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Eric Quinn

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Everything posted by Eric Quinn

  1. I've been around the block long enough to know who are new posters who want to learn and don't know any better, and others who seem to exist just to troll. And this G Doss fellow seems very much the latter. Almost all of their posts consist of "grr Disney bad" rhetoric, crying how every Disney movie is an epic bomb int he making, all designed to get people here in a tizzy and angry. We've gotten that quite a bit for the past few years and we don't need this crap here anymore. The choice quote from their first post that got them their first warning ever. They also tried to accuse a user for lying when they said a showing for Little Mermaid they were going to was sold out. That is asking to start a fight, because why would anybody lie about that? Simply put, there is nothing that indicates to me this G Doss fellow is interested in the box office world and really just wants to be a troll. Maybe they will change their tune when they are back from their suspension, but we can only hope.
  2. Moderation I didn't want to have to do this, but you left me with no choice. @G Doss has been suspended for two weeks for reaching 10 warning points and directly disobeying moderation orders. As an aside to everybody else, when a staff member asks you to stop something, you stop. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.
  3. Moderation @G Doss if you continue this nonsensical trolling, you will get warning points. And since you are at nine out of 10 already, that means you are suspended for two weeks. This is your last chance.
  4. Denzel's winning too! Can't forget him. Just quietly doing his thing and not bothering anybody. I respect that.
  5. I mean...I wish I could see what you guys see with Wahlberg. I think the only roles I've liked him in were Pain and Gain and Ted.
  6. Isn't the budget inflated because it was supposed to go to streaming first? I think that was why Air cost 70M even though it's mainly just people talking in an office.
  7. Boogie Nights would probably be my favorite if they got literally anybody else to play the lead except Mark Wahlberg. And this isn't just me saying it because of him committing hate crimes. He's just an abysmal charisma vaccuum of an actor, even in good movies. It's hilarious when you see him surrounded by all these acting legends in The Departed and he's just being his usual boring, stiff self.
  8. Speaking of Sony sequels, I was going to bring this up earlier when the movies were mentioned, I've thought recently about how COVID really killed all the momentum and development time for Jumanji 3. Because if we didn't have COVID, we would have gotten that as Sony's 2021 or 2022 holiday season release. But because COVID caused a huge logjam for Dwayne and his 43 million productions in development, they kept getting pushed back because he had to film Red Notice, and Black Adam, and that Amazon Christmas movie first. And now that he's getting his Fast and Furious spin-off and Moana remake fast-tracked, we're probably not getting another Jumanji movie until like 3 or 4 years from now. And by that point, it will be like Night at the Museum 3 where nobody will care anymore. I dunno. Just find that kind of stuff interesting to think about.
  9. The problem isn't that the first Uncharted bombed. The problem is that the first Uncharted was terrible. It would be like if they made a sequel to Last Airbender. Just because people saw the first movie doesn't mean they would see another one. And Sony knows that.
  10. Don't know if this is a hot take or not, but I will always say Magnolia is PTA's best movie. It's both tight and loose and messy and deliberate all at once and it's easily the most fascinating world he has ever concieved. It's a rare case where the film school nature of it gives it a ton of charm.
  11. Holland Spider-Man is so frustrating, because everything about his performance and personality in a vaccuum is what I want out of Spider-Man and I feel the other guys didn't capture (though Garfield acting circles around the other two in NWH was hilarious), but then they got rid of the working class/"hero and regular guy" balancing act stuff that always made him so endearing as a character and it kind of ruins everything? Having him be Iron Man's apprentice arguably helped make his character stand out from the other versions, but it's just a pet peeve I can't really get behind...and also Jon Watts sucks. This is why Spider-Verse is the perfect package. Captures that working class energy, while also having great performances and great writing and great direction. Really, why do we need all these other movies at this point? (This is rhetorical, don't answer this lol)
  12. I love that he has a wolf fursona as a stand-in during his pick-up artist meetings. PTA lowkey predicted Nazi furs and it's kind of hilarious.
  13. Not really a huge fan of him, but it will always annoy me how he and his agents keep forcing him into action movies and thrillers and dark, twisted stuff when he clearly has major theater kid energy and would do well in lighter material. Like he was a contender for Wonka and he would probably do solid in the part.
  14. It legit looks like a Nick Jr. show put onto the big screen. I did get a laugh when this played in front of my screening for Little Mermaid though and they had that "people love mermaids because people are stupid" line. I have to imagine that was intentional on the marketing team's part.
  15. This included rewatches, so he probably watched a good number of movies he really liked again.
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