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Eric the Clown

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Everything posted by Eric the Clown

  1. Guys, I did not walk out of Endgame (my Dad liked it btw) and want to read 5 pages of critics discussion. Come on guys you’re better than this!
  2. @captainwondyful @TalismanRing we need your input on this.
  3. Reminds me of when I learned my college roommate listens to Ben Shapiro. He was already kind of a weirdo, but that....
  4. Movie/Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Godzilla 1,217 1,187 1,400 1,125 1,098 1,047 1,194 11 days 10 days 9 days 8 days 7 days 6 days 5 days Secret Life of Pets 2 124 121 146 112 87 79 80 18 days 17 days 16 days 15 days 14 days 13 days 12 days Dark Phoenix 392 347 386 287 238 185 253 18 days 17 days 16 days 15 days 14 days 13 days 12 days Spider-Man FFH 416 364 391 237 211 173 149 43 days 42 days 41 days 40 days 39 days 38 days 37 days Godzilla Day 11-5 85% of John Wick 3 (48.5M) 48% of Fallen Kingdom (71.1M) Day 18-5 121% of John Wick 3 (68.9M) (minus days 14-12. Endgame deflation also occurred) 47% of Fallen Kingdom (69.4M) Day 23-5 34% of Fallen Kingdom (50.4M) This didn't see a big bump, but as said before, it is a bit understandable, as this Sunday is basically acting like a second Saturday. And in the end, the fact that it's still close to 70M when using its best genre comp probably means something. And of course, the more comps we have starting tomorrow, the better it is for comparisons. Pets 2 Day 18-12 66% of Grinch (44.8M) 163% of Hotel 3 (71.8M) Day 25-12 65% of Grinch (43.7M) 195% of Hotel 3 (86.1M) This also has an excuse of today being a second Saturday (this also basically applies to all the other movies coming up), and this is still an interesting conundrum. Do we follow Grinch, or Hotel Transylvania? Of course, this isn't really a presales-driven movie, so let's be a touch optimistic here and say Hotel Transylvania. Dark Phoenix Day 15-12 20% of Aquaman (13.8M) 52% of Glass (20.9M) 36% of Venom (29.1M) Day 18-12 25% of Aquaman (17.2M) Day 25-12 50% of Aquaman (34.1M) So I decided to dig through and find some Aquaman and Venom comps, because I thought, "hey, these movies opened lower than the MCU offerings. Maybe these will paint a clearer picture." And....well, it is painting a picture, but not one that I think Disney would like. But hey, it's still a few days away, and maybe the final marketing stretch will turn things around a bit. Far From Home Day 43-37 48% of Captain Marvel (73.2M) That may seem bad, but there are so many differing factors between both FFH and CM, down to release date and even showtimes. Also, it's about a month away, so...who cares?
  5. This is triggering a real fight or flight response for me right about now
  6. I've heard through the grapevine Chalamet was a frontrunner to play Nightcrawler in Apocalypse. If Papa Feige is willing to give him some work in the future, then hey....
  7. Little late to the party, but I think another issue when it came to Booksmart was its rating. Kind of like what happened to Edge of 17 and to a lesser extent Blockers, this was a movie about high schoolers, but a majority of its target audience wasn't allowed to see it without adult supervision. At least Lady Bird marketed itself as being "prestigious" and "Oscar worthy" and Superbad came out at Apatow's peak in popularity. Obviously this movie wouldn't have been "better" quality-wise if it was PG-13, but financially speaking, it would at least
  8. Not yet. It usually takes a few days for Fandango to report that stuff. I'm still waiting for those Rocketman numbers.
  9. Movie/Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Godzilla 1,217 1,187 1,400 1,125 1,098 1,047 11 days 10 days 9 days 8 days 7 days 6 days Secret Life of Pets 2 124 121 146 112 87 79 18 days 17 days 16 days 15 days 14 days 13 days Dark Phoenix 392 347 386 287 238 185 18 days 17 days 16 days 15 days 14 days 13 days Spider-Man FFH 416 364 391 237 211 173 43 days 42 days 41 days 40 days 39 days 38 days Godzilla Last 7 Days (12-6) 101% of John Wick 3 (57.3M) (Day 12 is excluded) 52% of Fallen Kingdom (76.5M) Days 18-6 49% of Fallen Kingdom (72.9M) 145% of John Wick 3 (82.5M) (Days 14-12 are excluded. Endgame deflation also occurred) Day 23-6 34% of Fallen Kingdom (50.1M) So I actually managed to look into the archives and found Fallen Kingdom #s from Fandango. And using that comp, it tells a different story (the 23-6 is mainly because Fallen Kingdom had a higher initial start, and Godzilla didn't get its "official" announcement until two days later). This would be a great opening, though we'll see what happens when it comes to the last few days. Pets 2 Last 7 Days (19-13) 76% of Grinch (51.4M) 175% of Hotel 3 (77.2M) Days 25-13 70% of Grinch (47.3M) 213% of Hotel 3 (93.8M) The Grinch and Hotel comps tell completely different stories, and I don't know which one to believe just yet. Grinch is Illumination, so that seems like the one to follow. But HT3 is a sequel to a franchise that's probably not all that pre-sales driven. Hopefully next week is more clear I was hoping to get numbers for Venom or Aquaman and use them for Dark Phoenix, but I sadly couldn't get around to it. Maybe when I have my whole week update
  10. But for real, I'm actually kinda into the idea of Disney going back to that Genies prequel if Will Smith is attached. If they have a good idea, then bring it on
  11. @WrathOfHan MY DUDE. Friend Like Me was delightfully bonkers and ridiculous, and I loved every second of it. Rest of the movie was actually pretty fun too.
  12. Tangled has one of the lamest Disney soundtracks ever, but you know that when it gets remade in 2032, a whole bunch of weenies are gonna whine and complain if "When Will My Life Begin" isn't on the soundtrack, and go all "ITS NOT THE SAME WITHOUT IT"
  13. Took a bit of a break, but I'm back. Movie/Date Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Pets 2 Early 903 1,004 1,542 2,491 1,934 5 days 4 days 3 days 2 days 1 day Godzilla 1,217 1,187 1,400 1,125 1,098 11 days 10 days 9 days 8 days 7 days Secret Life of Pets 2 124 121 146 112 87 18 days 17 days 16 days 15 days 14 days Dark Phoenix 392 347 386 287 238 18 days 17 days 16 days 15 days 14 days Spider-Man FFH 416 364 391 237 211 43 days 42 days 41 days 40 days 39 days Pets 2 Early Day 7-1 29% of Dragon 3 Early Access (723K) 31% of Shazam Early Access (1M) Day 10-1 20% of Shazam Early Access (661K) 29% of Dragon 3 Early Access (715K) Day 14-1 29% of Dragon 3 Early Access (716K) First off, LOL at Dragon 3 all being 29%. Second, there's no beating around the bush. This is awful for Pets, even if it's just the early Fandango shows. Especially considering you could only get these tickets through Fandango. Pets 2 Regular Day 20-14 75% of Grinch (50.8M) 178% of Hotel 3 (78.5M) Day 25-14 70% of Grinch (47.4M) 220% of Hotel 3 (97M) This is also bad too, but at least it has the excuse of the Fandango shows deflating the regular movie's presales. Day 20-14 12% of Captain Marvel (18.2M) Day 25-14 23% of Captain Marvel (35.1M) So this seems bad, but it's important to recognize CM is kind of on a different level of hype compared to DP, so it's not the best comparison. I'll try to look into the archives of Aquaman and Venom later. I'm also on a bit of a time crunch, so I won't do Godzilla just yet. Just know the past couple of days have been on par with John Wick 3. Do with that what you will. I'll also look into the archives of Fallen Kingdom later
  14. Disney actually has done modern Mickey Mouse shorts...on the Disney Channel that is. But they're also on YouTube. They even did an abridged version of Snow White in one of these shorts.
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