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Everything posted by LABAS

  1. [順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]  *1 **1818 X-MEN:フューチャー&パ…  *2 **1806 Frozen  *3 ***720  Bolt from the blue xmen is likely to be overtaken by Frozen today,...
  2. [順位] [販売数] [映画作品タイトル名]  *1 **1706 X-MEN:フューチャー&パ…  *2 **1417 アナと雪の女王  *3 ***551 青天の霹靂  *4 ***253 テルマエ・ロマエⅡ The difference is shortened.
  3. Corpse Yeah, the DVD is being released in July afterall. I think they were late in confirming the date because now some might skip it in theaters and wait for the DVD (especially the repeat viewers). I suppose we'll see if this is true if there's a noticeable change in its weekly increases/decreases.I mean, July is the perfect time to release a DVD, but the July 19-20 weekend is when it's going to suffer a massive drop. It still has 7 weeks until that point, though, which is enough time to overtake Titanic and become the #2 film of all-time.
  4. Well, last Thursday was 109 lovebirds discount day, two for 2200 yen...so , although we see 25% drop in adm, the real drop in BO should be less than 10%
  5. The weekend seats in movix for Frozen is increasing, despite the coming of 3 new movies. seats Frozen  50,524 132 showtimes → 53,727 133回 12周目 X-MEN              29,447 117 showtimesMONSTER            29,153 113鉴定士Q             24,265 115
  6. People say the report of NHK, which has the most viewers all over Japan,may improve Frozen boxofgice.
  7. Yes, Japanese national TV NHK also reported Frozen has exceeded20 billion yen. Great achievement.
  8. something wrong with the website.Toho only 601...because the showtimes and seats are only1/3 of yesterday..
  9. In my opinion, it is not likely to happen.Some big theaters have announced their weekend plan.The biggest screens still goes to Frozen.Frozen could earn at least 600m yen, while it is almost impossible for non Japanese animation, especially in May and June.
  10. No, today is not a discount day.Schools are off coz of the sports day on last Saturday.
  11. I dont know. But even it is a discount day, the presalelooks like weekend...
  12. Today the presale in toho is good.However, the presale in Japan biggest chain, Aeon, is super impressive...
  13. People in the Japanese forumsay some students will have a day off tomorrowbecause of the sports day yesterday.In shibuya, tomorrow morning show is almost sold out now..
  14. As we can see, presale is much much better than yesterday.... 0= 50% + △=80%+ x= sold out TOHOスカラ座アナ吹替 (654) 14:25○TOHO渋谷アナ吹替 (297) 10:20× 12:55× 15:30△ 18:15○TOHO錦糸町 アナ字幕 (113) 15:50○アナ3D吹替 (450) 14:50○アナ吹替 (450) 12:10○TOHO府中アナ吹替 (499) 11:45△TOHO西新井アナ吹替みんな歌 (146) 11:00○ TOHO宇都宮アナ3D吹替 (125) 15:25○TOHOららぽーと磐田アナ吹替 (170) 9:45○TOHO梅田アメスパ吹替 (99) 12:15○TOHOなんばONE OK ROCK (117) 13:10○アナ吹替 (335) 13:40○TOHO西宮悪夢ちゃん 5 15:10○アナ吹替 (437) 10:40△ 13:10○ / (299) 12:20○TOHO伊丹アナ吹替 (394) 10:00△ 12:30○
  15. TOHO+109+KINEZOアナ雪合算 5/24(土)64852先週比 84.9% (76329)
  16. 本日のMOVIXデータの取得漏れ [*]2014/05/24 [*]15:44 すみませんが本日のMOVIXデータで取得漏れが発生していしました。 いくつかの劇場のスケジュール一覧htmlに若干変化が発生したようで、 その解釈部分で上映回の情報取得をスルーしてしまいました。 The website says there is something wrong with the collection of movix data today.
  17. Something wrong with todaymovix number. It only calculate one-thirdof the seats and showtimes for each movie.
  18. Like last Saturday, we see 50% and 80% saturation in some theaters. Hope we can see the bump later.
  19. today is 109 lovebird discount day.Two for 2200 yen. So, we see an increase in 109..
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