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Eric Prime

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Everything posted by Eric Prime

  1. Speaking of awful Marvel drops, I think we're in for the worst one yet. If anybody wants to fight with me or join me, here's a fun club to enjoy
  2. Anecdotal yes, but on my social media timeline, Strange 2, while full of dissenting opinions, definitely had some supporters around me, especially Raimi fans. I don't see any vouching for Love and Thunder around me, even from the Taika fans I follow. Plus L&T was the first time I ever saw my dad say he disliked a Marvel movie (granted he hasn't seen Eternals yet). And he likes anything with sci-fi or fantasy stuff in it. And even outside of that, Strange 2's RT Verified score is 85%, while L&T is already down to 80%. Posttrak has Strange 2 had four stars, while L&T is 3.5 stars. It's not looking good at all here.
  3. I mean considering how disastrous today's Wednesday number is looking, we're probably only getting like, what, a 41M weekend? That's already a gargantuan 72% drop. By the 10-day, we're likely getting 219M. Following Doctor Strange 2 takes us all the way to 307.6M. Week 3 will also be another gargantuan drop for the film because it'll lose all its PLFs to Nope, and pretty much everything drops like a rock when they lose their PLFs. Plus reception is worse than Strange 2, so even with zero competition, nobody will want to see it or will just wait for it to be on Disney+ on September 9. It's a real "everything goes wrong" situation, sure. But sub-300 really isn't that crazy since there's really nothing going for this movie at the moment.
  4. Stop with this. The verified score is specifically designed for people who bought a ticket for the movie. If you did not buy a ticket, you are not part of the verified score. Do you really think there's this massive group of people who decided to go to an early showing of a movie they hate specifically to destroy its RT score? That's just ridiculous.
  5. BTW, can we also talk about Timothee and how cute and pretty and wonderful and amazing he is? 😍
  6. DC League of Super Pets Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-15 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 42 24 6629 0.23% Total Seats Sold Today: 9 Comp 1.333x of Jungle Cruise T-15 (3.6M) 0.203x of Minions 2 T-15 (2.19M)
  7. Nope Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-8 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 65 452 13040 3.47% Total Seats Sold Today: 32 Comp 0.451x of F9 T-8 (3.2M) 0.902x of Space Jam 2 T-8 (11.82M) 0.811x of Halloween Kills T-8 (3.94M) 0.938x of Scream T-8 (3.28M)
  8. Where the Crawdads Sing Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-1 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 45 329 5287 6.22% Total Seats Sold Today: 69 Comp 1.567x of Dear Evan Hansen T-1 (1.25M) 1.246x of West Side Story T-1 (997K) 1.256x of Death on the Nile T-1 (1.38M) 3.133x of Marry Me T-1 (1.64M) 1.462x of Dog T-1 (1.84M) 0.425x of The Lost City T-1 (1.38M) 0.572x of Downton Abbey 2 T-1 (1.09M) 0.446x of Elvis T-1 (1.56M) Full disclosure, I forgot about the Early Access shows today, so this is an incomplete picture. But for some of these other comps, I missed an Early Access day for them too, so I guess it's fair. This stuff really is obnoxious these days.
  9. Paws of Fury: The Legend of Hank Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-1 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 48 69 5482 1.26% Total Seats Sold Today: 31 Comp 0.256x of Boss Baby 2 T-1 (336K) 0.220x of Jungle Cruise T-1 (595K) 0.657x of Addams Family 2 T-1 (361K) 2.379x of Ron's Gone Wrong T-1 (571K) 0.223x of Encanto T-1 (335K) 0.454x of The Bad Guys T-1 (522K)
  10. IIRC EC and Clay were talking about how Disney+ hurt Lightyear and how parents like streaming way more than theaters for kids, because of how tricky it is to get kids into the movies (speaking as a former bratty child, that is very true lol) and EC said he knew the feeling because he has a kid. Not really that out of context really.
  11. Disney never said they would replace the dwarfs. Their statement was they would take "different approaches" to those characters and consulted with people in the dwarfism community. They do this for almost all their movies that take place in non-American cultures. This basically meant the dwarfs would still be in the movie but more "modernized" and "not as stereotypical". Whether they will actually stick the landing or not is still unclear of course (probably not)
  12. You hover over a person's avatar, resulting in a drop-down menu. At the bottom is a series of blue buttons, one of which says "Ignore". After that, you are in the Ignore page and you can ignore whoever you please. Hope this clears everything up for you
  13. This bothers me because like I know that they're using the initial release, but like...this isn't true? Doesn't matter because it will go past Titanic anyways, but it's not true!
  14. I'm finally at a computer, so now I get to respond to all the remarks here from last night. 1. Just letting people know that while the staff was unanimous on the final decision, I did not decide on EC's suspension, I did not decide the two months, I did not decide his removal of his purple status. If there's somebody you should be yelling at in terms of what was given to EC at the end of the day, it was Cap. She's the chief admin, she's the one who makes the heavy decisions, and so on. (As an aside, don't yell at Cap. And if you feel you really want to argue with her, do it through PM). 2. Having access to early numbers and being pro-theaters does not give you a free pass to treat people however you want. When you reach 10 warning points, you're gone. Doesn't matter if you're a newbie or a veteran who has been around since Day 1. While there are definitely some who we can be harsher to than others, you're still expected to be courteous and respectful towards other users, even if you disagree with them or even dislike them. EmpireCity has not done that. And it isn't because of his personal opinions. This is something we never, ever do for obvious reasons. Rather, the problem with him is his condescending attitude, threats of violence against others, and consistent attacks towards the staff. Re-read that post that got him banned and you can see he was mocking those young people who apparently have everything handed to them on a silver platter. That condescension was unnecessary and cruel and doesn't deserve to be on this forum. And while a lot of users were fine with EC, there were just as many, I'd argue more, who were frustrated and angry over his behavior. That he was allowed to get away with murder because he got to tell us a few hours in advance what Top Gun 2's Wednesday numbers were looking like. Whether we like it or not, these are against the rules, and if a long-time vet like Blankments or MrPink was doing the exact same thing and racked up 10 points, we would have suspended them no problem. If you can't respect the rules, then you don't deserve to post here. You could have the meaning of life embedded into your brain, but if you can't play nice, you're gone. 3. Speaking of "harsher than others", we're frankly too nice to EmpireCity. After we suspended him last year, the staff now decided, because people loved the guy and his information, that only Cap could deliver warning points to him. We don't do this to any other user here. There was so much support for him to return, which is why we had to remove his prior suspension. We have never, ever done this to anybody before. And it was a tough break for all of us, because we knew that people would be upset no matter what side we took. But since he got to 10 points, and we knew tons of users who were angry and frustrated with EC getting away with this behavior, he had to go. So to everybody who is saying we were being unfair and were out to get him, we were frankly being a lot nicer than usual because of his access. We'll see if we will continue this or not. 4. @baumer don't you worry, you are not getting banned, and so long as you don't break any rules, you're staying here forever. And we hope you stay here, because you're a legend here on the forum. As an aside, @SchumacherFTW, your harassment towards Baumer was absolutely disgusting and unnecessary. Please follow the rules, or you will end up with 10 points soon enough. 5. It's only two months. It may seem like an eternity, but I can assure you that two months will fly by, especially considering we have suspended users for three months, six months, 9 months, even an entire year. This is light work. All I ask is some patience and everything will fly by. 6. I know that the staff is a lot harsher over the past couple of years, and I know that this isn't to everybody's liking. In fact, while I will not speak for everybody, I have tried to be a lot more forgiving on other people and their posts. However, being harsher was a necessity. The forum has always had issues when it came to flame wars, trolls, and fanboys unable to handle criticism over their favorite movies and franchises. And while I understand that people think they add spice and excitement to the forums, there was way too much spice by 2018. The Last Jedi caused way too many flame wars, fanboy and political, to the point that the forum became unreadable for a good part of early 2018. Users like Lordmandeep and Futurist used this Star Wars movie for their own agendas and were the nastiest they have ever been, which is saying quite a lot. All of this over a dumb kids movie. This continued with Marvel vs. DC fights that got ugly since Day 1, and frankly got worse over the years. If you said you liked BvS or Civil War, you were instantly judged. If you said anything bad about Wonder Woman, you were lynched by DC fans as a hater who was out to get Gal Gadot or whatever. If you said Infinity War was a bad movie, you were lynched by Marvel fans for not understanding how smart Feige's plan was. That's still a thing today, but it was at its worst from 2016-2019. Heaven forbid people say anything bad about these dumb kids movies made by people richer than we will ever be. This led to a mass exodus of users around 2018. People like Tele, TOG, Chewy, Ethan Hunt, Jandrew, and CJohn disappeared from the forum all together, vets like WrathofHan and Blankments barely ever posted, and so on. Fall of 2018 was frankly pretty darn quiet, and it's easy to understand why. Yes this stuff was always on the forums, but it was clear people were sick of it, especially since social media made this far more prominent and even led to folks like Kellie Marie Tran getting bullied. People's tolerance were done, and around Christmas 2018, everybody was airing their grievances on how terrible the forum has become. So frankly, if things were still the same, there would be way less users. People would have been fed up and left this place ages ago. And since 2022, many users who were supposedly gone forever returned and are fairly active in posting. Sure you can argue it's because Top Gun 2's a phenomenon and a lot of other interesting box office stories this summer, but I don't think they would have returned if we were as lax as things used to be. Things change all the time, and you have to adapt. And being a lot stricter as mods is something we had to adapt to. Maybe things will be different in the future, but this is what seems to be working at the moment. 7. If this is still not enough to convince some people here, that is fine. And if you still dislike what this forum has become, that's more than fine. But if I can ask something that I have asked many times...if you don't like what this site has become, why are you here? I know that this is the premier destination for box office discussion. I know people here have a long history here and strong friendships with certain users. I know that World of KJ and r/boxoffice isn't everybody's cup of tea. But we don't live in a world where BOT is the only place people can talk about the box office. Every movie forum I have ever been on has a box office thread at the very least, with users who are passionate and knowledgeable at the box office. There's already tons of specialized forums dedicated to certain franchises and genres for you to go into that is full of insights and box office talk. Everybody has a Twitter account, and I see journalists talking about the box office through tweets. Discord communities are easy to make just for box office talk. You can still hang out with all the BOT friends you have made through these different platforms. And if all else fails, and you don't like any of these options, you can make your own website where you are in control. I know that the costs are expensive, but it's not that expensive to pay for a GoDaddy domain or even just making a Wordpress page. I know that people still think this is wrong and unfair, but sometimes it's needed to make this perspective. Anyways, we've gone off-topic long enough. I know everybody has hot takes and want to argue with the staff over this and find it unfair, but this is a weekdays thread, so I think we need to focus on the weekday numbers. So if people still want to argue with me or Cap or ZeeSoh or Shawn or WB or anybody else, just talk with us through PMs. EmpireCity will be back on September 11, and we have no plans to get him back earlier, so it's time for us all to move on and focus on what this forum is all about.
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