie yet (and I know from Frozen not to judge a movie by it's trailer since I thought it would be just a comedy), I have seen a review of it that goes into more detail on that person's thoughts on the story, animation, and characters.  It seems that most of the characters that have depth to them are the side characters like Batman and Morgan Freeman's character, and not so much Emmet who's literally an ordinary guy even though everyone calls him the chosen one.  I do want to see it, and I'll probably like it, I just don't think I'll like it to the point of it deserving as high a score as Toy Story 3 or How to Train Your Dragon.

  8. Unfortunately weekly charts show rank but not gross and units. As i know only the-numbers.com update numbers, but usually ten week after, so next week (12th in release), we will know 2nd week numbers.

    Any chance we might know the current numbers eventually?  Why does it take this long to release the numbers for the 2nd week?

  9. Overrated 

    12 Years a Slave (not too many people even heard of that before the Oscars, and it won Best Picture?!  It shouldn't have won just because it was about racism and slavery and all that come on, Frozen should have at least gotten nominated in its place!) 

    Gravity (I haven't seen it yet, and I still want to, but I don't think it warrented that many Oscars...) 

    DM2 (I thought the first was okay) 



    Pacific Rim (Kaiju, robots, and GLaDOS in all but name, how can that not be awesome?) 

    Oblivion (good movie)

  10. The-Numbers updates North America DVD/Bluray combined chart for week ending march 25 in which Frozen is released.


    Frozen had sell 7,258,463 units for a total gross of  $128,472,649 in six days.


    Comparison with other big sellers opening week:


    Avatar 6,58M units

    The Avengers 5,12M units

    Desplicable Me 2 4,89M units

    The Dark Knight Rises 4,16M units


    Comparison with other Disney movies in its entire lifetime:


    Brave 9,05M units

    Beauty and the Beast 5,69M units

    The Lion King 5,43M Units

    Wreck-It Ralph 4,32M units


    Is interesting that if Frozen will have the same opening multiplier of Brave it could sell over 20M units and gross domestically more in home video (adding rentals, vod, and digital downolads) than in cinemas. Note that Brave was #1 in home video chart for two weeks, while Frozen have been #1 for 8 times on 11 weeks since its opening.

    So that's both DVD AND Blu-Ray sales within the first week?  Nearly beating every other Disney movie in their entire lifetime of DVD/Blu-Ray sales? (if only we could count home video too). 


    ... Frozen is a powerhouse.  It keeps breaking records!

  11. Am I the only one who thought this was massively overrated? I certainly don't see how it merits a 96% RT score.

    Agreed, I haven't seen The Lego Movie yet but I'm certain it's not as good as Frozen.  The characters mostly seem kind of boring and I'm not exactly fond of the animation (though that may change when I see the movie).  Plus, the characters of Lego seem mostly bland.  Not to mention comparison in impact: 


    Lego Movie:

    -Pretty popular when it came out, but people stop talking about it shortly after it leaves theaters (mostly). 



    -Chart-topping in film/soundtrack sales

    -Broadway play in production

    -ice show starting September

    -sing-alongs in theaters and on Good Morning America (and the ice show if what I've read on the site is any indication)

    -many people knowing the songs

    -Let It Go being on the radio/in remix albums/on a CD with 50 alternate language versions on iTunes

    -5-hour-long waits to meet the characters at Disney World 

    -the Once Upon a Time crossover

    -merchandise unable to be kept in stock

    -doing HUGE in Japan, at over 200m now when initially 90m (gross of Monsters University) was thought to be the absolute optimistic limit, and 300m is a possibility

    -still going overseas and in some domestic theaters even though Lego came out a couple months later


    To have RT give it a higher score than Frozen is shameful.

    • Like 1
  12. ;you have internet. World not so old. Call anywhere with skype. 2 cents a minute, a lot cheaper than pigeon food :PI called disney corporate and spoke to Dave Hollis' assistant. She was receptive, took notes and said that it would be passed along to Mr Hollis and someone will get back to me.Give it two days then everyone call dave. 10 cents 5 minutesWho wants to call Bob Iger?Corporate main line. (818) 560-1000

    Is Dave Hollis the one in charge of DVD marketing?  Here's hoping that he says yes the DVD release can be delayed.

  13. There are 30000 views on this post per week. I imagine thats at least 1000 peopleIf disney gets 1000 emails itll raise a flag. it can be short and sweet. First name, country and state that you blog, are an investor or a big disney fan.Various short email subjects10s of millions financial lossNostalgic runLike watching the excitement in japan in the media.It makes the movie feel more special to youYour love for this movie is strengthened know another people are so in love with it.You feel connected with others hearing how so many keep going to the theater in japanPeople coming together will be lost. We need more of that in the world.Going to bomb disney world if they release dvd. Just kidding, but a few angry emails would be good to mix it up.The magic of disney is getting cut short here.A thousand blades of grass and you have movement. Write them so Omni can eat and have a proper movement of his own and Quigley doesn't go postal.5 freaking minutes.http://thewaltdisney...-communications 




    Already wrote my letter to them:


    Dear Walt Disney Company
    I am writting this letter because I have been following the box office run of Frozen ever since its limited release on November 22nd and then went wide on November 27th. It was a very fun movie to track at the box office ever sice its opening day, surpassing expectations every day, every week in every country around the world, especially in Japan where its (still) making most of its money, witch brings me the reason  to why I am writing this letter to you.
    Evere since March 14th of 2014, Frozen held the number one spot in Japan for 12th weeks in a row and so far has made $ 208 million as we speak, and it has not slown down because its weakest weekends are, surprisingly, its opening weekend ($7.5m) and last weekend ($6.8m) at this pace it has a major potential to break the record of the 4th highest grossing movie of all time surpassing "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part II" ($1.34 billion) and Spirited Away in yen (300 billion yen) to become the highest grossing movie of all time in Japan. But this potential will be ruined because of the same problem why Frozen crashed after four months at the US box office: The DVD/Blu Ray release. While the Home Video bussines still fairly profitable in the US (despite the arrilval of Netflix and Hulu) the same cannot be said for Japan as DVDs and Blu Rays are very expensive there and not very profitable at all. Only Spirited Away sold just over 1 million units and that was just a very little fraction to the money it earned in theatres. I heard that Frozen will be released in Japan on July 16 and as a Box Office tracker myself I think this is suicidal in terms of financial bussiness as the Home Video bussiness in Japan is poor and Frozen is not slowing down even after 3 months of release there, in fact its getting stronger. If the release date in July still stands we are talking about losing 50 million dollars in revenue, maybe even more. Movies in Japan usually get 9 months of release in theatres before they get to Home Video so why not give Frozen the same treatment? Half of the bussiness in theatres in Japan its been coming from Frozen alone ever since its opening day in that country so In my humble opinion I think its convinient both for the theatre owners in Japan and for the Walt Disney company to delay the release of Frozen on Home Video in Japan at least until December when Disney´s next animated hit Big Hero 6 comes out in Japan. This way Frozen will reach its maximun potential at the box office, the thetare owners will make money, Frozen will still break records for the news headlines, still make money on Home Video and will not compete with Walt Disney Animation Studios itself (Big Hero 6). 
    Everybody wins!!!
    I hope somebody at the company will take notice of this because this Frozen run at the box office is so big and unique, that it would be a real shame if the movie gets its legs cut (yet again) because of an early release in Home Video (like in the US), Trust me, its more profitable this way.
    With kind regards, Armando.
    I hope that helps  ^_^




    Here it is. Nothing too long or articulate because a) I didn't have much time that day  b ) English is not my first language (it likely isn't my second, either :P)



    I'm a huge Italian fan of Disney, and I've been following Frozen's exceptional box office performance in Japan since the day it opened. And I was shocked to see its dvd is being released in July there. That's because, without that, it would most definitely pass Spirited Away to become the highest grossing movie ever in the land of the rising sun. I hope you understand that Frozen is no Tangled and that Japan is no North America. The early dvd/blu-ray release in North America was a smart move, as the hype for the film was at its peak and it probably didn't have more than 10/15 millions left to get from theatres. The early release in Japan is a completely different thing. In fact, it is a suicide. Frozen can potentially reach 350/400 million dollars in Japan if home video doesn't interfere. Otherwise, it will stop well below 300 millions, resulting in a gross loss of around 100 million dollars. And that's in a country where home video sales are very weak: no movie has ever sold more than 2.5 million copies there, and even huge blockbusters normally stop around or below 1 million. Losing dozens of millions just to gain one tenth of that doesn't make any sense to me. Furthermore, it would be great for The Walt Disney Company to have the highest grossing film ever in the country with the highest interest and respect for animated movies. Such a huge accomplishment would certainly strengthen Disney's image in Japan, which is one of your key-countries.

    So, in a few words, please realize the peculiarity of this situation and delay the home video release date. Frozen is a completely unique phenomenon that needs its own customised decisions. I hope in your understanding.




    I like these letters you guys have written so far! :D  I'll send one of my own and copypaste it here—maybe I can convince other people I know to send out emails as well! 


    ... Except the link above seems to just lead me back to this page...

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