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Eric Quinn

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Everything posted by Eric Quinn

  1. Take your date to Sonic. Ladies (and guys, if you go the other way) love hedgehogs.
  2. 3,000 locations, just like Northman. I'm assuming Lionsgate/those theater owners felt your location wouldn't sell well? I dunno!
  3. Doctor Strange 2 Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-19 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 234 8816 45297 19.46% Total Seats Sold Today: 120 Comp 2.090x of The Batman T-19 (45.13M)
  4. Anecdotal, but a bunch of my co-workers are scheduling us to watch this after work the Tuesday after release. And most of the people going either don't see movies or only go out for the big stuff. I know people loved complaining about the ad campaign here, but I think it was effective enough if it got a fair share of the normies.
  5. Doctor Strange 2 Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-20 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 234 8696 45297 19.20% Total Seats Sold Today: 166 Comp 2.175x of The Batman T-20 (46.98M)
  6. I think the only movie I ever watched in 3D (outside of the Hannah Montana and Jonas Brothers concert movies, but those lowkey don't count) was The Force Awakens, and that was because I wanted to see the very first showing of the movie, because I thought I would be a part of history (I was a very silly 18 year old). Don't remember the effects being that impressive outside of a few shots here and there. The funniest thing though is that there's an absurdly high amount of 3D shows for Doctor Strange 2, and I'm 99% sure it was because James Cameron demanded it get all the 3D shows to showcase his Avatar 2 trailer. It's sometimes hard to remember he has more power than Papa Feige will ever have.
  7. Wait…that’s what the scene was about? I knew there was something about a baby with Zoe Kravitz’ character, but I didn’t remember that was what happened
  8. Don't think it's as bad as people are making it out to be. Most of it is really boring and forgettable tbh. The only thing that really grinded my gears was how the film ruined my favorite aspect of the last film. There was a romance between Dan Fogler's character with a bombshell wizard character that was really cute and charming and wholesome, but then the sequel revealed that she basically brainwashed and roofied Dan Fogler into having a relationship with her, which is just...ugh.
  9. Moderation Also of note, please do not feed the troll. El Gato was doing the same thing last month when The Batman came out, and we're not doing this stuff again.
  10. Moderation @Noctis has been threadbanned for their "American critics are jumping on the bandwagon" posts. This falls against what the opening post has laid out as something we will not allow, even if Noctis claims that it isn't conspiratorial.
  11. I mean if you think a mid-80s RT Aud. score and a future B Cinemascore is "well-received", then okay. I'm also not sure why you're all "let's wait until the weekend is over before we say anything". We're a weekend thread. That's what we do. We predict based off historical evidence what will happen and discuss it. Sure, we might be wrong, but then what else are we going to talk about? Cool. George Lucas was also set to own Star Wars forever. Warner will find a way to improve their bottom line and get rid of people they find toxic. Garbage capitalism always wins. And regardless on what we feel about the Sequel Trilogy and what they could have grossed, they all made a billion dollars. Mandalorian made billions off Baby Yoda merch. Those other Star Wars shows will make big bucks too. And I'm sure when the movies come back, they'll make tons of money too. And at the end of the day, studios don't give a damn about how high-quality or interesting a film can be, but how much money they can make. And if they think they'll make more if Rowling is away from the project, then that's that. Sorry, but that's the truth.
  12. I can already predict the next 10 years: First, we'll probably get Fantastic Beasts 4 and 5 jumbled up into a 6-episode HBO Max miniseries. It will be overlong and feature janky pacing, but that's just how miniseries roll these days. After that, JK Rowling basically gets yeeted out from Heyman/Warner from all future Potter projects. They'll probably try to find a way to cut out Joanne entirely to rinse their hands of the whole thing, though they'll probably still be forced her in an executive producer role and make sure they alert the press and let them know she has zero creative input on this stuff. After that we get some random HBO Max spin-off about Hogwarts founders or Hagrid or whoever that will last like 3 or 4 seasons. Then in the 2030s, when the nostalgia cycle is just right, we finally get that legacyquel with the whole cast doing their thing. We all think it's stupid, yes, but we all know it will make big bucks. It becomes a ludicrously successful trilogy, some HBO Max show will tie into these movies like what Disney+ is doing, the last movie will set up a bunch of other shows, and we'll get a really fun press tour over all these projects, with everybody ensuring Rowling doesn't actually have her fingerprints on any of this crap. I'm like Nostradamus. Ericstradamus!
  13. America doesn't care about theaters anymore. It's all about that home viewing/streaming now. Welcome to the future. (Before anybody comes after me, yes there will be plenty more theatrical hits. No theaters aren't dead. Yes I am slightly exaggerating. Please don't give me a lecture about this)
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