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Posts posted by Cookson

  1. 1 minute ago, Fancyarcher said:


    It is, and it makes me wish they could bring more showa Kaiju monsters to the big screen again. I'd love to see something as random as Dogora the Jellyfish make a return to film.

    The funny thing is Dogora is canon within the anime continuity (not the Dogora movie, just the monster). They released "timeline of events" and Dogora was there.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Xillix said:


    Dragonball: Evolution was a bomb literally everywhere. My point was it was proportionally much less of a bomb in Japan than in NA. Also I've updated the post since you quoted it - Shin Godzilla was a blockbuster but the 2014 Godzilla did MUCH more business in Japan than any actual Japanese Godzilla movie of the 21st century before it. How many other examples of relatively recent Westernized Japanese properties released theatrically in Japan are there? You could look at the J-Horror remake boom of the last decade but most of those outside of The Ring got tiny limited releases in Japan and make for an awful comparison.

    Shin Godzilla won best picture in Japan for 2016!!!!


    Godzilla has new life now. With the Hollywood MonsterVerse, the Anime trilogy and potentially $hin Godzilla 2... It's a good time to be a fan of the character.

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  3. 12 minutes ago, fmpro said:
    Total Lifetime Grosses
    Domestic:  $133,502,238    34.0%
    Foreign:  $258,600,000    66.0%




    Thought OS would have been higher with China's 72 mill. Something seems off

    BOM added Fridays China number and some other territories on Friday(us time) for some reason.


    It's a great number for Kong. Will easily pass 500m WW.

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