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Posts posted by Cookson

  1. 1 minute ago, ThomasNicole said:

    It's funny how some people really seems to believe POTC5 is a failure or something like that.


    For me a movie with + 750m gross with $ 230m budget is a great success.

    Yes. Kong opened up to about the same, and was called a success. Kong ends up doing 565m WW and is called a win. P5 opens to 62m, and is laughed at, but will make that 750m WW easily. Not sure if I understand this logic. For a 5th film, I'm sure Disney is happy...

    • Like 5
  2. The ideal story line I would love to see the Alien franchise go is go ahead and let Ridley finish the story he's wanting to tell with one more film(might have to cut the budget another 10-20m)... Which will have to lead into the first Alien. Then pass a new trilogy to Neill Blokamp that still includes the Prometheus/Covenant/3rd film stories continuity.


    I heard Blokamp wants to rewrite Alien 3 basically, where Alien and Aliens are still part of the timeline, but start over from there. Alien 3 and 4 would serve as a "alternate timeline" I guess.


    The franchise definitely needs a fresh director.. hopefully Fox sees that, and has someone willing to play.

    • Like 2
  3. 12 minutes ago, K1stpierre said:

    I'll post my more in depth review on RTM, but for here I'll say I gave it a 6/10, C rating. It wasn't flat out terrible as it had some good action sequences and some really nice set pieces, but other than that I hated the story. The plot to me was just too over the top, and although I liked some of the characters, they annoyed me more as really they made stupid decision after stupid decision. I can't say I'm dissapointed as I went in with little to expect, so my attitude to it is just blah. 


    I guess what is frustrating about it is just the fact that these movies were suppose to anwser our questions, and yet this movie just made questions and the few "answers" Scott gave us I didn't like.


    Yes... Way too many questions left unanswered. Like...



    how did Walter create the eggs with the facehuggers? How did he know that scenario would create the perfect alien, the Xenomorph? This really annoyed me, because I feel like Ridley really wanted to show how you get the Xenomorph after seeing different ways to get a alien in Prometheus and Covenant...



  4. I enjoyed the film but...



    one of biggest things I feel Ridley Scott is trying to show us is how you get the perfect alien...the Xenomorph. There's been a lot of different ways to get a alien, in Prometheus and Covenant. In Covenant we finally see it, but are we to assume Walter figured out how? How did he know you need a facehugger in the egg? This is where is disconnected and feel like I missed something.

  5. 3 hours ago, NoobSaibot said:

    I'm just worried about muh Godziller.


    It's been pushed back once already. I don't want to wait until 2020 to see Godzilla, King Ghidorah, Rodan, and Mothra on the big screen. But I don't even know if the script for Godzilla: King of the Monsters is even finished. Dougherty has been tight-lipped.

    If a line isn't working while filming, Dougherty could just say "try this instead" instead of writing it down. Honestly I think GKOTM could be one of the safer ones.

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