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Eric the Clown

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Everything posted by Eric the Clown

  1. Is it? I just put Aladdin and FFH in BOM's adjusting machine, and that translated to about 75M for the both of them.
  2. Looking Glass is still one of the funniest box office grosses ever. Its final gross was lower than the first film's first two days. It took a whole week for Looking Glass to go over the first film's opening day. Mia Wasikazoo is a legend
  3. It's actually a guy named mredman lol. He got banned ages ago, but he's still around for some reason
  4. @Kenny Your Winona-ing confuses me. First you give it to me for saying 90M is the likely number here, then you're giving it to filmlover for saying the film will be more backloaded, therefore giving this film a chance at 100M. So you're wtfing over me saying it will be more frontloaded than the first movie, but you're also wtfing over someone else saying it will be more backloaded than the first movie. At least try to be consistent dude.
  5. I have no idea what this is, but that sounds like the greatest movie ever made.
  6. I get people are busy and all, but I don't think the runtime will be that big of a deal to people, especially since, at least in my area, there are plenty of showtimes for people to choose from.
  7. Not a bad start so far. When Hobbs & Shaw got its early report, it was at about 4.5-5M, then exploded to 5.8M in the morning, due to the West Coast overindexing due to Hispanic demographics. Horror movies are huge with that demo, so we should see an increase, though probably not as big tomorrow
  8. Alright, might as well make things official official. For Top 30 (or 25, but probably 30) of 2010, the process will go as follows: Submissions and FYC goes from May 7, 2020 (day Iron Man 2 came out) and ends on June 18, 2020 (day Toy Story 3 came out). Don't know when exactly I will start the countdown, but I plan on ending it on July 16 (day Inception, what will probably be #1, came out), so expect it to start a couple days beforehand.
  9. @captainwondyful I know you have the eligible list up, but what about movies like Walk the Line or Bohemian Rhapsody? They may not technically be musicals in the sense of certain other films, or even other biopics like Rocketman, but those movies still feature multiple scenes of music and singing and dancing on stage. Do they count?
  10. X-post from tracking thread. Things seem okay for Thursday, but we'll see if it'll cross 100M in the end.
  11. Final It: Chapter Two Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 155 3,464 27,722 12.50% Total Showings Added Today: 5 Total Seats Added Today: 921 Total Seats Sold Today: 1,075 Comp 8.074x of Crawl on Preview Night (8.07M) 1.821x of Once Upon on Preview Night (10.56M) 5.321x of Scary Stories on Preview Night (12.4M) 4.934x of Good Boys on Preview Night (10.36M) Adjusted Comp 0.360x of The Lion King on Preview Night (8.27M) 1.707x of Hobbs & Shaw on Preview Night (9.9M) This was a great final day. Two out of the three prior comps increased, and adding in some new ones that were previously lolcomps, they still point to a preview in the double digits. Admittedly, Hobbs & Shaw declining quite a bit does have me a tad cautious, but it's only barely below 10M, and everyone else's comps point to way better results, so I'm still optimistic in this hitting at least 10M.
  12. - POST RESERVED FOR THE NEW NUMBERS THAT WILL SHOW UP OVER THE WEEKEND - Domestic 10.5M Previews 37.4M OD 33.6M Saturday 20.1M Sunday 91M OW (2nd best horror and September OW) Overseas Argentina: 1.4M Australia: 4.4M Brazil: 4.6M Germany: 7.1M Indonesia: 1.7M Italy: 5.5M Korea: 1.25M Mexico: 10.2M Russia: 8.8M South Korea: 3.2M Spain: 3.2M UK: 9.4M Overall: 94M Worldwide 185M WW Debut
  13. YOU’LL FLOAT TOO It’s crazy to say this now, but in the current Hollywood landscape, horror has become one of the few genres that still puts butts into seats (and one of the few things the non-Disney studios are actually good at selling to people ). Only a few years ago, horror wasn’t seen as some integral genre to most movie studio. But now, thanks to powerful producers like Jason Blum, Brad Fuller, and James Wan, horror has become more and more popular with the masses, resulting in several event movies and brand new franchises and even cinematic universes created. And while these aforementioned figures have done great things in the past few years, the true horror master of this decade, at least when it comes to the box office, is Andy Muschetti and the almighty Stephen King, with 2017’s It. To this day, It’s $123.4M opening is still astonishing, because on paper, this had no reason to open as high as it did. Horror isn’t a 4-quad genre. Its R rating would force a good chunk of the audience out. There aren’t any big names to pull people in. Its early September release date is a dead zone. But through a brilliant marketing campaign, fantastic reviews, potent nostalgia, and an iconic story and monster, It managed to exceed all expectations, delivering a monster gross of over $700M worldwide, going above and beyond the call of duty. It showed that not only was horror popular with general audiences, but it was here to stay and ready to play with some of the big boys. And sure enough, this led to a renaissance of horror success, resulting in future blockbuster hits like A Quiet Place, The Nun, Halloween, and Us, just to name a few. But of course, none of them could topple the almighty clown. But the one thing that horror buffs all over the world have been dying to see was the big follow-up to the clown movie they know and love. After all, we still don’t know what happened to the kids in Derry when they got older (well okay, people who have read the book know what happen, but...who the hell actually reads books?). And now, Muschetti promises to give people these answers with the release of It: Chapter Two. With a new cast and new scares, but still that ever familiar Pennywise, people are beyond excited to see the conclusion to the epic horror story up on the big screen. Box office nerds are also excited that another studio that isn’t Disney actually make massive blockbuster money, and for this to kick off the fall and holiday movie season. Because once this drops, we’ll also get to see in the coming months Brad Pitt in space, the Crawley family, another scary clown, two Will Smiths, a classic Disney villain, some Terminators, redrum, an icy princess, a whodunnit mystery, Danny DeVito in The Rock’s body, a galaxy far, far away, and the beautiful and glorious return of Mister Timothee Chalamet. However, the one and final question is this: How big will It: Chapter Two be? Can the film float to new heights us box office enthusiasts have never seen before? Or could Mickey’s Law end up even hurting dear ol’ Pennywise, and lead to something real ugly? Or perhaps, and this is probably the most likely scenario, will it just be a strong, but nothing incredible grosser? As always, only time will tell. But before we get to the horror event of the season, here are the rules you need to follow. 1. ABSOLUTELY NO SPOILERS. NOT EVEN SPOILERS POSTED UNDER SPOILER TAGS. This rule is applied to all weekend threads, but it's especially true for this weekend. It: Chapter Two is one of the most anticipated movies of the last two years, and despite being based on a popular book, there are many who haven’t read the book, and there will definitely be new elements in the story people likely won’t want spoiled, so try to be courteous. You are free to give general opinions, but try to avoid going into any further detail. This applies to every other movie in theaters. So no Overcomer spoilers, no Hobbs & Shaw spoilers, no Angel Has Fallen spoilers, etc. If you do spoil something here, you will be banned. No exceptions. Don't be a dick. If you want to go into more detail, visit the Review That Movie thread right here! (thread coming soon) 2. KEEP YOUR AGENDA OUT OF HERE. We get it. Disney is the epitome of evil, are destroying cinema, and Bob Iger/Alan Horn/Kathleen Kennedy is the spawn of Satan. The Rise of Skywalker is gonna bomb because Ruin Johnson destroyed the franchise. James Cameron is the true box office king. Yadda yadda yadda. There's a time and place for these kinds of statements...actually, there isn't. But at the very least, it doesn't belong here. If you want to start these beefs related to all of these dumb children's movies, take it to the Fanboy Wars thread right here. If you do this kind of stuff here, you will be banned. No exceptions. So to all the people who want to go on about how “IT IS TRASH. DISNEY IS EVIL. STAR WARS IS DEAD.”, don’t even fucking try. Not gonna name names, but you know who you are. Don't be a dick. 3. NO CONSPIRACY THEORIES. It seems like every other week, we have some sort of conspiracy, usually involving critics being bribed or “biased” or out to get a studio or filmmaker or whatever. Yeah, no. We're not gonna have this stuff here. I don't care what evidence you have. These types of posts are going to derail the thread and are basically trolling. We'll allow maybe one or two posts about a potential discrepancy between audiences or critics, or you saying you didn't like the movie or that the crowd you were with weren't into the film, or you arguing there's potential for a bad second weekend drop. But if you start repeating yourself, or said posts are inflammatory, or you start promoting the idea that there's some sort of evil conspiracy going around...you will be banned. No exceptions. Again, not naming names, but you know who you are. Don't be a dick. 4. NO POLITICS. In threads like these, politics sometimes spring up for literally no reason. And straight up, politics just aren’t fun to talk about. So if you’re gonna say something about how It is the reason Trump won, or whatever...no. Don't be a dick. 5. THE REPORT AND IGNORE BUTTONS ARE YOUR FRIENDS. See a post that might be breaking the rules? DO NOT RESPOND TO IT. Just hit the Report button, give an explanation to the problem, including the context, then hit "Submit". The mods will determine the post and see if it's breaking the rules, and give out repercussions. See a poster that's consistently being annoying? Then just highlight their name, then click "Ignore User" on the pop-up. Also check the “Quotes” box just in case. It'll save lives and hopefully cause less of an uproar or infighting. While trolls are already bad, responding to them only makes it worse. So again...Don't be a dick. 6. IS OFF-TOPIC DISCUSSION OKAY? Well...yes and no. We want people to stick to box office numbers as best as they can. However, there are plenty of dead periods of time with no new numbers, and other discussions will surge. This is especially true in the early days of this thread, where there aren’t any numbers to talk about. And those discussions are okay to have, so long as the off topic discussions don't go overboard. So if there's no action, and you want to talk about The Jonas Brothers, or share Cats memes, or discuss the latest episode of America’s Got Talent, that's totally fine. Just remember to not talk about anything controversial and remember that when the numbers come to keep those discussions down to a minimum. Keep on doing that, and it becomes a chore for many who just want to know the numbers. We will have a post immediately after this one that will focus on just the numbers updated to the most recent estimates, but the phrase still applies. Don't. Be. A. Dick. And lastly... 7. DON'T BE A DICK. Threads lately have started to become a little too toxic. Whatever the reason may be, if you're not following any of these rules or are straight up not being nice, you're going to get the banhammer smashed onto you. Doing some concern trolling to a movie? Banned. Revealing that Pennywise kills Dumbledore? Banned. Trying to start arguments on controversial topics? Banned. Just posting something unpleasant or mean? Banned. If you're not sure if your post is nice, think to yourself this: "If I post this, will people get mad?" If so, then don't post it. And if you're unsure if you can handle being nice for one weekend, then, simply put, get out of here. You probably know what I'm gonna say next. TL;DR. No spoilers, no fanboy wars. Keep it nice, keep it neutral, don't attack others, and you'll be fine. If you don't do this stuff, you'll risk a threadban, a suspension, or even a permanent ban, so tread lightly. Outside of that, just have fun! And two last things... First of all, this thread will likely lean into being more domestic-focused. If you want to know about how It: Chapter Two is doing in other countries, look at the International section of the forums right here. The international thread solely dedicated to It: Chapter Two is also available right here. And second.... WE’RE HAVING A SALE...I think. The homie @Water Bottle will likely have Premium Accounts up for sale, seeing as how this is a big weekend and all. If you’re able to, just donating a little bit of money for a Premium Account not only gives you plenty of great perks, but also helps keep these forums and its servers afloat for another year. We have a lot of exciting weekends coming up in the future, and it would be great for those who can to help out this place. And now... WITHOUT FURTHER ADO LET’S DO THIS SHIT
  14. Eh might as well do this. The thing with your argument is that, like you said, it's starting at such a high range. The closest solo movie's OW to BP's OW is Captain Marvel, and that's about a 50M difference. And that's even when you adjust the numbers. And yeah, most solo movies either came out when the MCU was just starting or before IW/Endgame substantially grew the fanbase, but BP still did leaps and bounds above the other movies that it just makes the ceiling that much harder. And even with inflation, the 200M mark is still a tough one to beat. Almost all of the films that made that mark were either Avengers or Star Wars movies. BP and Jurassic World are the two exceptions, and Fallen Kingdom didn't come anywhere close to 200M. And between now and 2022, how many movies will actually hit 200M on OW? Even something like TROS isn't a lock. But I think the one thing that needs to be factored in was the first film's perfect storm of release date and importance. Not only was it the appetizer for Infinity War for MCU fans, but the film basically became a social movement to the point where people who had zero interest in Marvel checked the movie out. My mom had never seen an MCU movie in her life, and has zero interest in superhero stuff, and she still saw Black Panther for those reasons. People loved the movie, and I'm sure some of that periphery audience will come out for the sequel, I don't think it will be as publicized nor as exciting to non-Marvel fans, which will hurt its chances of an OW increase. That's not a bad thing btw. I'm currently predicting about 185M or so for OW, and that would put it above Civil War and would make 500M+ a near cinch.
  15. It Chapter Two Greater Philadelphia Area Seat Report T-1 and Counting Sellouts Showings Seats Sold Total Seats Perct Sold TOTALS 0 150 2,389 26,801 8.91% Total Showings Added Today: 18 Total Seats Added Today: 1,313 Total Seats Sold Today: 480 Comp 1.745x of Once Upon 1 day before release (10.1M) Adjusted Comp 0.323x of The Lion King 1 day before release (7.43M) 2.144x of Hobbs & Shaw 1 day before release (12.44M) Like I said earlier, that's a lot of showtimes. It's actually slightly more than what Lion King finished with (138 showings). Of course, they both have a lot of factors going for them, especially since Lion King was in the heart of summer and It 2...is not. But hey, still plenty of showings for people to look through, though who knows if it's really needed? Anyway on to the numbers....huh. Like yesterday, the raw numbers are okay, but when it comes to growth from yesterday, as well as how it compares to comps, I feel like sales should have done better. Or at least, if we want a breakout, it should have done better. I don't know. The two comps that "fit" with It 2's demos still say over 10M, but the Once Upon one is only barely hanging on to that. But hey, other people's comps point to better results, and maybe things will be better tomorrow?
  16. Results should be up very soon. But I just gotta say...so. many. showtimes! so. much. tracking.
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