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Everything posted by LABAS

  1. However, this report does not say Frozen will stop screening in July. I guess this will be decided by the market. If people still want to watch Frozen in the theaters, then the managers will still give Frozen some small screens...If this happens, the two singers' performance on TV will also give the last driving force to Frozen's run in the theaters.
  2. http://npn.co.jp/article/detail/15667095/ Yesterday the news report has explained why Disney decided to release Frozen BD/DVD so early, which came as a surprise to many people. Disney is aiming at breaking the BD/DVD selling record in Japan; the NO.1 is Spirited Away (4m pieces ), no2 is princess monokoko (1.32 m). Disney hopes the sales can reach 5m pieces ! (each movienex is around 4000 Yen.) As long as the BD is released in mid July, the two famous Japanese singers will begin to perform on TV, singing songs like for the first time in forever and Let it GO, which is very likely to boost the movienex sales. The insiders say if the sale Frozen breaks 500 pieces, these two female singers will get 100m Yen as their bonus (the total sale gross will be over 20b Yen...) This is where Walt Disney ambition begins....
  3. I don't think so. The release of DVD is killing Frozen's legs...
  4. 今週も強かった!13週目も1位獲得の『アナと雪の女王』は土日の動員44万1540人、興収5億9205万5250円。6/8までの累計動員1757万6449人、興収223億2900万9450円を記録しています。13週目にして土日興収が約6億円とは驚異的ですね The official number is released. The weekend gross is 592m Yen ,with 441540 moviegoers. Now, the total audience is 17576449 , and the total gross is 22.33 billion Yen...
  5. Today is a day off for some studentsin western Japan because of last Saturday sports day.We can see a great bump from other work days...Now, the 4 chains real time number is 8667.
  6. next Saturday is toho day, could be anotherbump because another wave of advertising is coming.
  7. [順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]  *1 *11802 アナと雪の女王  *2 **8531 PERSONA3 THE MO…  *3 **2072 ポンペイ Pompei no threat . Real challenge from persona3 ( a Play Station 2 video game movie)
  8. The website seems to crash again.In Toho, all the movies have around half the seats ofyesterday...
  9. MOVIX席数  5/31(土)→6/7(土)        SEATSアナ雪  53,727   → 51,220   W13
  10. I really hope so. As long as Frozen still maintains top 10 after the release of BD, there is no reason to stop screening thoroughly. This never happens in Japan. Maybe someone can go to another forum to ask Corpse...
  11. http://www.cinematoday.jp/page/N0063487 " 7月16日のソフト化、それに先駆けた7月9日からのオンデマンド配信も決定したことから、7月で劇場におけるファーストランはひとまず終了予定。累計興 収は212億3,108万1,650円を突破したところで、これから1か月強の上映期間内に日本歴代興収2位の『タイタニック』(同262億円)を越える のは難しいかもしれないが、今後の推移に注目したいところだ。 " 終了予定 =scheduled to stop screening
  12. The news report is from cinematoday jp , which says Frozen is scheduled to stop screening in July. The report also says that it is hard for Frozen to surpass Titanic by 7/16.
  13. Now, it seems that the new report say the first-run of Frozen will stop in July.(after the release of BD) People in the Japanese forum say perhaps Disney decides not to surpass Spirited away to pay homage to Japanese animation.
  14. Yes, and even some schools have their sports day this Saturday..but not as many as past two weeks. So, next Monday would be a day off for some students..but the drop is also destined...
  15. Today is another day off for some students due to the sports day last Saturday.... So, the presale is also good.. 順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]  *1 *12097 アナと雪の女王  *2 **1274 X-MEN:フューチャー&パスト  *3 **1108 万能鑑定士Q -モナ・リザの瞳-  *4 ***883 名探偵コナン2014 異次元の…  *5 ***788 テルマエ・ロマエⅡ  *6 ***611 MONSTERZ モンスターズ  *7 ***525 青天の霹靂  *8 ***465 クレヨンしんちゃん2014 ガ…  *9 ***383 悪夢ちゃん The 夢ovie  10 ***229 大江戸りびんぐでっど シネマ… Frozen = 2 x( number 2~10 combined together)
  16. [順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]  *1 101653 アナと雪の女王  *2 *23481 X-MEN:フューチャー&パスト  *3 *18296 万能鑑定士Q -モナ・リザの瞳- 2014/06/01 14:08 damn ! 100 k !
  17. 順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]  *1 *94504 アナと雪の女王  *2 *23344 X-MEN:フューチャー&パスト  *3 *17693 万能鑑定士Q -モナ・リザの瞳-  *4 *16140 MONSTERZ モンスターズ  *5 *16083 青天の霹靂  *6 *12446 テルマエ・ロマエⅡ  *7 **6448 クレヨンしんちゃん2014 ガ…  *8 **5024 名探偵コナン2014 異次元の 2014/06/01 13:47 Japan local time
  18. I agree with you. http://news.sohu.com/20100402/n271278915.shtml.  据《好莱坞报道》今天引述20世纪福克斯公司官员的话说,自今年元月4日首映至3月底,《阿凡达》在中国内地市场的票房总收入达13.216亿元人民币,约合1.94亿美元。 The translation of this Chinese report in 2010 says "According to the 20th century Fox, Avatar earned 132.16 m RMB in China , around 194m US dollars." (Hollywood Daily)
  19. People say the biggest screen in Japan (1064 seats) is sold out this Sunday. Amazing...
  20. Next Saturday, the Japanese singer 神田沙也加 will sing "For the first time in forever " on the famous TV program " music fair"
  21. Now, people in the Japanese forumsay the effect of NHK national TV is widespread and amazing. Everyone in Japan have access to NHK and it is a kind of authority in Japan
  22. This morning, the Japanese national TV --NHK-- is going to show Frozen special program. I believe this will be a help to Frozen's weekend gross..
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